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  1. Today
  2. The reason why politics is so important is that every kingdom starting with Nimrod used both religion and politics. Anytime religion overcomes politics, it becomes a ruling Theocracy! Why? Because Lucifer tried to take over Heaven and wanted to become like THE MOST HIGH! Isaiah saw Lucifer talking to the angels. Did you notice he did not mention THE HOLY NAME YAHWEH? He would have died immediately. That is why he has the world of every religion using the word god, cursing that word, and having no respect for god! Moving on, YAHSHUA gave us the beginning of sorrow and how it would play out. The Greeks played with words; that is why Paleo Hebrews were written, like the Peshitta. Those called "The Way" wrote the Gospel that was destroyed. It is known that many Greek words do not fit the sentences. These Manuscripts will be found soon. Matt 24:1-14 is playing out now. YAHSHUA said if it were possible, Satan would deceive the elect. It looked like Theocracy would take over, and within one week, Kamala Harris, like wildfire, had broken so many records that it was unbelievable. Why? France stayed Democratic, England changed to Democratic, and now the Lamblike beast has a prophecy that must be completed. It is not what we have been taught the truth of the Gospel will be preached in all the world and then the end will come. It can only be done in a democratic government! Venezuela is going Democrated. We all need to stand still and watch YAHWEH'S prophecy be fulfilled and not Satan, who YAHSHUA SAID: I am come in MY FATHER'S NAME, and ye receive ME not (YAH SHUA): if another shall come (Satan) in his own name (god), him ye will receive. (John 5:43) When will we realize that YAHWEH'S NAME will win!
  3. stinsonmarri

    Stinsonmari's Thoughts

    I mentioned Kenaan's age because I was trying to understand why Noah was so upset with a young child. It's important to remember that Kenaan was just a child, not an adult. You do that, correct? I want you to understand on thing, I am just the messenger. I provided Scriptures and other evidence. I cannot make you believe anything. That is not my job. I hope you have prayed and invite THE HOLY SPIRIT to lead and guide you. If I am wrong HE will lead you to Scriptures that will show that YAHWEH accepted him being intoxicated and becoming angry with a young child. That this was okay and it dosen matter if you are drunk the you are wise. So, Scriptures will show not what you or I feel but what the Bible says. That is what I stand. You did not offend me and I do want you to think that way. All I want is to prove by the Bible that what is says is true. You are wise if you drank and show where any man can curse anyone. I read only YAHWEH give blessings and curses. Man has no power to curse, show where they are permitted to do so! Remember my message is open to discussion if shown in the Bible I was wrong. I do not accept Greel words, I accept what YAHWEH gave to IsraEL and nor Israel that rejected THE MESSIAH or the Jews. That is Rabbanical Judaism from the Pharisees!
  4. Gustave

    EGW & 'Apocrypha

    Here is a video of some of the points Pastor Matthews is referencing that can be found in the article he posted. I agree with Pastor Matthews here and don't believe that SDA's should be frightened of this coming to light - it simply is what it is.
  5. stinsonmarri

    Stinsonmari's Thoughts

    Theophilus, I never asked you to believe in me. I am a human being. I asked you to look at the facts, pray, and allow THE HOLY SPIRIT to lead you. You, as do I, must work out our soul salvation. However, the Bible gave a guide to search the Scripture. You want to believe the norm without turning every stone. But what if we challenge the norm, question the beliefs, and critically examine the teachings? If you do not see what YAHSHUA said in vain, do people worship ME? Teaching the tradition and doctrine of men. (Matt 5:15) If you do not know how quickly the earth became corrupt with Adam's oldest son. You accept someone who put in the Bible Jews, or if Noah became intoxicated and spoke unwise things, he did not tell the truth. Because the Bible did not say the words Noah lied, that matters more to you than seeing the signs. It is not me because I don't have Heaven or Eternal Fire THE FATHER THE JUDGE DOES! I have one commission: to provide you with what the Bible says. The Bible clarified that people will be lost because of the lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6) Closing look at Trump and Project 2025! It is the same thing when Satan was kicked out of Heaven. People still believe that they are keeping the Commandments and they explain how to keep them. When you look at how they list the Commandments is not what the Bible says. We say America is a Constitution of laws, and many are fighting to keep democracy. Yet, they fail to understand how to keep Yahweh's Commandments. Lucifer could no longer stay in Heaven. The true Gospel will be taught all over to every nation, but many will reject it because: And for this cause, ELOHIYM shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2Th 2:11, 12) It took me forty years to realize that truth had been hidden. I realized I had to do like the Bereans did when Paul gave them the message. They searched the Scriptures, which means to research, and didn't believe until they found out it was truth. Find out by searching what I gave you to see if it is so. THE HOLY SPIRIT will guide you, but you must humble yourself and check out the facts prayerfully. Blessings and Happy Sabbath!
  6. July 26, 2024 CNN Poll: Nearly 40% of Americans worry about how they’re going to pay their bills under Democrats By Olivia Murray Things are so economically sound and good…they’re worse than one of the worst financial crises in American history, the 2008 collapse and the Great Recession of the years following. At least, that’s according to a new poll conducted and published by CNN that revealed nearly forty percent of Americans are worried about their financial future, and how they’re going to afford to maintain their standard of living. From Matt Egan’s new report at CNN: Back up though: The number of Americans stressing about the state of the economy now under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris aren’t only “similar” to the numbers seen during the Obama years, but greater than—count on CNN to beat around the bush. Unsurprisingly, the number of concerned Americans is exacerbated among blacks and Hispanics, and considering they make up a smaller percentage of the American population, it just means they’re disproportionately affected: If we connect the dots, we can figure out the why behind the discrepancy. The nearly ten million foreign invaders who have flooded into our nation over the past three years, invited, aided, and abetted by the Biden-Harris regime, have taken our jobs, mostly from black and Hispanic Americans—Trump made this exact point in a recent interview, and it was a claim that was backed up by data from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco—so it’s no wonder the numbers are what they are, and why Doanld Trump’s popularity in the black and Hispanic communities continues to soar.
  7. Theophilus

    Stinsonmari's Thoughts

    Marri, I am sorry if I offended you. I don't agree with you. Let's leave it at that.
  8. phkrause


    Hurricane center begins tracking Atlantic system with chance to develop The tropics have been quiet for the last two weeks, but the National Hurricane Center began Friday tracking an Atlantic system with a chance to become the season’s next tropical depression or storm. https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2024/07/26/hurricane-center-begins-tracking-atlantic-system-with-chance-to-develop/?
  9. Theophilus

    Stinsonmari's Thoughts

    We are now jews according to the New Testament. What good does it do to study genealogy? I know what intoxication does, but nowhere does it say Noah lied. Since you have brought up your age, I thought I'd bring up mine? Here it is :You feel.
  10. stinsonmarri

    Freedom & God

    Pastor, I want you to know that I read the article, and this is my comment: I am saddened by the writer who writes about Satan going against YAHWEH'S Law! He could no longer stay in Heaven. Yet, as with Project 2025, our denomination says it keeps the Commandments. Two keen points show that they are not. John, the most prolific writer, was given the most important task! That is to reclaim THEIR NAME and to show that THREE INDIVIDUAL SPIRIT BEINGS CO-EXISTED! The Pharisees, it is claimed, prevented Israel from uttering THE FATHER and THE SON'S NAME-YAHWEH. I refrain from delving into the reasons for this at present, but I assure you that I will provide a detailed explanation in the future. Satan, it is argued, would not dare to use THEIR NAME, so he employed the Pharisees to suppress it! (John 5:43) This scripture is unequivocal: YAH-SHUA proclaimed that HE came in HIS FATHER'S NAME. Many rejected this, but if another (Satan) comes in his (singular) name god, ye will receive it! Here's a straightforward question. Why does the Papal oppose 1 John 5:7, a fact that seems to be overlooked or ignored by other denominations? The concept of three as One is not about being Tri! It's about the unity of THREE BEINGS, akin to the unity between Adam and his wife, a principle echoed in our wedding vows. These THREE BEINGS work in harmony. Project 2025, however, does not, as it suppresses truth and freedom. This Gospel will be preached by a remnant, not a church, and many will awaken and be sealed. Then the end will come! Blessing, and I hope this is better!
  11. stinsonmarri

    Stinsonmari's Thoughts

    I will repeat this: the Jews are the Hebrews. “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”(1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3) “Khazars, a non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into Eastern Europe about the first century, who were converted as an entire nation to Judaism in the seventh century by the expanding Russian nation which absorbed the entire Khazar population, and who account for the presence in Eastern Europe of the great numbers of Yiddish-speaking Jews in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Galatia, Besserabia and Rumania.”The Jewish Encyclopedia A latest DNA study solves the long standing controversy regarding the origin of Europe's Ashkenazi Jews stating that their maternal lineage came from Europe. The researchers at the University of Huddersfield used archaeogenetics to solve the controversy over the origin of Ashkenazi Jews. Whether they migrated from Palestine in the first century AD or their ancestors were Europeans who converted to Judaism, they analyzed DNA samples to investigate the prehistoric settlements of Europe by migrants from the Near East. Analysis of the mitochondrial DNA samples revealed that the Ashkenazim female line descended from southern and western Europe and not the Near East. DNA analysis claims that most of the Ashkenazi Jews were at least half genetically Europeans, debunking the previous assumptions that they were of the Middle Eastern region. "The origins of the Ashkenazim is one of the big questions that people have pursued again and again and never really come to a conclusive view," said Professor Martin Richards, head of the Archaeogenetics Research Group based at the University of Huddersfield and co-author of the study, who has described the new data as "compelling." Ashkenazi, in Hebrew, means 'Germans' and is used for Jews of Eastern European origin who historically spoke Yiddish or Judeo-German. Not much is known about the history of Ashkenazi Jews before they moved out from the Mediterranean and settled in present-day Poland around the 12th century. DNA Samples Confirm Ashkenazi Jews are of European Descent: Study; 2024 Science World Report-First Posted: Oct 09, 2013 05:00 AM EDT According to Dr. Harry Ostrer, a pathology, pediatrics, and genetics professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, on average, all Ashkenazi Jews are genetically as closely related to each other as fourth or fifth cousins, LiveScience reports. Until the Temple fell, the people always called themselves Israel! Historically, many Israel did not move back to Yahrusalim (this is the ancient Hebrew spelling). That is why the Book of Esther became canonized. It shows that many people of different nationalities joined what translated as Judeans. YAHWEH never called the people Judeans but IsraEL for a reason. I will not give you the details, but there is proof. The word Jew was changed from Ioudaios by the Greeks and the Romans, which means Judeans by Europeans. The J came about in the 1500 AD by an Italian! Gen 9:27 Noah said this is partially correct, a historical fact, and the DNA proves it! Finally, the majority did not believe what YAHSHUA, the disciples, and the apostles taught and called themselves. “The Way” is mentioned several times in the book of Acts (Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:14, 22 [ESV]). The Jews around the world accept the Pharisee belief called the Rabbinical Judah faith! Rabbinic Judaism has its roots in the Pharisaic school of Second Temple Judaism and is based on the belief that Moses at Mount Sinai received both the Written Torah (Torah she-be-Khetav) and the Oral Torah (Torah she-be-al Peh) from God. The Oral Torah, transmitted orally, explains the Written Torah. The Book of Jewish Belief, By Louis Jacobs Now, that is why I said the Jews were not the Hebrews! The Bible warned not to add or subtract from the Bible. It has, which is why so many versions make people believe many invalid things and cover up the truth. I am sorry if it is long. When the truth is proven, it is longer! Blessings!
  12. Yesterday
  13. American Airlines cuts annual profit forecast as sales strategy backfires The Texas-based airline also highlighted an excess capacity in the domestic market that has undermined the industry's pricing power. https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/american-airlines-cuts-2024-profit-forecast-pricing-pressure-2024-07-25/?
  14. 💺 Southwest Airlines ditching open seating By Tasha Tsiaperas and Jacob Knutson Photo: Gary Hershorn/Getty Images Dallas-based Southwest Airlines is adopting assigned seating and will offer some premium seating with extra legroom in a fundamental change to how the company does business. Why it matters: Southwest has had an open seating policy for its 50-year history, with passengers boarding in a certain order and choosing any available seat on the plane. Premium seating has not been part of its revenue stream until now. Driving the news: Southwest will also start offering redeye flights in five initial nonstop markets: Las Vegas to Baltimore and Orlando; Los Angeles to Baltimore and Nashville; and Phoenix to Baltimore. The company reported yesterday $367 million in profits in the second quarter, about on par with projections. The big picture: The changes come after an activist investor called for an overhaul of the airline's board and operations. The airline also experienced a series of potentially dangerous incidents this year. Flashback: Southwest's boarding process started as a way to quickly load and unload passengers. It kept the airline efficient and allowed the carrier to run more flights, per AP. But, Southwest CEO Bob Jordan told CNBC open-seating was the primary reason passengers reported switching airlines. The airline said it found that 80% of its customers and 86% of potential customers prefer assigned seating. What they're saying: The Southwest CEO expects a small number of customers will say they want to stick with open seating. "But we had the same thing when we switched from plastic boarding passes. We had the same thing when we took peanuts out of the cabin. I'm convinced we can win them over," Jordan told CNBC. What's next: The redeye flights are on sale but won't take off until next Valentine's Day. And the boarding process likely won't go into effect until next year. Plus, Southwest will still offer free checked bags.
  15. Cruz pours millions into Spanish-language ads Republican Sen. Ted Cruz is launching a $4.4 million campaign targeting Hispanic voters in Texas — with a majority going to Spanish-language advertising, Axios has learned. Why it matters: Cruz is worried his Senate seat and other GOP elected officials aren't secure in Texas. He called the state "a battlefield" at the Republican National Convention. The two-term senator said he's "worried that we're all overconfident." The latest: His opponent, U.S. Rep. Colin Allred of Dallas, announced Wednesday he's launching a campaign to help Democrats get elected in down-ballot races statewide. The Texas Offense is a collaboration between Allred's campaign and the Texas Democratic Party to set up phone banks, go block-walking and host voter registration drives. The effort launches Sunday in Houston, 100 days from Election Day. The big picture: Cruz's new effort is the largest investment he's ever made into Hispanic advertising as the GOP continues to court the country's largest non-white voting bloc. The demographic is crucial in Texas, where Latinos make up a larger share of the population than non-Latino whites and 28% of Texans speak Spanish at home, per Census data. Zoom in: The Cruz campaign's $4.4 million investment includes broadcast and digital ads, as well as billboards, text messages and phone calls targeting Hispanic Texans. The effort started this month and will run through Nov. 5. Bilingual texts and phone calls will target swingy Rio Grande Valley. Zoom out: Latino voters have historically been more aligned with Democrats — though the population has never been monolithic. A recent Axios Vibes survey by The Harris Poll revealed that Latinos lean toward supporting former President Trump because of the opportunity he brings to rebrand the GOP around "upward mobility." What they're saying: Cruz cited Democratic fundraising efforts when sharing his concerns about Texas. "Everyone says look, there's no way you can lose. It's Texas. You're Republican. It's a re-election," Cruz said at the convention. "Look, they are coming after us." Flashback: Cruz narrowly defeated Beto O'Rourke in his 2018 re-election, winning by 2.6 percentage points. It was a historically expensive race with both campaigns collectively raising more than $100 million. Exit polls showed O'Rourke won 64% of the Latino vote in Texas, and he overwhelmingly won in counties bordering Mexico.
  16. Artificial intelligence OpenAI, the influential company behind ChatGPT, is taking on Google with a new artificial intelligence search engine. The company announced it is testing SearchGPT, which will combine its AI technology with real-time information from the web to allow people to search for information in the same way they talk to ChatGPT. With the new feature, OpenAI will be directly competing with Google, which has for years dominated the online search market. Separately, Rep. Jennifer Wexton made history Thursday as the first lawmaker to use an artificial intelligence-generated model of her voice to speak for her on the House floor. Wexton is battling progressive supranuclear palsy, or PSP, which has affected her voice and range of movement. When she first heard the AI rendition of her voice, Wexton called it "music to my ears."
  17. Homeless encampments California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order Thursday directing officials in the state to start removing homeless encampments. The order calls on state officials "to adopt humane and dignified policies to urgently address encampments on state property" — but homeless advocates are expressing concern over the order's potential impact as thousands of people remain on a waitlist for state-funded housing. California has the largest homeless population in the nation, with more than 180,000 of the estimated 653,000 people experiencing homelessness nationwide residing in the Golden State, according to a 2023 report to Congress from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  18. phkrause


    Cartel leaders Two alleged leaders of the Sinaloa Mexican drug cartel were arrested Thursday, including the son of the notorious drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzmán. Joaquin Guzman Lopez, 38, and the alleged co-founder of the Sinaloa cartel, Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada, 76, were caught in a sting operation in El Paso, Texas, Attorney General Merrick Garland said. Both Zambada and Guzman Lopez face several charges for allegedly leading the cartel's criminal operations, including the trafficking of "tens of thousands of pounds of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and fentanyl into the US along with related violence," FBI Director Christopher Wray said.
  19. Presidential debate The Trump campaign on Thursday said it would not commit to any future presidential debates until the Democratic Party formally chooses a nominee. Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday said she's "ready" to debate former President Donald Trump, and earlier this week, Trump said he "absolutely" wants to debate Harris. The Biden and Trump campaigns had agreed to a debate hosted by ABC on September 10, but it is unclear if it will go on as planned. Fox News has also proposed a debate between Trump and Harris on September 17 in Pennsylvania. Analysts say a Harris v. Trump debate could be the sort of showdown that would attract tens of millions of viewers and potentially change the trajectory of the race.
  20. phkrause

    Summer Olympic Games 2024

    Olympics The 2024 Summer Olympic Games formally get underway today in Paris with an extraordinary Opening Ceremony aimed at putting one of the world's most famous cities on display. For the first time in Summer Games history, the ceremony will be held outside of a stadium. Instead, athletes will parade down the city's famous River Seine on boats. The festival on the water will begin at 7:30 p.m. local time (1:30 p.m. ET) and will air on NBC and stream on Peacock. However, France's high-speed train lines were targeted by "malicious" acts earlier today, in what has been described as "coordinated sabotage" to disrupt travel. Olympic organizers told CNN that the ceremony will go ahead as planned with heightened security measures.
  21. July 26, 2024 By David Leonhardt Good morning. We’re making three points about the Harris-Trump race — and also covering drug cartels, arson in France and “underconsumption core.” Donald Trump in Michigan. Doug Mills/The New York Times The coming campaign With 101 days until Election Day, I want to use today’s newsletter to frame the coming campaign. No doubt, more surprises lie ahead. But there is now enough stability — and enough polling since President Biden’s exit — to make three points about the race. 1. Trump’s lead Donald Trump has led the 2024 race all year, and he leads Kamala Harris today. In The Times’s national polling average, Trump is ahead of Harris by one point, 47 percent to 46 percent. That’s narrower than Trump’s recent lead over Biden, but similar to Trump’s lead over Biden before last month’s debate, as my colleague Nate Cohn points out. The race has in some ways reset to where it was. There are also a couple of important differences. Harris is a far stronger campaigner than Biden. She’s a fiery, skilled speaker who can describe her own agenda and make the case against Trump in ways that Biden could not. She has more potential to make gains than Biden did. That said, polls point to a potential weakness, too: Harris appears to be a worse fit with the Electoral College than Biden. She is stronger among younger voters and voters of color but weaker with older voters and white working-class voters. Because swing states are disproportionately old, white and working class, Harris is likelier to win the popular vote and lose the election than Biden was. Think of it this way: It’s a bad trade for a Democrat to win more votes in California and fewer in Pennsylvania. As a result, Trump’s narrow national lead is probably a bit stronger than it looks. 2. Trump’s focus Trump doesn’t seem to be focused on swing voters. His speech at the Republican convention started effectively, political analysts thought. He told the story of having almost been murdered five days earlier. He thanked Secret Service agents and honored Corey Comperatore, the former fire chief killed that day. It was a version of Trump that he rarely projects. Then he returned to the more familiar version — the one that Trump’s fans adore and that most Americans don’t. He focused on himself. He lashed out. He lied. He rambled through the longest convention acceptance speech on record. “You read a lot of stuff about what this guy says, but to actually sit down and hear it and sit through it, it was just insane to me,” Arnel Ramos, 21, a food service worker in Milwaukee who is an undecided voter, told The Times. “It made me uncomfortable,” she said. In the days since the convention, Trump has kept it up. Republicans are nervous he is squandering a chance to win over Americans who are open to supporting him. These voters liked the pre-Covid Trump economy, and they don’t like that inflation and immigration surged under Biden. “The 2024 election is Donald Trump’s to lose, and he may yet manage it,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board wrote. 3. Harris’s focus So far, Harris doesn’t seem focused on swing voters, either. Like Biden before her, Harris has organized her initial campaign message around Trump. She emphasizes that she was a prosecutor, and that he is a convict. At a Wisconsin rally this week, she offered a contrast between “freedom, compassion and rule of law” and “chaos, fear and hate.” In an ad released yesterday, called “We Choose Freedom,” she shows Trump’s mug shot and headlines about his conviction. She is echoing Biden’s argument that the future of democracy is at stake. But polls have repeatedly shown that this message resonates more with committed Democrats than swing voters. Swing voters care more about pocketbook issues. Blueprint, a Democratic polling group, tested 15 potential Harris messages. The one that voters liked best began, “Vice President Harris understands the struggles of working families.” It went on to say that she would be tough on corporate price gouging and that she supported an “all of the above” energy policy to lower gas prices. The worst-performing message began, “Vice President Harris is a champion of American democracy.” A Times/Siena College poll found a similar pattern. Look at the differences between the issues that matter most to Democrats and to undecided voters: Note: Chart shows all answers that at least 5 percent of registered voters gave. Poll was conducted before President Biden dropped out. | Source: Times/Siena Poll, July 2024 | By The New York Times Abortion’s low rank in the poll is also notable. Harris has signaled that she will try to increase the issue’s salience, and that approach could win over some swing voters. But it may not be as easy as Democrats hope. In the 2022 midterms, after Roe fell, not a single incumbent Republican governor or senator lost re-election. Other evidence also points to the primacy of economic issues. There are seven battleground Senate races this year — in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and elsewhere — where the Democratic candidates have been running ahead of Biden. All seven are offering populist messages focused on pocketbook issues. None talk much about democracy. To see the difference yourself, you can watch their ads here. Harris talks about economic issues, to be sure. (Speaking to a teachers’ union yesterday, she accused Trump of favoring trickle-down economics and union busting.) But these issues remain secondary. I’ll be curious to see whether she can make the freedom-versus-chaos argument more effectively than Biden did — or whether she starts sounding more like those Senate candidates. She will have an opportunity that Trump does not. Her convention, and the attention that comes with it, is still ahead. It starts Aug. 19. A programming note: I won’t be writing this newsletter frequently between now and the convention. You’ll be in good hands with my colleagues. More on the election Barack Obama endorsed Harris. Harris narrowed the gap against Trump to one point in a head-to-head matchup, the latest Times/Siena College poll found. Earlier this month, Biden trailed by six points. Read more poll analysis. Now facing Harris, Trump changed his commitment to a debate in September. Americans may not agree on much, but they agree Biden made the right decision to withdraw. There is high consensus in polling. Usha Vance, JD Vance’s wife, is an accomplished, Yale-educated lawyer who has left her job to become a high-profile political spouse. Read more about her. The next president is poised to inherit a strong economy, low inflation and lower interest rates. G.D.P. grew faster than expected this spring. THE LATEST NEWS Trump Shooting A Times analysis suggests it was a bullet that hit Trump during his attempted assassination, not debris. People have speculated about what hit him because his campaign has not released official medical reports, and his current physician has not weighed in. Drug Cartels The U.S. arrested two of the world’s most wanted drug traffickers and accused them of being responsible for the growing presence of fentanyl in the country. They were leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel, one of the dominant criminal organizations in Mexico. One was the son of El Chapo. Read more about the cartel. Arson in France Arson disrupted service on three of France’s four main high-speed train lines, the national railway company said. The attacks caused travel chaos on the day of the Olympics’ opening ceremony. Many trains were canceled, and delays are expected into the weekend. Politics A homeless encampment in Oakland, Calif. Godofredo A. Vásquez/Associated Press Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered California officials to dismantle homeless encampments. The Supreme Court recently gave governments greater authority to do so. The Senate advanced bipartisan legislation to strengthen privacy protections for minors online. Justice Elena Kagan called for a way to enforce the Supreme Court’s ethics code, The Washington Post reported. Jennifer Wexton, a House Democrat who has a neurological disorder, spoke about disability rights using an A.I. device that mimics her voice. Israel-Hamas War Biden welcomed Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House and met with relatives of Hamas-held hostages. Harris, after meeting with Netanyahu, expressed support for Israel but said she would “not be silent” about Palestinians’ plight. “We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering,” she said. Earlier yesterday, Harris criticized pro-Palestinian protesters who burned flags and committed vandalism during Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, calling their actions unpatriotic, pro-Hamas and abhorrent. Trump said Israel must end the war quickly, saying it was “getting decimated” by negative publicity. He’s set to meet with Netanyahu today. The Israeli military said it had retrieved the bodies of five Israelis held in Gaza from a tunnel in an area it previously designated as a humanitarian zone for Palestinian civilians. Martin Indyk, who served as Bill Clinton’s ambassador to Israel and worked with the Biden administration to try to normalize relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, died at 73. International Refugees from Darfur arrive in Adre, Chad. Ivor Prickett for The New York Times Sudan is at risk of famine, but the military has refused to let U.N. aid convoys through a border crossing. The Russian defense minister called the U.S. defense secretary to claim that Ukraine was plotting an attack on Russia with America’s blessing. The U.S. denied it. A U.S. grand jury charged a North Korean man with hacking into American military computers to steal data. Other Big Stories The Park fire in Northern California became the state’s largest so far this year. Wildfire smoke from the West reached the Northeast, lowering air quality. New York City is cracking down on landlords who are behind on water bills. One family with medical conditions got a bill for $58,000. Southwest Airlines will end its 50-year policy of letting passengers choose their seats when they board. Opinions Venezuela’s president needs to accept the people’s will and negotiate a peaceful transition of power, María Corina Machado, the opposition leader, writes. Armando Iannucci, who created the political satire “Veep,” is worried — not about Harris, but about politics coming to resemble entertainment. Here’s a column by Michelle Goldberg on Vance’s father figures. Subscribe Today The Morning highlights a small portion of the journalism that The New York Times offers. To access all of it, become a subscriber with this introductory offer. MORNING READS Joshua Bright for The New York Times 0.006 m.p.h.: While Olympians gather in Paris, an English village played host to its own competitors: dozens of garden snails. Sharks on drugs: Researchers found that 13 sharks off the coast of Rio de Janeiro had high levels of cocaine in their systems. (We apologize that yesterday’s link to this story didn’t work.) Modern Love: A letter from the past (“I’m reckless for you”) made her regret things hadn’t worked. Lives Lived: Sylvain Saudan, known as the “skier of the impossible,” inspired a generation of extreme skiers with his audacious, life-threatening descents of the world’s steepest and least accessible slopes. He died at 87. SPORTS Soccer: Mallory Swanson and Trinity Rodman helped the U.S. women’s team beat Zambia 3-0 to open the Olympics. Spying scandal: Canada removed the head coach of its women’s soccer team from the Olympics over accusations about using drones to watch rivals’ practice sessions. M.L.B.: The San Diego Padres’ right-hander Dylan Cease threw the second no-hitter in the franchise’s history, beating the Washington Nationals 3-0. ARTS AND IDEAS A TikTok user. Meghan Pexton, via TikTok After years of trends encouraging people to buy things, some TikTok users are telling followers to embrace minimalism. They’re calling it “underconsumption core,” the latest move away from influencer culture. Instead of pristine fridge shelves, makeup bags with the latest products and fashion fads, users are sharing their simplified closets and minimal makeup collections. More on culture Mattel unveiled Blind Barbie, part of the toymaker’s effort to be more inclusive. Stephen Colbert mocked Trump for recycling insults. THE MORNING RECOMMENDS … Kelsey Cherry Eat trifle, the dessert of the summer. Roast paprika chicken with potatoes. Pick the best drugstore makeup and skin care products. Take our news quiz. GAMES Here is today’s Spelling Bee. Yesterday’s pangrams were delight, delighted, highlighted and lighted. And here are today’s Mini Crossword, Wordle, Sudoku, Connections and Strands. Thanks for spending part of your morning with The Times. See you tomorrow. —David Sign up here to get this newsletter in your inbox. Reach our team at themorning@nytimes.com. Editor: David Leonhardt Deputy Editor: Adam B. Kushner News Editor: Tom Wright-Piersanti Associate Editor: Lauren Jackson News Staff: Desiree Ibekwe, Sean Kawasaki-Culligan, Brent Lewis, German Lopez, Ian Prasad Philbrick, Ashley Wu News Assistant: Lyna Bentahar Saturday Writer: Melissa Kirsch
  22. phkrause

    Summer Olympic Games 2024

    📺 NBC bets on Olympics rebound Data: Nielsen, Sports Media Watch. (2020 Olympics were held in 2021.) Chart: Axios Visuals NBC is betting on an Olympics-sized TV ratings rebound now that the Games are free of COVID-era disruptions, coupled with the scenic backdrop of Paris, Tim Baysinger writes in Axios Pro: Media Deals. Why it matters: If the Olympics audience keeps dwindling, NBC's $7.8 billion rights deal to televise the Games through 2032 starts to look like an albatross. 🔢 By the numbers: The Tokyo Olympics, which were delayed by a full year and held without any spectators due to COVID restrictions, were the worst-performing Games since NBC took over in 1988. Perhaps more troubling is that it was the second consecutive Summer Olympics to see viewership decline.
  23. 🤖 New AI phase Image: OpenAI OpenAI's announcement of SearchGPT — yesterday's direct shot at Google — kicks off the next phase of the search industry's rapid AI remodel, Axios managing editor for tech Scott Rosenberg writes. Why it matters: Tech leaders believe traditional search engines will give way to ChatGPT-style conversational interfaces as the dominant mode of information gathering online. 🎨 The big picture: Google and Microsoft, the only major players left standing in the traditional search business, have already woven generative AI into their search engines, with mixed results. OpenAI's new offering promises to cite and link to sources and to let users refine their inquiries. 🔭 Zoom out: OpenAI and its rivals are all betting that most users would rather just ask a question and get it answered than dig through search results. That makes sense for casual queries and simple facts ("What time is the Super Bowl?"). But AI search summaries like Google's have so far fallen down when faced with complex topics, controversies and ambiguities. Keep reading ... AI's new math whiz Illustration: Lindsey Bailey/Axios The talk of S.F. ... Mike had meetings yesterday with two AI experts, and they both brought this up: Two AI systems from Google DeepMind — an AI lab in London — were able to solve four of six tricky problems from this year's International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). That's on par with silver medalists in the annual world math championship for high school students, Axios' Alison Snyder writes. Why it matters: The ability to solve a range of math problems in step-by-step proofs is considered a "grand challenge" in machine learning, and has been beyond the reach of current state-of-the-art AI systems. "These are extremely hard mathematical problems and no AI system has ever achieved a high success rate in these types of problems," said Pushmeet Kohli, vice president of research focused on AI for science at DeepMind. Keep reading ...
  24. 🗳️ Death of "double haters" Screenshot: CNN Vice President Harris' entrance into the race has all but killed one of this election cycle's most-talked-about groups — the "double haters," who dislike both candidates, according to a new N.Y. Times/Siena College poll. Why it matters: Until last week, an unprecedented share of voters held unfavorable views of both President Biden and former President Trump. Biden is now out of the race. Trump's approval numbers are at their highest level ever recorded by a Times/Siena poll. Harris has also gained 10 points since February. 🧮 By the numbers: "With both Ms. Harris and Mr. Trump riding high, the number of voters who dislike both candidates has plunged to 8 percent, down from 20 percent in Times/Siena polls so far this year," N.Y. Times polling guru Nate Cohn writes. Keep reading (gift link — no subscription required). 🇮🇱 Bibi's parting shot Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was upset by Vice President Harris' statement after their meeting — and is concerned it will harm the negotiations over Gaza, an Israeli official told reporters. Why it matters: Harris' meeting with Netanyahu — her first with a foreign leader since launching her campaign — took place at a critical moment in negotiations over a possible deal, Axios' Barak Ravid writes. After a 40-minute meeting, Harris said she pressed Netanyahu to conclude a hostage and ceasefire deal. "It is time for this war to end in a way where Israel is secure, all the hostages are released, the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza ends and the Palestinian people can exercise their right to freedom, dignity and self-determination," she said. Keep reading ... Watch her statement.
  25. phkrause

    Summer Olympic Games 2024

    🚆 Arson attacks paralyze French rail Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra phones will capture live video footage from boats on the Seine during today's opening ceremony. Photo: Samsung Bulletin: Hours before the Olympics' grand debut, France's high-speed rail network was hit with widespread "criminal" sabtoage, including arson attacks. Travel to Paris was blocked from across France and Europe. The disruptions are expected to endure through the weekend and possibly longer, officials said. Eurostar rail service between London and Paris was disrupted by the vandalism. Passengers were asked to postpone journeys. Get the latest. 📱 For today's Opening Ceremony, 200+ Samsung smartphones will provide a unique lens to viewers as athletes from around the world travel by boat along the Seine River, Axios' Ina Fried writes from Paris. The ceremony will take place outside a stadium, on the waters of the Seine — creating a beautiful backdrop, but necessitating a different approach to capturing the event for a TV audience. Traditional cameras will be used to provide wide shots. The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra devices mounted on each of the 85 boats will provide an up-close view of the athletes as they make their way down the Seine. Footage will be sent over a private 5G network, with antennas placed along bridges on the route. Keep reading. 👀 How to watch: Live coverage starts at noon ET today on NBC. The opening ceremony starts at 1:30 p.m. Schedule + streaming services. 🏊 Weekend watch list: Katie Ledecky's first medal shot (Saturday, 2 p.m. ET) ... Street skateboarding finals (Saturday, 11:30 a.m. ET) ... Simone Biles returns (Sunday, 5:40 a.m. ET). Full guide from Axios' Maxwell Millington.
  26. stinsonmarri

    Stinsonmari's Thoughts

    I never addressed my age to you, and yet you understood that! When you try to make what I said mean something totally different. I wrote Kenaan, not Kenan, whom you brought up as Adam's great-grandson. That is assuming because you did not know this is the correct spelling of Cham's baby son's name! You could have asked me why I was spelling Canaan that way. I do not understand how you could write Seth's grandson when I wrote Cham/Ham's son and gave Gen 9:18-27. Where are Seth, his son Kenan, and Adam mentioned in those verses? Theophilus, you were writing like you were angry with me and I did not know what I was talking about. It is there that Noah did not follow YAHWEH'S blessings to his sons. I also gave you seven essential Biblical facts to prove that intoxication is not wise! You have the right to believe what you want to think. However, the Bible makes it clear that an intoxicated person is not wise. If you are not wise, you do and say foolish things. I will stand for what the Bible says, which is clear! However, my job is to give the message. I do not cross the line of trying to lead and guide you into all truth. That is THE HOLY SPIRIT'S job. Another way I can bring you to the water, but I cannot make you drink! Your belief in THE HOLY SPIRIT to lead you to drink or not is between you two. I can ask you to pray about it; I know I will, and leave it at that! Blessings!
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