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  1. Gregory Matthews

    Sister Bertken

    Sister Bertken was a devout Roman Catholic, born in 1457. The following article suggests that her life has something to contribute to us today. https://atoday.org/the-two-windows-of-sister-bertken/
    3 points
  2. Gregory Matthews

    The People of God

    The People of God: In the following article, Loren Seibold challenges us to think beyond what he calls the norms. https://atoday.org/gods-many-many-people/
    3 points
  3. Gregory Matthews

    Sabbath Potlucks:

    Gustave: That is why I made my post telling all that it was a joke. I realized that some might not understand.
    3 points
  4. Theophilus

    Alexey Navalny

    Surprised he lived this long.
    3 points
  5. Gregory Matthews

    The "last supper" was NOT a Passover Seder.

    Rachell, the various denominations are divided as to the nature of the bread that Christ used for the Last Supper. * I note that in one post you say: " I told you that "artos" is unleavened." and is a second post, you say: "Artos" is WITH leaven>" I assume that one is a typo. However, let us look at the actual definition of the Greek words. * Artos is the common bread of a family meal. It is considered by many scholars to always be leavened bread. Thiis word tells us that Christ celebrated the Passover with the common bread served at a family meal. * Azumos is a term that references unleavened bread. https://www.onthewing.org/user/BS_Last Supper - Unleavened Bread.pdf#:~:text=The Greek for what we read as "unleavened,and not on bread%2C e.g.%2C I Corinthians 5%3A8. Rachel, I do not know where you got your definitions of the Greek words. But, I will tell you: Never use either Strong or Young to define the meaning of a Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek Biblical word. They are used to tell us how such a word has been translated, which is quite different from telling us what that word means. For the Greek, your best source of the Greek is the so-called Arndt & Gingrich. Always use a lexicon.
    3 points
  6. Wow. I never thought about that. The way you expressed it is an eye opener. All of the Dispensationalists I have read on forums are elated that they will not have to pass through any tribulation.
    3 points
  7. Gregory Matthews

    Bald Males

    Consider: As I followed up on a reference to a SDA leader, I noted that he had a nicely trimmed beard, cut to a short length. As I reflected on this, I realized that he was also bald. I wondered if there is any relationship between bald males who also like to demonstrate that they are able to grow facial hair?
    3 points
  8. Hanseng

    Hans Diehl, DrHSc, MPH, FACN

    Dr. Diehl did more to improve the lot of the sick and suffering in his 77 years than most people would do in several lifetimes. It's not always the length of life that matters. Quality is important!
    3 points
  9. Gustave

    Ellen White & Eastern Orthodoxy

    Thanks for that Kevin! Based on your comments I re-read Life Sketches where those quotes came from and then re-read LOCRP-01. I've got some other files in a folder I put together some years ago I also need to read. I'll definitely respond again but not until I review what you've said against the materials I've collected.
    3 points
  10. Gregory Matthews

    Guinea Worm Disease

    Guinea Worm Disease is a tropical disease caused by drinking unfiltered water in Africa. In 1986 3,500.000 people were affected by it. In 2022, a total of 13 people in the entire world are known to have been affected by it. This is due to the work of organizations such as The Carter Center, and others. For more information see: https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/guineaworm/index.html NOTE: Currently The Carter Center is working on River Blindness.
    3 points
  11. Gregory Matthews

    Does Scripture Condone Female Leadership in the Church?

    Yes, perhaps, but a problem is that Ellen G. White was a female leader in the SDA denomination. One can debate whether or not she was ordained. But, it is unlikely that any informed person would argue that she was neither female nor a leader in this denomination. Some might say that she never held an elected office. But, it is clear that she was given, the same credentials, over a period of several years, that we give SDA pastors. If we consider SDA male clergy to be SDA leaders we must consider EGW to be a SDA female leader.
    3 points
  12. Hanseng

    Bag with occult symbols in daughter’s possession

    Don't know much about parenting but I guess you are going to have a major problem with your daughter if you sneak into her room and remove her property. OTOH, it is your house. You can ask your daughter to take her bag with her and move out or get rid of it if she wants to stay. Or you could change your own mind and develop a closer relationship with your daughter. This is a matter of conscience for you but not for her. I doubt she is a satanist or will become one because of a pentagram. Matters of conscience are important ones, however. You need to realize the problem is not with the symbols but with your conscience. While I respect your disdain, even fear, of things related to the enemy of mankind it is you who are giving those things the power to interrupt your family's harmony. Intrinsically, they are nothing, as Paul said, "An idol is nothing in this world." They have no power, vibration, energy. They are nothing, unless you make them into something.
    3 points
  13. Gregory Matthews

    Leroy Leiske

    Leroy Leiske died in 2016, But he should not be forgotten as a SDA leader who helped make the SDA denomination what it is today. See: https://adventistreview.org/news/leiske-remembrance/
    3 points
  14. Gregory Matthews

    The Folded Napkin

    The Folded Napkin in John 20:7 contains an important Easter message that probably few have understood. See: https://atoday.org/the-folded-napkin-in-the-empty-tomb/
    2 points
  15. Gregory Matthews

    10 Hopes For Adventism

    10 Hopes For the Church Of Tomorrow is an article well worth reading. See: https://spectrummagazine.org/views/10-hopes-for-the-church-of-tomorrow/
    2 points
  16. Gregory Matthews

    On the Trinity

    NOTE: I am in contact with a SDA scholar who is willing to assist us.
    2 points
  17. Gregory Matthews

    US Federal Chaplaincy Requirements

    US Federal Chaplaincy: Some may have wondered what are the requirements are to become a Federal Chaplain in the United States. The following is the announcement for a job opening om a VA hospital in Arzona. Slight differences exist for military chaplains and probably for other Federal agencies. The following is a good summary of the requirements. As an example, the military has an age limit. The VA does not have an age limit. I have served as both an Army chaplain and as a VA chaplain. https://www.usajobs.gov/job/781217900
    2 points
  18. Gregory Matthews

    SDA Female Membership

    The above table informs us that in every Division of the SDA Church, for which we have numbers, females outnumber the number of males. What does this tell us in regard to leadership and the number of female SDA leaders? For the source of this table, see: https://spectrummagazine.org/the-current/ NOTE: You will need to page down past several other items to ge to the table of membership.
    2 points
  19. Gregory Matthews

    SDAs and Military Service

    Adventists & Military Service is the title of a book authored by several people. The following link takes you to a published review of that book. I wrote the published review. https://atoday.org/book-review-adventists-and-military-service/
    2 points
  20. Gregory Matthews

    You & VA Health Care

    This is a major expansion of VA health care, and does not require application for disability benefits. * I believe that there may be some benefits due to non-military family members who lived in military housing at several places. * Each county in the U.S. may have a VA benefit officer who will be able to assist you free of charge in determining whether or not you are eligible for sthese, and other, benefits. * In addition, there are a number Veterans Service organizations who will also assist you free of charge. As I have more information, will post it.
    2 points
  21. Gregory Matthews

    Medicine as Prophecy

    Medicine As Prophecy is a small, 64-page, book recently published on SDA health-care. The first link below will inform you of some interesting aspects reported in that book. https://atoday.org/book-review-medicine-as-prophecy/ This book may be purchased on Amazon, at: https://www.amazon.com/MedicineProphecyTheologyAdventistHealthcare/dp/B0CVNLG5HL/ref=sr_1_1crid=92VWCSHP7SBD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.4jCobREtc7Hk4du6SPAoAwYT12muBNF0slXAAZLNktILfJqnrczusxRai9hJPMFk0YoVrQiViTq7Q7vHIZDCOaICCAnrKoEYOZdkqLt3vKW2QGJ4hMP54LmIXZzNaahBwwvzNXdyV4UKYfaF5Cd6EhcdAretvVGi1xAHkOt1q3BH0Wto_1A50uJc5G3LZakCR3BEEMGbLqrjtB8OIJWikTRLWOGDDAXARY2LfEVk.OE82OytVHqgRP2BsvCsrf4rgztBa5e7jm1seYVstw0&dib_tag=se&keywords=medicine+as+prophecy&qid=1709648939&sprefix=medecine+as+prophecy%2Caps%2C176&sr=8-1
    2 points
  22. Gregory Matthews

    In the Beginning

    In the beginning: In the following article, Cliff Goldstein comments on God's Creation. If you read that article, page down to read the comments. https://adventistreview.org/cliffs-edge/the-gospel/#comment-639830671
    2 points
  23. Gregory Matthews

    God, One in Three

    God, One in Three: The following links to an important article on the Trinity. NOTE: This is an important issue to our Catholic friends. https://adventistreview.org/magazine-article/is-the-trinity-biblical/
    2 points
  24. Gregory Matthews

    Science & the Bible

    Dr. Brand has written a valued article, which the Review has published. If you access the article from the link below, page down to the comments that have been made. https://adventistreview.org/magazine-article/faith-inspired-scientific-inquiry/#comment-6377846884
    2 points
  25. Kevin H


    There are parts of that show that no matter how often you have seen it, just the thought of what's coming up still generates a laugh. Lines such as " Who wrote Swanee River?" Or "'Cause she's a blabber mouth!!!" few other presentations can make the punch line last decades. I think it was channel 11 in New York City, had until recently played the Honeymooners after the 11pm news; causing New Yorkers to never have said "Oh, here's an episode of the Honeymooners I've never seen before." Nor has any New Yorker ever said "Iet's check out what else in on, I've already seen this episode of the honeymooners."
    2 points
  26. * I have real issues with trans-gender medical procedures for anyone who is not an adult. * I have real issues with parents losing custody of a child due to their refusal to allow trans-gender medical procedures. * I have issues with a public school system that teaches children that they may be able to chose to change their gender assigned at birth. * At the same time, I am aware of clinical issues in which the gender assigned at birth may not be correct. Such cases are rare and they are supported by genetic evidence that documents the issues.
    2 points
  27. Gregory Matthews

    13 Denominations Unite

    110 Representatives from 13 denominations attend a SDA religious liberty prayer breakfast. \https://www.nadadventist.org/news/tapestry-faiths-north-american-divisions-fifth-prayer-breakfast-sparks-unity-mission
    2 points
  28. Gregory Matthews

    Inter Church Relations

    As a congregational pastor in the Potomac Conference, I would visit other Sunday-keeping congregations because I wanted to become better acquainted with the local pastors and their worship. On an occasional basis that resulted in my being asked to preach to their congregation on Sunday, and I would respond by asking their pastor to preach in my congregation on Saturday. NOTE: As an Army Chaplain, I have been asked to preach to a local Sunday congregation and in my sermon to explain to that congregation what SDAs believed and practiced.
    2 points
  29. Gregory Matthews

    Adventism in Europe

    Adventism in Europe: The following article suggests that Adventism in Europe differs from Adventism elsewhere and what this may mean. NOTE: In Germany, SDA military members are not welcome to worship in German SDA congregations--GM. https://spectrummagazine.org/views/is-there-a-european-adventism-ecclesiological-holzwege-i/
    2 points
  30. Gregory Matthews

    Interfaith Relationships

    Alvin (a pen-name) was a faithful member and leader in the small SDA congregation that I attended. He was unique in one respect, from the other members of that congregation. He kept the Sabbath from 6 PM Friday to 6 PM Saturday. He did not observe the typical sundown to sundown that defines the Sabbath boundaries for most of our members. He never pushed his belief on anyone else. He simply lived his understanding of what God wanted of him. My point: Every denomination has members who do not fully comply with the official teachings of that denomination. If we are to interact with members of other denominations, we must not confuse the unique beliefs of a member with the official teachings of their denomination. In my opinion, this is often an issue with us as we relate to people from a Catholic background. The author of the article cited below has given us some excellent principles for building positive relationships with people from other religious backgrounds. https://adventistreview.org/magazine-article/on-the-path-to-fruitful-interfaith-interactions/
    2 points
  31. Gregory Matthews

    Faith & the Arts

    Faith & the Arts: The following article informs as to a unique approach made by one congregation to interact with the public. https://adventistreview.org/commentary/local-church-in-the-u-s-finds-ways-to-connecting-faith-and-the-arts/
    2 points
  32. Gregory Matthews

    SDA Church in Crisis

    My position is that EGW taught that her writings were subject to the authority of the Bible, as Protestants commonly understand it to be. In other words, she taught that if the Bible contradicted what she had written, the Bible was to rule. Unfortunately, some Adventists present themselves as believing that her writings had the authority to explain the Bible. In other words, the Bible was subject to her understanding. In some cases, that is more than a mere presentation. It is an actual belief. Gustave is correct. Adventists sometimes present themselves as being quite like Catholics. Sometimes that is true. The position of some SDAs as to the authority of the General Conference, meeting in session, is quite similar to the Catholic position on the College of Bishops, when it meets in magisterium. NOTE: If I have the title wrong, Gustave may correct me.
    2 points
  33. Gregory Matthews

    Evangelism in Europe

    Goodby: The following article is well worthy of thought. [I have removed the URL as it did not work--GM.]
    2 points
  34. Gregory Matthews

    Michael Czechowski

    Michael Czechowski is an often little known, but important figure in SDA history. For a brief telling of his story, see: https://adventistreview.org/magazine-article/michael-czechowski/
    2 points
  35. In the Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary there is an excellent essay in Volume 4 titled "The Role of Israel in Old Testament Prophecy" In college every Bible class required a fresh reading and fresh paper on this chapter. While this chapter gives a Macro view, our classes took a micro view to the portion we were studying. God gave the prophecies with the possibility to be fulfilled in that generation or not too long into the future. Even the 2300 evenings and mornings were given in a year that happened to contain the date that was 2300 literal days from Belshazzar's feast. But it uses cyclic language and we find the Hebrew Cycles in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, based on the week of 6 days and the Sabbath, 6 months and the Passover/Day of Atonement, 6 years and the Sabbatical year (and in Leviticus, but not Deuteronomy, and Daniel is based on Deuteronomy: 6 Sabbatical years and the Jubilee.) Thus Daniel 8:14 could be understood as 2300 days, months or y ears. While sadly my memory of the essay seems to close with some attempt at replacement theology; from both the essay and the classes, we find that God was offering the Hebrews two ways to bring the gospel to the world. The first I call "Land Theology" or "Land Eschatology" This piece of property was quite literally the center of the ancient world. This was THE major intersection for the great trade routes connecting Europe, Asia, Africa, and Arabia. I won't go into detail here, but the plants, animals, geography and weather features of these 4 places met and competed here. This competition is what the Bible means when describing the land as a land flowing with milk and honey. In trying to deal with the competition of all these in the land of milk and honey (If you don't mind being a little grossed out I'll give more information below) the Canaanites formed some very dangerous superstitions; at least one of which made this most important intersection one of, if not the most dangerous place on earth. The Hebrews were to make this safe for world trade. They were to live faithfully, trust in the God of both milk and honey to deal with the above listed competitions, and the caravans were to talk about these people who superficially seemed anti-religious. On the one hand they all wore clothes with tassels that included one blue thread (the sign that someone was a priest). They had a place or places to "worship" but they did not have any gods/images. What a sacrilege. While grateful for the safety, the world would hear stories and expect the offended gods to vent their wrath on these people. But surprise, surprise, instead of the gods venting their wrath at these people, these people are to be blessed. The caravans were to carry these stories to the farthest parts of the world. Others would want to know why they were blessed. As people tried to learn why they are blessed they were to be welcomed and learn that these people were not anti-religious, but worshipers of the true God who does not need all the ritual that the pagans used, but a simple common sense religion, and a God too great to be in an image. As this message spread through the world, nations would join with them, others not believing them reject the message and the world would end in a great eschatological war, in which the individuals on both sides who did not individually reject this God would survive. If the Hebrews were not faithful, God would send curses to encourage them to repent. If nothing else worked, they would be sent into exile. In exile they were to share with their neighbors their unfaithfulness and God's faithfulness. And if faithful the exile would end in a second great exodus lead by the messiah. Thus, Land Theology/Eschatology is stay faithful in the land and let the caravans carry the gospel to the world. And Exile Theology/Eschatology is "Go ye into all the world and spread the gospel. After Babylon there was a return to 70 weeks of years of land theology. But then we went back under exile theology. We are spread through out the world to share the gospel and we will go home in a second great exodus lead by the Messiah to our true home in heaven. The Dispensationalists do not see this. They keep ignoring the "If's" in the Bible. They want the Jews to be back in the land so that the church can be removed (raptured) and the Jews suffer in last day events. We can care about both sides in this issue as humans. Even though located in this geographical space, ever since the days of navigation, then air transport and electronic transport, the conditions required for land eschatology cannot be met. It is no longer the center of the world and no longer the caravans to carry the gospel to the world. Thus even in this land, the faithful, Christians, Jews, I even believe that there are faithful Muslims, are still to witness and live under the framework that the Bible gives for exile theology. Thus we are not looking for any "get the land" ideas for us to care about these people, but to care about them because they are humans, and that they are the caretakers of this important location in understanding the Bible. We don't care about them for bringing about the "rapture" we care for them for being our brothers and sisters in the Lord. By the way, if you think God is through with the Jew, may I encourage you to read anything by Abraham Joshua Heshel, or the artwork by Marc Chagall, or at least read the book "This is My God" by Herman Wouk, God is working with all his faithful, Jew and Gentile alike by us sharing what God has done for us, in the framework of exile theology, share with our neighbors our God and wait for the exile to end when we see "HIM" coming in the clouds of heaven to bring us home. In the mean time, we will submit to God's plans for the Hebrews, natural and grafted in, as He works through more and more of us as he worked through Paul, Luther, Roger Williams, Abraham Joshua Heshel, Herman Wouk and Marc Chagall. People like Heshel and Chagall are examples of what we are going to see in many Jews as we all share the gospel.
    2 points
  36. Gregory Matthews

    Fletcher Academy

    Adventist education is generally considered to be in crisis on some levels. Fletcher Academy is an independent school, not officially a SDA school. It is doing very well, for a program unique in Adventism. See: https://spectrummagazine.org/interviews/2023/fletcher-academy-leader-shares-his-blueprint-success
    2 points
  37. Gregory Matthews

    Fletcher Academy

    The question is: What is God's blueprint for today. I remind you that a dairy farm in California might work, while a dairy farm in Alaska would not work.
    2 points
  38. Gregory Matthews

    The Authority of Ellen White?

    What authority should be given to Ellen White, is a very real and critical question. The following article contributes to that question. https://spectrummagazine.org/views/2023/ellen-white-and-prophetic-authority
    2 points
  39. Dr. Shane

    The Authority of Ellen White?

    I didn't blow it off initially. What I stated here was not to worry about it because Bluehost is hosting the site. In the past, when it has gotten attacked, they have shut it down until they got it fixed. What I did yesterday was notify Bluehost and turn the matter over to them. I do pay extra for Bluehost to protect the site and thus far they have done a fine job. Today they notified me the site is clean and was not infected. The issue was with Norton. Norton has been notified and should correct the error on their side. Sometimes even the good guys get things wrong. That has happened where I work too. Our firewall blocks me from accessing sites that are perfectly safe. I have to call the IT support and have them adjust the firewall so those sites are accessible. I think Adventist sites are under even more attack for reasons I have mentioned. We struggle not against flesh and blood.
    2 points
  40. Stan

    Chinese Cooking Basics

    @Hanseng As a retailer, I used to bring in specially Made Worthington WHAM rolls (fake Ham) for Buddhist vegetarians who would not eat onion, chives or garlic, I was told that several companies have tried producing deodorant to sell in China. And it has never gone over that well because there is no need unless they eat onion, garlic or chives. I am very interested in your comments on this.
    2 points
  41. Gregory Matthews

    Image of God

    Hanseng: So, you are telling us that God has sexual organs, as well as a digestive tract?
    2 points
  42. Rahab

    Stephen Bohr

    I have much respect for S. Bohr
    2 points
  43. Gustave

    Froom and Arianism

    Psalm 2, 7 prophetically applied to Christ is speaking of the Incarnation when Jesus was indeed born "in the flesh". You've no doubt heard the saying that 'wherever you go - there you are'. Well, Christ was the Son prior to the Incarnation according to the Scriptures.
    2 points
  44. Gregory Matthews

    110 Year-old SDA

    See: https://cdapress.com/news/2023/jun/27/oldest-adventist-lives-family-friends/
    2 points
  45. Gregory Matthews

    Froom and Arianism

    Well, I personally worked for Fenten Froom, the son of L. E. Froom. Neither was a Jesuit. I wonder, how many of those who suggest that some SDA was a Jesuit, have ever personally know a Jesuit Priest. I have have personally worked with a Jesuit Priest on a 5-day a week basis. I got my Roman Catholic book of Canon Law from him.
    2 points
  46. Gregory Matthews

    OTC Hearing Aids

    OTC Hearing Aids: There is a lot of confusion over the value of Over The Counter Hearing Aids. The July/August issue of AARP Bulletin has an excellent article on this subject. However, that article is not available to the public. An older article from the November 2022 issue, is available at the following link. If you can obtain a copy of the current issue, it will be worth your time. https://www.aarp.org/health/conditions-treatments/info-2022/otc-hearing-aids.html
    2 points
  47. phkrause

    Guinea Worm Disease

    A great organization, being run by a true Patriotic President, who is a wonderful example of what a Christian looks like!!
    2 points
  48. Gregory Matthews


    The following are books that you may find of value. * McAdams, Donald R., Ellen White & The Historians: A Neglected Problem & A Forgotten Answer, Oak & Acorn Publishing, 2022, 258 pages. * Campbell, Michaell W., 1919: The untold Story of Adventism's Struggle With Fundamentalism, Pacific Press, 2019, 124 pages. * Capmbell, Michael W., 1922: The Rise of Adventist Fundamentalism, Pacific Press, 2022, 144 pages. * Jackson, Maury D. & Brown, Nathan, Editors. A house on fire; How Adventist Faith Responds to Race & Racism. Signs Publishing, 2022. 244 pages. * Rogers, Lynden G., Editor. SThe Biblical Flood: Context & History of Adventist Understanding, 2nd Edition. Avondale Academic Press, 2020, 238 pages. * Bull, Brian, Guy, Fritz, & Taylor, Ervin, Editors. Understanding Genesis: Contemporary Adventist Perspectives. Adventist Today, 2006, 195 pages. * Bull, Brian & Guy, Fritz, God, Sky & Land: Genesis 1 as the Ancient Hebrews Heard it. 2011, Adventist Today, 190 pages. * Bull, Brian & Guy, Fritz. God, Land, & The Great Flood: hearing the Story with 21st Century Christian Ears. Adventist Today, 2017, 211 pages. NOTE: I do not list the above books because I agree with everything that they say. Rather, I list them because they raise issues that deserve thought. With the exception of Adventist Today all of the above publishers are official SDA publishers.
    2 points
  49. Rahab

    The Anti-Evolution Commandment

    God says it is a sign between his people and Him. By keeping the Sabbath it means we are God’s own.
    2 points
  50. Gregory Matthews

    More on the Trinity

    Gustave said: God is fundamentally a God of truth, wherever that truth may take us. We fundamentally deny God when we engage in dishonesty. As we are human, we do not fully understand truth and are subject to error. But, it is our responsibility to seek the truth and to represent God as truthfully as is humanly possible for us to do so.
    2 points
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