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What does Occupy Wall Street Want?

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Robert, Can you give me your definition of "agape" in this post fall world .....

You mean for the believer?

Phil 2:4 "do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others."

Notice that God's grace covers our bent to self. Why? Because the believer has "been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by" (Rom 7:6)

Otherwise the believer standing under the banner of justification by faith would stand condemned.

Now, does this mean the believer can enjoy the flesh with all its desires and lusts? No!

Gal 5:13 You, my brothers, were called to be free (free from under law). But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.

I think Ellen White sums it best in the following:

"There was not one trace of selfishness in the life of Christ. All who are laborers together with God will have the same spirit (attitude) as their Master had. They will be continually growing away from selfishness, and renouncing self-indulgence, even in things that had once appeared innocent to them. . . [LHU 325]

So believers, who are standing perfect in Christ by faith, are also experiencing growth away from selfishness and those things that once appeared innocent to them. It's a change of mind/heart.

That's my best answer.

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You mean for the believer?

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Can you give me your definition of "agape" in this post fall world and how one would go about it. Or are you arguing the impossible for the sake of arguing or trying to appease your own conscience?

God loves all without reservation or preference.Can I do that?

Am I supposed to love all as my husband,God does?

The bible tells me to Honor my parents,God does not love some parents more than others. When God said to honor my parents He did not say honor all equally,did He mean that?

We may disagree but having children is a awesome responsibility that parents assume,I think I was expected to do my best for them,not my best for the whole neighborhood.

How could I do my best for all and not shortchange them all?

God says if you are not faithful in little things,you won't be in bigger things. Doing your best to you is self-seeking as you are sure you know everyone's motives.

Capitalism is something you try to avoid,what other system is out there?Capitalism as a system to me is a sin when abused.I can only stop me from abusing it.To you to engage in that and not give all equally is a sin.How do you explain the many texts in the bible that soundly disagree with you? Please no barrage of the same texts,just what it means to you.

Please don't go down the road of accusing others of confusing capitalism and righteousness. Those are accusations you brought in without one whit of comment to imply that.

You want to live as the early church,just waiting and hoping to find one.If this is such a heartfelt desire on your part,why aren't you doing something about it? It is possible you know,many people do just what you have done with a issue on both sides of the fence.You could find those that would follow.

Robert,can you please go back and answer this.EW can't answer it for you.For all you hammer others you should be able to answer for yourself.I don't expect you to.

I am of the opinion the hammer you use on others is empty words,used to pacify your own very selfish nature.So much you say God demands of others,impossible tho they are and I don't believe biblical you could be doing.Why aren't you.Don't ask EW,just speak for yourself.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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For all you hammer others....

I hammer the self-righteous. The far right are very self-righteous.....They play the religion card a lot.

For example, they use the abortion issue, but they never try to outlaw big tobacco. Neither do they attempt to stop exploitation. They are mostly liars.

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I hammer the self-righteous. The far right are very self-righteous.....They play the religion card a lot.

For example, they use the abortion issue, but they never try to outlaw big tobacco. Neither do they attempt to stop exploitation. They are mostly liars.

Everyone that does not agree with your view of how others should live is self righteous in your opinion.Every statement,every belief,every opinion stated by anyone that is not willing to live under a bridge and give all is met with SELF SEEKING,SELFISH,SELF RIGHTEOUS.

Personally I have never seen anyone come across more self righteous than you do They never try to outlaw big tobacco,you never try in your own corner to stamp out poverty.Your halo is slipping.If you have more than food and clothing you are sinning.Get rid of it.

Many things you condemn others for not doing are well within your capabilities.You don't,you self righteously condemn others.

You are afraid to answer direct questions.Using EW and the same bible texts over and over. You have been articulate enough in your self righteous condemnation of everyone else,but cannot articulate some simple answers to some simple questions.

Exploitation?? You have it down to an art.I wouldn't worry to much about others till you get a handle on exploiting a few chosen bible texts to serve what looks like some very selfish motives.Must also exempt you from being a man of your word.

You did say you would answer,yet refuse.Nothing you say has the ring of personal truth

Your continual preaching has a very hollow ring.Has it been hard work to come up with a belief that sets you above those doing far more than you are?

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Everyone that does not agree with your view of how others should live is self righteous....

They are not my views.....Christ is the fulfillment of the law. Live His life (which answered the law) and you have righteousness. There was no self-seeking in His life! Comprehend?

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Originally Posted By: bonnie
Everyone that does not agree with your view of how others should live is self righteous....

They are not my views.....Christ is the fulfillment of the law. Live His life (which answered the law) and you have righteousness. There was no self-seeking in His life! Comprehend?

What's you're point Robert?

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What's you're point Robert?

That there's none righteous (compared to Christ)....

My point (and I've drifted) is that the Republican party plays the religion card. They pick things like abortion and gay marriage as wedge issues. They try to divide.

This is self-righteous because these same folks take millions from big tobacco - they take millions from corporations wanting to exploit folks not under our rule of law.

Now don't get me wrong, the Democrats are not with out sin. They too lie! Obama acts like he is for the little guy and then goes and eats with his Wall Street billionaire buddies.

Again, we do not have a democracy. We have plutocracy.

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The Dims play the race card AND the class warfare card. But tell me how the Pubs play a so called "religion" card, Robert.

It is a little tough to follow as no one that I know of has claimed to be righteous.That is a accusation Robert makes and then says SEE.

If Robert sees himself as the self appointed right hand hammer of God and gets satisfaction from that I guess who are we do deprive him.

For myself I get a lot more inspiration out of those I come in contact with that actually don't talk much about their walk,just go about day to day doing what Robert rails against.

Robert at one time was very fond of a quite expensive vehicle,I find the Salvation Army approach a lot more uplifting.They work with local repairmen to provide needed repairs at a reduced cost and use the donations of the "self righteous" to provide much needed transportation for those otherwise without.

Two churches locally have a very active program for young pregnant women.Not railing about the evils of abortion,which they are strongly against,but actually making a huge difference. Actively seeking donations for needed items for newborn care,layettes and offering free babysitting services for a stressed young mother.Safe homes if a young mother feels threatened by boyfriend

Robert rails against tobacco,which is not a republican/right wing endeavor,the local Baptist church puts their money where Roberts mouth is. After classes and the like they have come up with a strong buddy system to try to help them not slip back.

The church food distribution actually feeds hundreds a week.No whining/crying and condemning the self righteous there.In our area we don't have a great deal of homeless sleeping under bridges,but they do have bedding and warm clothing for those that have a need for whatever reason.

There is a noticeable difference in their attitude and that of what Robert presents here.

They don't claim to be righteous as far as I know. Don't claim they are going to heaven based on their works. Don't talk a talk that others are supposed to walk.They don't have the self appointed task of hammering the "self righteous" so maybe that explains the drastic difference and why they have the time to actually do something.

Wonder who will hear "Well done thou good and faithful servant,enter into the joy of the Lord".Those actually doing or those doing the hammering

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Wonder who will hear "Well done thou good and faithful servant,enter into the joy of the Lord".Those actually doing or those doing the hammering

Well if we go by what the Bible says it will be those that keep hammering others! Does not the Bible say we will be judged as we judge others?? Pretty self explanatory if you ask me.


By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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Originally Posted By: bonnie
Wonder who will hear "Well done thou good and faithful servant,enter into the joy of the Lord".Those actually doing or those doing the hammering

Well if we go by what the Bible says it will be those that keep hammering others! Does not the Bible say we will be judged as we judge others?? Pretty self explanatory if you ask me.

Not sure I am following.I somehow don't think it will be those banging others with the hammers

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Originally Posted By: pkrause

Well if we go by what the Bible says it will be those that keep hammering others! Does not the Bible say we will be judged as we judge others?? Pretty self explanatory if you ask me. [/quote']

Sorry, I left out the word "not" between will and be in the above statement.


By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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They don't have the self appointed task of hammering the "self righteous" so maybe that explains the drastic difference and why they have the time to actually do something.

Unless one understands the gospel, everything one does will be based in iniquity, period! As Jack states, mankind is legalistic by nature. We are proud by nature and we expect a reward.

The gospel places the glory of mankind in the dust. It's God doing the hammering. And He does it through the Bible (especially the law)....

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Robert rails against tobacco,which is not a republican/right wing endeavor....

"the tobacco companies gave more than $6 million in soft money, mainly to the Republican Party." (Up in Smoke - Tobacco Industry Saves on Soft Money, Spends On Advertising and Lobbyists by Chris Berdik, Special to Corpwatch)

The repubs play the righteous card....Thing is they are hypocrites. They are modern day Pharisees. "All they do is to be seen of men".

It will be this type that bring in the dreaded Sunday law.

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Unless one understands the gospel, everything one does will be based in iniquity, period! As Jack states, mankind is legalistic by nature. We are proud by nature and we expect a reward.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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"the tobacco companies gave more than $6 million in soft money, mainly to the Republican Party." (Up in Smoke - Tobacco Industry Saves on Soft Money, Spends On Advertising and Lobbyists by Chris Berdik, Special to Corpwatch)

The repubs play the righteous card....Thing is they are hypocrites. They are modern day Pharisees. "All they do is to be seen of men".

It will be this type that bring in the dreaded Sunday law.

What has been given to democrats thru various means?

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Tobacco,as bad as it is,is the personal choice of those using the product as is alcohol.

Democrats have a hefty support for a practice that the victim has no choice.

Personally I am pro-life. I understand there are some very personal reasons that some choose abortion.Some do so because of convenience. You and I are forced largely because of the democratic party to help fund all that.

Recently a freezer was found to contain dead whatever they call them when it is decided to stick a scissors in the back of their skull.Just has to be done before the child is fully expelled.

For me,if I have to tie myself in knots as you are,it will be over a freezer full of dead babies that the taxpayer in many cases have been forced to fund.

Planned Parenthood Contributions to Federal Candidates

Select a Cycle:


Total to Democrats: $255,301

Total to Republicans: $10,000Recipient ↓ Total ↓

Adler, John H (D-NJ) $6,000

Arcuri, Michael (D-NY) $3,000

Baker, Judith W (D-MO) $4,000

Barnes, Kay (D-MO) $6,000

Bean, Melissa (D-IL) $2,000

Berkowitz, Ethan A (D-AK) $7,000

Brown, Charles D (D-CA) $2,500

Burner, Darcy (D-WA) $10,000

Carnahan, Russ (D-MO) $1,000

Carson, Andre (D-IN) $1,000

Clyburn, James E (D-SC) $1,000

Cohen, Stephen Ira (D-TN) $1,225

Connolly, Gerry (D-VA) $2,000

Courtney, Joe (D-CT) $2,000

DeGette, Diana (D-CO) $1,000

Derby, Jill T (D-NV) $2,000

Edwards, Donna (D-MD) $1,000

Emanuel, Rahm (D-IL) $1,000

Foster, Bill (D-IL) $5,000

Giffords, Gabrielle (D-AZ) $9,000

Gillibrand, Kirsten (D-NY) $8,000

Grayson, Alan (D-FL) $5,000

Greenwald, Rebecca (D-IA) $1,000

Hall, John (D-NY) $2,000

Halvorson, Deborah (D-IL) $5,000

Heinrich, Martin (D-NM) $2,000

Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie (D-SD) $1,000

Hodes, Paul W (D-NH) $3,000

Hoyer, Steny H (D-MD) $1,000

Jennings, Christine (D-FL) $2,000

Kilpatrick, Carolyn Cheeks (D-MI) $1,000

Kilroy, Mary Jo (D-OH) $5,000

Kirk, Mark (R-IL) $10,000

Kirkpatrick, Ann (D-AZ) $7,000

Klein, Ron (D-FL) $2,000

Kosmas, Suzanne (D-FL) $6,000

Kratovil, Frank M Jr (D-MD) $2,000

Kryzan, Alice J (D-NY) $3,000

Lee, Barbara (D-CA) $1,000

Leibham, Nicholas Alexander (D-CA) $3,000

Lord, Bob (D-AZ) $5,000

Lowey, Nita M (D-NY) $1,000

Madia, Ashwin (D-MN) $6,000

Maffei, Dan (D-NY) $6,000

Mahoney, Tim (D-FL) $2,000

Markey, Betsy (D-CO) $6,000

Massa, Eric (D-NY) $3,000

McNerney, Jerry (D-CA) $7,000

Minnick, Walt (D-ID) $5,000

Mitchell, Harry E (D-AZ) $7,000

Moore, Gwen (D-WI) $1,000

Morgenthaler, Jill (D-IL) $500

Murphy, Christopher S (D-CT) $3,000

Murphy, Patrick J (D-PA) $3,192

Neuhardt, Sharen Swartz (D-OH) $1,000

Nye, Glenn (D-VA) $2,500

Pelosi, Nancy (D-CA) $1,000

Peters, Gary (D-MI) $7,000

Pingree, Chellie (D-ME) $1,009

Richardson, Laura (D-CA) $500

Rodriguez, Ciro D (D-TX) $3,000

Sarvi, Steve (D-MN) $500

Schakowsky, Jan (D-IL) $1,000

Schauer, Mark (D-MI) $6,000

Schrader, Kurt (D-OR) $5,000

Schultz, Debbie Wasserman (D-FL) $1,000

Sestak, Joseph A Jr (D-PA) $1,000

Shea-Porter, Carol (D-NH) $8,000

Shulman, Dennis G (D-NJ) $1,000

Slaughter, Louise M (D-NY) $1,000

Solis, Hilda L (D-CA) $1,000

Stender, Linda D (D-NJ) $6,000

Taddeo, Annette (D-FL) $500

Teague, Harry (D-NM) $1,000

Titus, Dina (D-NV) $6,000

Tonko, Paul (D-NY) $500

Tsongas, Niki (D-MA) $500

Van Hollen, Chris (D-MD) $1,000

Walz, Timothy J (D-MN) $5,000

Waxman, Henry A (D-CA) $1,000

Weirauch, Robin (D-OH) $1,375

Wulsin, Victoria Wells (D-OH) $2,000

Yarmuth, John A (D-KY) $5,000

Zeitz, Joshua M (D-NJ) $500


Total to Democrats: $96,575

Total to Republicans: ($3,000)Recipient ↓ Total ↓

Allen, Tom H (D-ME) $320

Baucus, Max (D-MT) $5,000

Begich, Mark (D-AK) $7,500

Boxer, Barbara (D-CA) $9,918

Chafee, Lincoln D (R-RI) ($3,000)

Clinton, Hillary (D-NY) $1,837

Durbin, Dick (D-IL) $1,000

Franken, Al (D-MN) $9,000

Hagan, Kay R (D-NC) $5,000

Harkin, Tom (D-IA) $6,000

LaRocco, Larry (D-ID) $500

Lautenberg, Frank R (D-NJ) $1,000

Levin, Carl (D-MI) $1,000

Martin, James Francis (D-GA) $9,000

Merkley, Jeff (D-OR) $7,500

Reed, Jack (D-RI) $1,000

Shaheen, Jeanne (D-NH) $10,000

Udall, Mark (D-CO) $10,000

Udall, Tom (D-NM) $10,000

Whitehouse, Sheldon (D-RI) $1,000


Total to Democrats: $3,674

Total to Republicans: $0Recipient ↓ Total ↓

Edwards, John (D) $1,837

Obama, Barack (D) $1,837

Based on data released by the FEC on July 13, 2009.

Center for Responsive Politics.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Tobacco,as bad as it is,is the personal choice of those using the product....

This is pure baloney. It's worse than brainwashing. It's down right hypocrisy. If smoking is a personal choice than abortion is a personal choice.

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Quite frankly I have little interest in what "Jack" says.

And very frankly I could care very little about what you say because it's purse nonsense. You're against certain sins, but not those that expose you!

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Originally Posted By: bonnie
Tobacco,as bad as it is,is the personal choice of those using the product....

This is pure baloney. It's worse than brainwashing. It's down right hypocrisy. If smoking is a personal choice than abortion is a personal choice.

Really? I know a lot of people that smoke and not one was dragged into a store to purchase and then forced to inhale.

But those that smoke generally have years of life to make the decision to quit.

Abortion is the personal choice of the mother according to current law.That personal choice of hers results in one very dead baby that will never have a choice of any kind to make

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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And very frankly I could care very little about what you say because it's purse nonsense. You're against certain sins, but not those that expose you!

I know this is going to be interesting and I probably shouldn't ask,but what sins do I endorse that expose me?Do you assume that because I am not slapping people upside the head with a verbal hammer as "Christ"? did or Robert does I am somehow for certain sins

What certain sins am I against.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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And very frankly I could care very little about what you say because it's purse nonsense. You're against certain sins, but not those that expose you!

My time is limited and I read a book that has authors I can trust

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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