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  1. Gregory Matthews

    $3,000,000 Grant

    $3,000,000 Grant: Southern Adventist University has been given a $3,000,000 grant to support Hispanic education. See: https://spectrummagazine.org/news/southern-adventist-universitys-plans-for-its-3-million-hispanic-serving-grant/
    2 points
  2. phkrause

    Candidates for President in 2024

    🗳️ Death of "double haters" Screenshot: CNN Vice President Harris' entrance into the race has all but killed one of this election cycle's most-talked-about groups — the "double haters," who dislike both candidates, according to a new N.Y. Times/Siena College poll. Why it matters: Until last week, an unprecedented share of voters held unfavorable views of both President Biden and former President Trump. Biden is now out of the race. Trump's approval numbers are at their highest level ever recorded by a Times/Siena poll. Harris has also gained 10 points since February. 🧮 By the numbers: "With both Ms. Harris and Mr. Trump riding high, the number of voters who dislike both candidates has plunged to 8 percent, down from 20 percent in Times/Siena polls so far this year," N.Y. Times polling guru Nate Cohn writes. Keep reading (gift link — no subscription required). 🇮🇱 Bibi's parting shot Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was upset by Vice President Harris' statement after their meeting — and is concerned it will harm the negotiations over Gaza, an Israeli official told reporters. Why it matters: Harris' meeting with Netanyahu — her first with a foreign leader since launching her campaign — took place at a critical moment in negotiations over a possible deal, Axios' Barak Ravid writes. After a 40-minute meeting, Harris said she pressed Netanyahu to conclude a hostage and ceasefire deal. "It is time for this war to end in a way where Israel is secure, all the hostages are released, the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza ends and the Palestinian people can exercise their right to freedom, dignity and self-determination," she said. Keep reading ... Watch her statement.
    1 point
  3. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    (N) Isaiah 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
    1 point
  4. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    1 point
  5. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    (N) Ephesians 5:26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it [the church] with the washing of water by the word,
    1 point
  6. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    1 point
  7. Gregory Matthews

    Discussion of the Law

    Adams Legal Newsletter is a source of information for understanding decisions of the Courts on complex legal issues. It is circulated free of charge to subscribers and also posted on the Internet. In the example below it discusses in complex detail the reasoning behind the recent decision of Judge Cannon to dismiss certain charges filed against former President Trump. in the example below, the specific reasons that Judge Cannon was often correct were enumerated, while at the same time it suggests how Judge Cannone failed in specific aspects of her analysis. NOTE: The following is both extensive and complex. https://adamunikowsky.substack.com/p/dont-be-a-visionary
    1 point
  8. Kevin H

    Sheila Jackson Lee

    It looks like she was a Seventh-day Adventist. Either way, grateful for her service.
    1 point
  9. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    (N) 1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
    1 point
  10. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    1 point
  11. Gregory Matthews

    Internet Records

    Internet records: On an occasional basis, I will enter some form of my name into a search engine and see what comes up. I did that today. Immediately an extensive Internet conversation that I had with another person some 20-years ago came up for viewing. It was extensive and actually involved other people, both by reference and by actual comment. I do not regret anything that I said in that post. I understand that anything that one posts on the Internet may exist for an eternity. It clearly served as a reminder that people who want to do so can read my Internet posts years later and probably well beyond my life-span.
    1 point
  12. Gregory Matthews

    Church Attendance

    Church Attendance: I attend a SDA congregation that has placed a video of their Saturday services on the Internet for some time. When COVED somewhat shut down attendance on site, the church began to upgrade their Internet presence. A QR Code was established which allowed people to register and request services. Now people cab attend on site. Each week, we have some 1,000 people view our services on the Internet who do not register with us and therefore are unknown to us. Our services are viewed from as far away as Iceland and Costa Rico. All is all, we are reaching an Internet audience that is much larger than we ever had on-site. We could never accommodate that many people to attend on-site. The question is: How can we best provide for them spiritually?
    1 point
  13. Rahab

    3 word devotional

    (N) Romans 12:5-6 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. [6] Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, ….
    1 point
  14. Gregory Matthews

    Presidential Mental Health

    I have an academic background in psychology, and I have worked in that area in a clinical setting. From this perspective, I am sometimes asked questions about the mental health of our current candidates for President of the U.S. I must be clear: I do not make a diagnosis outside of a personal interview. Secondly, I believe that a comprehensive examination of each candidate would take about 4-hours to administer. Therefore, I consider any comments about a candidate that do not have that extensive background are limited in their value. The current candidates may have some clinical signs that are of value, but may not have developed the full spectra of signs that would be needed for an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, nothing that I will say in my comments should be understood to be a diagnosis. Rather, my intent in this post is to inform on mental health issues that will be of value to the public. The SAGE Test of Mental health: is a relatively new test that was developed in 2010. It is unique in that it does not require professional administration, and is freely available for use by the general public. It should be noted that it does not diagnose any mental health illness. However, It supplies useful information related the mental health of a person and suggests where further, professional evaluation is needed. Standard administration takes from 20 to 30 minutes. I like to use this test as a starting point in my understanding pf a person. In the following we will look at what those terms generally mean, and how to understand them. Normal Cognitive Decline is a normal process of ageing. All of us decline physically, as well as cognitively as we age. It is a normal process. It is not an illness. It is not a disease. It is simply a part of the cycle of life. Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): is a decline in cognitive function that exceeds the normal ageing process, but has not reached the state of dementia. It may stabilize, It may progress to dementia. It may be amenable to treatment, but it is not likely to be cured. Dementia: is a advanced decline in cognitive function beyond MCI. Treatment may provide some benefit in functional activities. It is not cured. It may (?) require custodial care.
    1 point
  15. phkrause

    Bob Newhart

    Comedian Bob Newhart, deadpan master of sitcoms and telephone monologues, dies at 94 LOS ANGELES (AP) — Bob Newhart, the deadpan accountant-turned-comedian who became one of the most popular TV stars of his time after striking gold with a classic comedy album, has died at 94. https://apnews.com/article/bob-newhart-dead-799460b72b3c47e7aaf4eeb246f00b8c?
    0 points
  16. phkrause

    Abdul ‘Duke’ Fakir

    Abdul ‘Duke’ Fakir, last of the original Four Tops, is dead at 88 NEW YORK (AP) — Abdul “Duke” Fakir, the last surviving original member of the beloved Motown group the Four Tops that was known for such hits as “Reach Out, I’ll Be There” and “Standing in the Shadows of Love,” has died at age 88. https://apnews.com/article/duke-fakir-dead-four-tops-e99f0d29e9db40cd01670cf383838a94?
    0 points
  17. phkrause

    Sheila Jackson Lee

    🕯️ Remembering Sheila Jackson Lee Sheila Jackson Lee, the longtime U.S. representative from Texas who helped lead federal efforts to protect women from domestic violence and recognize Juneteenth as a national holiday, has died. She was 74. The Democrat had represented Houston since 1995. She had previously had breast cancer and announced a pancreatic cancer diagnosis on June 2, AP reports. Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) called her "a tenacious advocate for civil rights and a tireless fighter, improving the lives of her constituents." Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said he had never known a harder-working lawmaker than Jackson Lee: She "studied every bill and every amendment with exactitude and then told Texas and America exactly where she stood." Words from Jackson Lee's family.
    0 points
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