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  1. Gregory Matthews

    $3,000,000 Grant

    $3,000,000 Grant: Southern Adventist University has been given a $3,000,000 grant to support Hispanic education. See: https://spectrummagazine.org/news/southern-adventist-universitys-plans-for-its-3-million-hispanic-serving-grant/
    2 points
  2. bonnie1962

    Transgender bathroom rights

    We have a few places locally that have single use restrooms. Seems to work fine most of the time. A couple places locally have had unisex, men/women restrooms. Not sure why there needs to be such a problem with this. I am not a big fan of Target but I would be a little more prone to shopping there now after they started getting slapped down pretty good and threatened with boycotts for announcing all patrons and staff could use the bathroom of their choice. It sounds as if all Target stores will have men/women/unisex. I would hope once the unisex bathrooms have been resolved that it have an effect on schools and competitive sports
    2 points
  3. Gregory Matthews

    US Military Service

    SDA Military Service: The following article reports on the experience of an SDA who served in the US military during the early 1940s. In the comment section, I have written a more up to date report on military service and the SDA Chruch. https://adventistreview.org/experiences/testimonies/our-boys-in-the-army/#comment-6478571785
    2 points
  4. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    (N) Isaiah 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
    1 point
  5. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    1 point
  6. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    1 point
  7. Gregory Matthews

    Presidential Mental Health

    I have an academic background in psychology, and I have worked in that area in a clinical setting. From this perspective, I am sometimes asked questions about the mental health of our current candidates for President of the U.S. I must be clear: I do not make a diagnosis outside of a personal interview. Secondly, I believe that a comprehensive examination of each candidate would take about 4-hours to administer. Therefore, I consider any comments about a candidate that do not have that extensive background are limited in their value. The current candidates may have some clinical signs that are of value, but may not have developed the full spectra of signs that would be needed for an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, nothing that I will say in my comments should be understood to be a diagnosis. Rather, my intent in this post is to inform on mental health issues that will be of value to the public. The SAGE Test of Mental health: is a relatively new test that was developed in 2010. It is unique in that it does not require professional administration, and is freely available for use by the general public. It should be noted that it does not diagnose any mental health illness. However, It supplies useful information related the mental health of a person and suggests where further, professional evaluation is needed. Standard administration takes from 20 to 30 minutes. I like to use this test as a starting point in my understanding pf a person. In the following we will look at what those terms generally mean, and how to understand them. Normal Cognitive Decline is a normal process of ageing. All of us decline physically, as well as cognitively as we age. It is a normal process. It is not an illness. It is not a disease. It is simply a part of the cycle of life. Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): is a decline in cognitive function that exceeds the normal ageing process, but has not reached the state of dementia. It may stabilize, It may progress to dementia. It may be amenable to treatment, but it is not likely to be cured. Dementia: is a advanced decline in cognitive function beyond MCI. Treatment may provide some benefit in functional activities. It is not cured. It may (?) require custodial care.
    1 point
  8. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    1 point
  9. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    (N) Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.
    1 point
  10. Gregory Matthews

    US Politics

    U.S. Politics: today often includes discussion related to our borders and immigration. Such reminds me of the four Alien & Sedition acts that were passed by Congress in 1798, and their enforcement which ultimately resulted in damage to the Federalist Party that had proposed those laws. Sometimes we can learn from our history. One suggestion I will suggest is that better legislation springs from proposals that unite people.
    1 point
  11. Gregory Matthews

    Ukiah SDA Hospital

    Ukiah Hospital Honored: The following article reports in the national recognition given to a SDA hospital. https://atoday.org/adventist-health-ukiah-valley-earns-top-marks-for-social-responsibility/
    1 point
  12. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    (N) 1 Corinthians 10:4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.
    1 point
  13. Theophilus

    Stinsonmari's Thoughts

    Can this be explained somewhere else then? I tried to read all of this stuff,and There's a lot here I don't get --like the Ham thing. The children of Ham are not the true Israelites--the descended children of Shem are I thought (Shemites, Semites) .It's(all this information) liked being chased by a snowball.
    1 point
  14. Gregory Matthews

    Jesus in History

    The Historical Jesus: The following article cites 16 different historical sources that are believed to reference Jesus Christ. In some cases the article links to a present-day source ro the reference to Jesus. https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/mind-and-soul/16-sources-other-than-the-bible-that-reference-jesus-christ/ss-BB1oAEOS?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=DCTS&cvid=69b2b3963acd4345b973a0f136322b65&ei=10
    1 point
  15. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    1 point
  16. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    (N) John 1:9 That was the true Light, [Jesus] which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
    1 point
  17. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    1 point
  18. A Belgian court fined Catholic leaders for gender discrimination after denying Veer Dusauchoit entry into a deacon formation program. View the full article
    1 point
  19. Gregory Matthews

    Panda Bears

    Panda Bears: A 3 & 4 year-old couple of Panda bears has been shipped from China to the San Diago Zoo. Prior to their shipment form China, the two were given English language lessons to help them understand what the zoo keepers were saying to them! The first two English terms that they learned were "Good Boy" and "Good Girl."
    1 point
  20. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    (N) Jeremiah 17:10 I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.
    1 point
  21. Gregory Matthews

    Interfaith Relations

    Serfan Hoschele, has written a book on the interfaith relations that the SDA Church has had with other groups. The following link takes you to a review of that book. NOTE: the link also provides some comments on two other books. So, be certain that you are reading the part commenting on the SDA book. https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3336&context=auss
    1 point
  22. The Kansas and Florida rulings challenge the Biden administration's Title IX policies on gender identity inclusion.View the full article
    1 point
  23. Gregory Matthews

    Stinsonmari's Thoughts

    One of the most fundamental mistakes made by beginning students of the Biblical languages is to think that Strong and Young define the words used in the Bible. They do not. What they do, and thy do it well, it to tell us how a Biblical word had been translated in an early, English, translation of the Bible. They do not do such for later translations of the Bible. Biblical words are defined in what is called a lexicon. The Biblical words were words used in the common language of the time in which they were used in the Bible. As such they had common meanings that often extended beyond how they were translated in the Bible. Strong and Young do not give us those meanings. I can understand why Stinsonmarri does not seem to use a lexicon to understand the Biblical words. To use a lexicon, must have a minimal understanding of the original Biblical languages. Absent that, one cannot properly use a lexicon. Stinsonmarri has not demonstrated that she has that minimal understanding of the original Biblical languages. If she has such, I will welcome her sharing it in her posts. Such would be well worth her time.
    1 point
  24. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    (N) Philippians 1:11 [That you]Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.
    1 point
  25. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    1 point
  26. Gregory Matthews

    Reid Williamson

    Reid Williamson is one of 32 people known to have visited every one of the 3,143 counties in the U.S. [Yes, I know that one of the States gives them a different name.] As a young person I set a personal goal of visiting every one of what is now the 50 United States. I kept a record and I achieved that goal. next to his accomplishment, my goal pales.
    1 point
  27. Gregory Matthews

    Hurricane Beryl

    SDA Education of big in Grenada. Relatively recently, the Grenada SDA Comprehensive School (High School in the U.S.) was built by the government of Grenada and turned over to the SDA Chruch. It cost more than 8-million East Caribbean Dollars (about $300,00 U.S.) to construct. I wonder how much damage was recently done by the hurricane.
    1 point
  28. Gregory Matthews

    Olympic Evangelism

    Olympic Evangelism: The following article informs as to an evangelic outreach planned for the coming Olympics. It should be noted that ASI is an independent organization that is not controlled by the SDA Church. https://atoday.org/asi-and-awr-launch-extensive-outreach-campaign-during-paris-olympics-2024/
    1 point
  29. bonnie1962

    Transgender bathroom rights

    My husband did same only his little trip was accidental. He didn't realize it was a unisex bathroom until he saw high heels under the gap between floor and door. He was afraid to come out and expose himself as a man thinking not knowing what the women would do. I think the biggest danger to this is high school, probably to both transgender and the rest of the students as well. I would have to think gays and lesbians would be far more interested in typical facilities than unisex. A gay man that is also a pedophile would not be nearly so noticeable in a mens restrooms as he would in a unisex bathroom. Let there be a restroom/shower/changing facilities. Transgender, straight gay or ?? is then free to use that facility if they prefer.
    1 point
  30. stinsonmarri

    Transgender bathroom rights

    I am being honest; I have not seen any child being attacked by gay people! Pedophiles have used social media for years. Most of these are men who want to mess with young children. So, I would like to prove or some data to show that gay people have gone after children! Younger children on their own have made their claim that they are gay to their parents. My nephew from my older brother was gay. He was the oldest child, but his mother was not married to my brother. I was not fond of the mother and was glad my brother did not marry her. She was not very friendly. To find out she was gay. I felt she just used my brother to have a child. Sadly, both of them are deceased. My brother never disowned his son. Both my niece and nephew love him as their brother. He did not come around much because of his lifestyle, and none of us, including my mother, showed him love and accepted him as her grandson! It was he who acted indifferent. His mother made him that, I feel. He died of Aids, and she died of Cancer later on. I am sad because of their choice. They never wanted to hear the truth and accept what we wanted to give. That is my point, and that is love!
    1 point
  31. Gregory Matthews

    The President & Immunity

    The decision of the Supreme Court on Presidential Immunity is of critical importance. If you would like to read the actual 119 page ruling, you may access it at: https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2024/07/scotus_immunity-7-1.pdf
    1 point
  32. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    1 point
  33. Gregory Matthews

    Native American Population

    Native American Population: " By, 1500, Native Americans may have numbered as many as 15 million in North America and spoke some 300 different languages. Some native cultures, such as the Aztecs in Mexico and Incas in South America, were socially stratified and highly developed civilizations." Allen C. Guezlo, writing in The History of the United States, 2nd Edition, Page 5.
    1 point
  34. On the Fourth of July, Americans come together to celebrate the birth of a nation founded on the principles of liberty and justice for all. Among the cherished freedoms enshrined in the American ethos, religious freedom stands out as a cornerstone of the nation's identity. View the full article
    1 point
  35. stinsonmarri

    Transgender bathroom rights

    I am talking about one separate bathroom, so anyone can use it. I just called Unisex because many any sex. That is what I have been saying and agreeing with you from the beginning. All this other nonsense should be left off. None of us should judge anyone or make a big scene about their lifestyle. We all know who they are and what they do. What we should do is show them love like YAHSHUA showed love for Mary, Judah his disciple and the blind man HE healed! We are even supposed to love our enemies the Bible said. That is very hard to sometime, but I am going to do it. That all I am saying. I just you to know I agree with you! Blessings!
    1 point
  36. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    1 point
  37. stinsonmarri

    Transgender bathroom rights

    That, my friend, is your choice!
    1 point
  38. stinsonmarri

    Transgender bathroom rights

    You see, that's the problem. No one is shoveling anything down your throat. You are doing the shoveling. You feel you can say anything you like, even if you are shown it is unnecessary. You think that everyone is picking on you when it is just the opposite, your way or the highway. Well, that is not how people who claim to love THE MOST HIGH are supposed to act. YOUR WAY OR THE HIGHWAY! Bonnie, you do not take the time to hear how you sound. You do not hear how the words you say are full of hatred because they do unholy sexual acts and claim to be of the opposite sex. We all know that! THE CREATOR allowed sin to take its course. HE IS THE CREATOR, and not any of us! He provided a choice, and we must accept it; you do not have the power to save; HE DOES! So, I am saying it is not about you but YAHSHUA, who died to save the world. You have not, and I will be frank with you: if you keep acting the way you are, you will not make it being so disgusting about something you cannot change! THE HOLY SPIRIT can if they and you will allow HIM! THE HOLY SPIRIT, give a look at the heart of all of us, and you will find many will be saved, and your attitude will cause you to lose out. I know THE HOLY SPIRIT is working out the bathroom situation to get the gay peace and hopefully some church people peace. IT is all about allowing HIM so that we can finish this work. Peace, humbleness, and love comes to us by THE HOLY SPIRIT. That is what I choose. My prayer is that you would choose also! Blessings!
    1 point
  39. Gregory Matthews

    SDA Church Robbed

    SDA Church Robbed: The following article reports on a thief who robbed a SDA church. https://adventistreview.org/news/a-stolen-bible-raises-a-church/
    1 point
  40. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    1 point
  41. stinsonmarri

    Transgender bathroom rights

    The problem with people who feel that gay or transgender people are so awful is that they do not understand nor try to understand the meaning of love. Love the person, hate the sin. States that have made sound so much like hating black people that different fountains were made. Self-righteousness is a sin, and it has covered lies on Kanaan. Noah was drunk, but certain people felt that was ok, and a young child was accused of touching his grandfather. The Paleo Hebrew word states he was a child. Then here comes the big lie accusing his father, when the Bible said clearly he saw his father's nakedness and turned and called his brothers. Where were they? They were standing outside the tent! So, now certain people can label all blacks should be enslaved. Noah sinned and cursed a young child, and certain people could not see the truth for lack of understanding. That day, Noah lost his grace. And feeling disgusted because of a choice, yes, a choice gay people made gives anyone to act repulsive. We are NOT THE CREATOR; YAHSHUA IS! I have not seen them participate in their act in a gym with other children. None is taking up for their sin; it is thinking that one person is better than the other. Sodom and Gomorrah knew YAHWEH, and the Bible proves it. The king of Sodom was standing right next to Melchizedek, the black, Kanaanite King-Priest of Ursalim. Abraham praised along with Melchizedek YAHWEH EL SHADDAI and then returned the tithe that the king of Sodom had stopped giving. It was from the king's loot Abraham gave Melchizedek the tithe. The point is that YAHWEH would have saved all the wicked people if ten were righteous in the city. Then take Lot, his wife was a Sodomite, and YAHWEH spared them. What did his oldest daughter do? She talked her sister into having sex with their father. That is incest! Ruth was a Moabite, and Tamar was the daughter-in-law of Judah. Both of his sons, YAHWEH destroyed. Judah blamed Tamar; traditionally, his third son was supposed to marry her. When he became the right age, Judah went back to what he Tamar. She dressed as a whore in a city where he brought his sheep. This city did not have any whores. Judah gave her his ring, bracelet, and staff. He did not have the funds to pay or know who she was! They had sex, and she became pregnant and had twins. He did send his servant to pay the whore, but they said they had no whore. When Tamar started showing, the first thing Judah wanted to do was to have her stoned! He confronted her, and she gave him his collateral. He admitted that Tamar was more honorable than him. One of this Kanaanite woman's sons, Pharez, is the lineage of YAHSHUA. Tamar and Judah never had another relationship. Pharez's descendant, Salmon, married Rahab, the whore, and they had Boaz, who married Ruth, who is from the incestual Moabite people! Their son was Obed, who had Jessie, and he had David. David killed Uriah for sinning with Bathsheba. The baby did not live, but Bathsheba, a Kanaanite, had Solomon! Only these four Kanaanite women are mentioned in Matt Chapter One! This proves that Noah could not curse anyone and had no right. He knew that the birthright was given to Kanaan instead of Kush! Just look at the sinful line of YAHSHUA! Gay people lived in Sodom! Black people came through the line of YAHSHUA! THE HEAVENLY FATHER is no respect of people, be they gay, transgender, committing oral sex, whore, liar. Peace breaker or whoever! Love the person, hate the sin. Many gay people will be saved and accept the truth, just like all other sinners will have that opportunity. Finally, what I see today is people who are members of churches and have shown more hatred of others, just like Matthew Chapter Twenty-Fours said! "The love of many will wax cold." It is trying to be above THE MOST HIGH, HIS SON, and THE HOLY SPIRIT. The Hebrews called IsraEL, which means to overcome! YAHWEH warned them that HE first gave them blessings if they would keep HIS Covenant. They didn't, were cursed in Deut Chapter Twenty-Eight, and were totally destroyed. They do not exist anymore! Japheth is dwelling in Shem's tent! (Gen 9:27) These are the Jews who accepted the Pharisee's belief over YAHSHUA, THE MESSIAH'S TRUTH. It is called the Rabbinical Judaic belief. Their belief in the Mishina, the Talmud, more than the Torah! So, I will stand and speak out and stop hating people because of what they do or how they act. YAHWEH is the JUDGE, and be careful; you can be judged, the Bible said!
    1 point
  42. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    (N) Psalm 111:9 He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his name.
    1 point
  43. stinsonmarri

    Transgender bathroom rights

    When I was a little girl, I knew a woman who was a twin. She was about to get married, and she started looking different. Her face changed, and she developed a slight beard. I learned she was in the hospital. My mother, who was close to her, explained it to me. She was supposed to be a boy, but the female hormones overtook the male. Now, the male hormone was coming on strong. The doctor told her that she had to make a choice, to either be a male or stay a female. She chose to stay a female despite the challenges she would face. She would not be able to bear children. The man she was about to marry left her. But she found happiness. She got married to a wonderful, spiritual-minded man. They adopted children, and she lived a full life, passing away at a good old age, surrounded by her loving family. That was in Connecticut, where I grew up! Then, I met a female when I returned to Georgia, my birthplace. She looked like a woman, but she had two sex organs. Sometimes, she wanted a woman, but mostly a man. The reason I know is I was in a place of sin, and they took her back into a room, and men were paying to see her genitals. I felt so sorry for her, and she had to take medicine, but she died early. I could not understand the awful things these two ladies went through for a long time! Then the HOLY SPIRIT gave me this Scripture: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I YAHWEH thy ELOHIYM am a *zealous EL, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; (Ex 20:5 WOY) *Now I look up the Paleo-Hebrew word to its root, and it is Zealous, and Strong tried to make this word to be bad to become jealous. YAHWEH is not jealous of who Satan! Satan is jealous of THE MOST HIGH, Isa 14:12-14 and Eze 28:14 prove who covet and killed HIS CREATOR, YAHSHUA, THE SON OF ELOHIYM! Zealous is a strong passion. Check it out for yourself! Iniquity is sin and falls on the third and fourth generations of people with sinful desires. If Satan can mess up certain plants, he has the power to offset people's hormones and things we cannot explain. I do not feel the same about homosexuals who choose, just like a prostitute, murderers, or people committing the same sexual acts that homosexuals do but with their heterosexual spouses: liars, haters, backbiters, gossipers, and so many more. I am not the judge YAHWEH IS, and I have helped many gay people, and they knew where I stood. They respected me, and I them. Transgender are not gay people. Their bodies are messed up, and many have a lot of complications. I do not see that a bathroom is where predators go and rape people or children! Most predators are heterosexual men and women who commit these awful acts. Why do we always blame everything on gay people? Anyone without sin casts the first stone. I pray for them like someone prayed for me. My mother and I had never been gay, but I did other things that were wrong out in the streets. Sin is sin, and we need to treat sinners like YAHSHUA did. He told Mary not to sin anymore, and HE made her feel decent. Change does not come overnight. I would worry about my daughter, but I would watch her friends and the people she socializes with. These social media on the phone are outrageous, bullying, and more, causing young people to kill themselves. Sexual predators are on the phone, and we should not let them be own late at night or at dinner. Limit their time. Bathrooms are for people to use to excrete their fluid and waste. I prefer an unisex bathroom because you do not have a whole lot of people in there; I want privacy. More companies are making it that way so one person at a time can use it. They are making several of them now in restaurants and other places. Happy Sabbath!
    1 point
  44. Gregory Matthews

    The Old Woman Dances

    The old woman and the gunslinger An old woman prospector shuffled into town leading a tired old mule. the old woman headed straight for the only saloon to clear her parched throat. She walked up and tied her old mule to the hitch rail. as she stood there, brushing some of the dust from her face and clothes, a young gunslinger stepped out of the saloon with a gun in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other. The young gunslinger looked at the old woman and laughed, saying “hey old woman, have you ever danced” The old woman looked up at the gunslinger and said, “no, i never did dance… never really wanted to.” A crowd had gathered as the gunslinger grinned and said, “well, you old bag, you’re gonna dance now,” and started shooting at the old woman’s feet. The old woman prospector - not wanting to get her toe blown off -started hopping around. everybody was laughing. When his last bullet had been fired, the young gunslinger, still laughing, holstered his gun and turned around to go back into the saloon. The old woman turned to her pack mule, pulled out a double-barreled shotgun, and cocked both hammers. The loud clicks carried clearly through the desert air. the crowd stopped laughing immediately. The young gunslinger heard the sounds too, and he turned around very slowly. the silence was almost deafening. The crowd watched as the young gunman stared at the old woman and the large gaping holes of those twin barrels. The barrels of the shotgun never wavered in the old woman’s hands, as she quietly said, “son, have you ever kissed a mule’s ass? The gunslinger swallowed hard and said, “no maam… but… i’ve always wanted to.” There are a few lessons for us all here: Never be arrogant. Don’t waste ammunition. Whiskey makes you think you’re smarter than you are. Always, always make sure you know who has the power. Don’t mess with old women; they didn’t get old by being stupid… I just love a story with a happy ending, don’t you? https://yaleman.org/2013/04/12/the-old-woman-and-the-gunslinger/
    1 point
  45. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    (N) Psalm 128:1 Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord ; that walketh in his ways.
    1 point
  46. When it’s applied too broadly, it loses its punch. People become numb to it, and its ability to highlight real dangers fades. This is a serious issue in a world where actual extremist threats, like white supremacist groups or violent anarchists, exist. If we keep crying wolf, we might miss the real threats.View the full article
    1 point
  47. Kevin H

    Willie Mays

    Once my mom was at a subway station in New York City. She shared a bench with a lady and a boy. Often people would sit quietly waiting for the train, but they ended up talking to each other. The woman was Mrs. Willie Mays and the son was Michael Mayes. My mom said that I like baseball and Michael shook her hand and said "Pass this on to your son from me." Which she did as she got home.
    1 point
  48. Recent debates on employers firing employees for advocacy, such as anti-Israel views, highlight a critical question: Can an employee be dismissed for expressing deeply held moral or ethical beliefs? According to 29 CFR 1605.1, such beliefs, if held with the strength of traditional religious views, are protected unless they cause undue hardship. View the full article
    1 point
  49. Debate on displaying the Ten Commandments highlights the contrast between legalism and the gospel. True faith focuses on grace, transformation, and relationship.View the full article
    1 point
  50. Theophilus

    Time to wrap it up?

    Better him than the other guy. How is the US going to speak as a dragon? Which party is composed of Christian Nationalists and evangelicals who want the nation to be "Christian"?
    1 point
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