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Gregory Matthews

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To challenge your thinking, i invite you to respond to the following quote.  I have removed the name of the person who made the quoted statement as I don't want that identification to influence your thought.



In a 2001 article, . . . X . . . wrote that black attitudes, rather than white racism, were what held black people back. According to . . .X . . . , "victimology, separatism, and anti-intellectualism underlie the general black community’s response to all race-related issues," and "it’s time for well-intentioned whites to stop pardoning as 'understandable' the worst of human nature whenever black people exhibit it.


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11 hours ago, Gregory Matthews said:

To challenge your thinking, ...

I believe I found the article quoted. Quite the read. However, I have posted many things similar here written by many different blacks relative to race relations. One person here will not be happy about this article. I suspect that if you agree with the article, some will simply label you a racist!

                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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The quote reflects what I have believed for a long time - the author understands stereotypes are simply generalized observations. 

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Let me ask a question:  How many people reading this thread believed that the person who made the statement that I quoted was a so-called White person?  I suspect that some thought it was a White person.

My quote can be found in the following article:

John McWhorter - Wikipedia

The person who made the statement was Dr. John McWhorter, who teaches at Columbia University.  Dr. McWhorter is a renowned scholar in the field of linguistics.  He is also of African-American background.

The Internet has multiple articles about him.   If you want to know more about him, I suggest that you start by reading the following:






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On 10/29/2021 at 6:54 PM, Gregory Matthews said:

To challenge your thinking, i invite you to respond to the following quote.  I have removed the name of the person who made the quoted statement as I don't want that identification to influence your thought.


I was commenting on something else. I just happen to click on to this thread. What is so tiring is that White people think and know what all Black people feel. There is an old saying walk a mile in my shoe. Then we have these right wing social conservatives Blacks who speaks out against Blacks people themselves. They want to be the one who say Black people have a problem. It is not like many Blacks have said this all the time. I have said it! But all ethnic groups or cultures does as well. My problem is many on both side tried to characterized instead of hearing the issue and what the main problem is! It is sin, period. The root of the problem is whoever is the ruling class at that time oppress the non ruling class. 

I have never made an excuse that Afrikan people were once the ruling class. What I have constantly and consistently said has not changed. I said they knew YAHWEH! You have to know THE ALMIGHTY ONES and reject THEM to be brought low or destroyed! The problem is accepting some of the truth but not all of it. One ethic group cannot say that they rule every nation of the world except Nimrod. The lie that must be understood is to believe the Bible or just don't! Three sons of Noah had cultures and unless we look with open minds to the truth and the failures of each culture then this is fruitless.

I have said that prejudice, not racism (it is really not accurate), stems off of covertness, jealousy which leads to hatred! When ones wants what the other has and then becomes jealous. If he can't have just exactly like he saw it. This person then begins to  ponder over how to have it, until they becomes sick! When they get it when they want it then they begin to hate!

I have said over and over that Abraham who was a Chaldean came into Black people dwellings. The Chaldeans and the Black Babylonians were known as stargazers. That is what they was famous for. Now, the Canaanites were skilled people, particularly the Phoenicians who were traders on the sea and the shore. They study the stars to navigate the seas. If you take time and think logically they needed a unique way to speak to various people of different cultures. They came up with the alphabet and the oldest language was Ugaritic. I repeat again it was not Semitic. It is an Afrikan language, they like the English language became  lingua franca. One ethnic group refuses to accept this along with other historical facts. Now, here is what they overlook Eze Chapter 28! The king of Tyre-a Phoenician is compared to Satan; the most powerful angel ever made. Have you read the Chapter? Than take the time and read it! Ezekiel was told:

The word of YAHWEH came again unto me, saying, Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith THE SOVEREIGN YAHWEH; Because thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a EL, I sit in the seat of ELOHIYM, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not EL though thou set thine heart as the heart of ELOHIYM: Eze 28:1-2 

Then check this out to back it up:

In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan and swear to YAHWEH of hosts; one shall be called, The city of destruction. Isa 19:18 

YAHWEH did not say the language of the Hebrews of Eber, the children of Ham who are Afrikans! The Bible does not lie! You cannot hid truth!

This was a rebellious Black man, like Nimrod and most of all like Satan. He knew who YAHWEH! These people helped build YAHWEH'S Temple willing with Solomon! Read the story in the Bible.

I have a question! How historically do you hate the Hebrews and love the Ashkenazi who both live in Palestine? Easy, change the name and call them both Jews! Well news flash, the Ashkenazi did not like that. So, in their Almanac they said very clearly they are not ancient Hebrews. Guess what, they are right!

"Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew." (1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3).

Why the cover up, why not tell the truth.

I have not heard Professor John McWhorter explain why a young White young man can into a Black church and killed eight Black people? They were kind to him and he still killed them. Why?  Now, that person said truthfully, he wanted to start a race war. This socialist conservatism wanted Obama to become President.

"Well, for one thing I think, I'm much more of a moderate, but I support Barack Obama for two reasons. One of them is that he is somebody who can think. And, after the past eight years, I think that this country could use a president who is actually reflective and likes to think. And in particular, Barack Obama is good at splitting the difference and looking at both sides and trying to come up with a combination. And I suppose that reminds me of myself, and I just - it appeals to me." Linguist John McWhorter Makes Case For Obama; NEAL CONAN, host.

Now, you know you need to fully research the person and his views. It is easily to pick a Black man whom you think he thinks the way you like but he really don't! This Black man is smart and know hot to manipulates. He tells one story and views and has a rock behind his back with another. He was not going to vote for Trump. However, he wants his White audience to believe that he has empathy for them. 

"However, I don’t find it baffling in the least that Black and Latino people might deem President Donald Trump worthy of their vote, despite the fact that I was most certainly not one of them." The Black People Who Voted for Trump Know He’s Racist; By John McWhorter: Writer for Atlantic.

There is so much that many think they know about truth. Professor McWhorter doesn't know the truth. He see without the truth that lies within the Bible. His popularity is to be accepted by the majority so he can richly survived. Now, who do you think by his books?

The Bible dealt with prejudice, covetousness and hatred. You can huff and puff and call me whatever but here is the Biblical facts.

IsraEL were not slaves, they were servants and they did get paid. More then usual because Egypt knew YAHWEH! Miriam and Aaron became jealous and coveted their own brother. They begin to hate and you want hurt the person in the worst way! Aaron let Miriam take the charge! She blasted Moses on his wife and upset YAHWEH on HIS creation of color! Did you all get that, I hope you did! You know the rest of the story. Now, all who don't want to accept that YAHWEH came to Canaan first, explain Melchisedec, he was a Jebusite! Jerusalem was not, I repeat again, was not built by David! The city was in the The Amarna Letters and was known as  “Urusalim” and Salem during the time of Abraham in the Bible. Black Canaanites, the Jebusites; children of Ham built the city and that is a fact! Here again YAHWEH IS not respect of people. HE hates sin and if you rebel you will paid the penalty for sinning and disrespecting who HE IS!

Did you know that the Hebrews were prejudice against White People?

In Acts, the pivotal moment comes when Peter has his racial awakening. He has lived all his life in a culture analogous to white culture, assuming privilege. He had been taught that it was a sin to eat with a Gentile or even go into his house. . . Suddenly Peter knew that the dream was about people, not food.

 When he got to the home of Cornelius, he said to the crowd gathered to listen to him, “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts people from every ethnic group who worship him and do what is right.” Jesus, Peter, and Paul Learn Something about Race; posted By Steve Hollaway, Harbor Church Sun, 08/20/2017

If you think that Trump is the problem wake up! Trump open the door to the hidden problem. The problem the real big lie was covetousness. Do you know what this word means?

Covetousness: marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or for another's possessions. Merriam-Webster defines as having a craving for possession: covetous of power!

Finally, politic and democracy are not the same. When one is selfish and do not see the needs of others is does not matter what party you are in. What matters is respect, love and the needs of the people: YOU SERVE! Terry McAuliffe refuse to see this and Glenn Youngkin won with a false few of Critical Race Theory! McAuliffe should have took the time and spoke about it! This is not taught in grades 1-12 period, it is taught in college dealing with the law!

White mother's were concern about education and how it was taught! Last be honest you can feel you are more advance or better than other ethnic people. That's how Satan trick the other angels. Sometimes we have to meet people where they are. So, I ask you why do White ladies want to get a tan? I seem them even put Cristo on their bodies and burn their skin to look brown! I also have seen Black ladies use creams to lighten up their skins!

Where in the Bible does it say that ethnic groups cannot marry each other? I read HE love and respect us all because HE IS THE ONE who made us different colors. I have White ancestors as well. But two ethnic people were mistreated badly. The Ashkenazi Jews (German White people), because they believe in the Judaic faith! They also had traces of East Mediterranean ancestries in their blood. The Afrikan chattel slavery was different; it was based on color. These were two horrible and shameful images that should be remember. The South were Democrats and North were Republicans during the time of the Civil War. It was change in the 1900 and this is a fact! Hatred has become so revealing that we might be heading for another one soon. 

Finally, the solution is love and until we who profess to know YAHSHUA herald this truth! This is truth, this is facts and most of all this is FAITH!



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3 hours ago, stinsonmarri said:

I was commenting on something else. I just happen to click on to this thread. What is so tiring is that White people think and know what all Black people feel. There is an old saying walk a mile in my shoe. Then we have these right wing social conservatives Blacks who speaks out against Blacks people themselves. They want to be the one who say Black people have a problem. It is not like many Blacks have said this all the time. I have said it! But all ethnic groups or cultures does as well. My problem is many on both side tried to characterized instead of hearing the issue and what the main problem is! It is sin, period. The root of the problem is whoever is the ruling class at that time oppress the non ruling class. 

Has it occurred to you that it is just as tiring listening to what black people think white people feel? Your are very dismissive and insulting  against blacks that do not follow your racist views . Never would occur to you that possibly they do not carry the racial chip on their shoulder that many blacks  demand 

3 hours ago, stinsonmarri said:



Now, you know you need to fully research the person and his views. It is easily to pick a Black man whom you think he thinks the way you like but he really don't! This Black man is smart and know hot to manipulates. He tells one story and views and has a rock behind his back with another. He was not going to vote for Trump. However, he wants his White audience to believe that he has empathy for them. 

You know this is how this man or any man that disagrees with you is so manipulative? Did you speak to him or has any given you something that would prove your condemnation of them?


3 hours ago, stinsonmarri said:

There is so much that many think they know about truth. Professor McWhorter doesn't know the truth. He see without the truth that lies within the Bible. His popularity is to be accepted by the majority so he can richly survived. Now, who do you think by his books?



And you know the truth about this man? 





3 hours ago, stinsonmarri said:


Finally, politic and democracy are not the same. When one is selfish and do not see the needs of others is does not matter what party you are in. What matters is respect, love and the needs of the people: YOU SERVE! Terry McAuliffe refuse to see this and Glenn Youngkin won with a false few of Critical Race Theory! McAuliffe should have took the time and spoke about it! This is not taught in grades 1-12 period, it is taught in college dealing with the law!

How odd that you always seem to have the "truth" and yet dozens and dozens say you are wrong.


3 hours ago, stinsonmarri said:

White mother's were concern about education and how it was taught! Last be honest you can feel you are more advance or better than other ethnic people. That's how Satan trick the other angels. Sometimes we have to meet people where they are. So, I ask you why do White ladies want to get a tan? I seem them even put Cristo on their bodies and burn their skin to look brown! I also have seen Black ladies use creams to lighten up their skins!

I know I am going to be sorry I asked but this has what to do with the subject?

Kind of strange to use Crisco, I am assuming that is what Cristo means. All of the creams available for both white and black women why on earth use Crisco and more to the point who cares?


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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  1. .stinsonmarri,

  2. I am quite certain you will deny this but it is reported by dozens of media outlets. Even liberal media. This total vile trash may be what you believe is appropriate for children but most of 
    White mother's have concern about education and how it was taught! Last be honest you can feel you are more advance or better than other ethnic people. 
  3. Yes any mother that is concerned about the education of their children and what is taught  are better than that ,better mothers than those that want that trash taught to their children


  1. Whistleblowers report school districts using book that ...
  2. Jul 09, 2021 · The controversial book, “Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness” by Anastasia Higginbotham, has been revered by The New York Times as “an honest explanation about how power and privilege factor ...


    Yes, critical race theory is being taught in public schools (msn.com)


    Just this week, the Manhattan Institute’s Christopher Rufo reported that 30 public school districts in 15 states are teaching a book, Not My Idea, that tells readers that “whiteness” leads white people to make deals with the devil for “stolen land, stolen riches, and special favors.” White people get to “mess endlessly with the lives of your friends, neighbors, loved ones, and all fellow humans of color for the purpose of profit,” the book adds.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Is Critical Race Theory Taught in K-12 Schools? The NEA Says Yes, and That It Should Be.

"It is reasonable and appropriate for curriculum to be informed by academic frameworks..."




(Neonbrand / Unsplash)


That said, the National Education Association (NEA) appears to have accepted the conservative framing of CRT: namely, that it's not merely confined to academia but is in fact also being taught in K-12 schools. And the NEA thinks this is a good thing that should be defended.

At its yearly annual meeting, conducted virtually over the past few days, the NEA adopted New Business Item 39, which essentially calls for the organization to defend the teaching of critical race theory.*

"It is reasonable and appropriate for curriculum to be informed by academic frameworks for understanding and interpreting the impact of the past on current society, including critical race theory," says the item.

Consistent with its defense of CRT, the NEA will also provide a study "that critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society." The implication is that these critiques are aspects of critical race theory, which in a weird way makes this an example of the activist left basically accepting the activist right's new working definition of CRT as "all of the various cultural insanities."

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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A distinction should be made distinguishing Black people from Black slave descendants. A great tragedy and a blot on America, the enslavement of Black people degraded them and their descendants, if not organically, certainly culturally. There is generally a detectable difference between Black slave descendants and, for example, Ethiopians who were never enslaved.

The Jews were enslaved for hundreds of years. Upon their release, they were subjected to rigorous rehabilitation through laws and lifestyle. Bad actors were either killed or corrected. There was little recidivism.

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10 minutes ago, GHansen said:

It may take only a generation  for Black immigrants to America to absorb toxic racist culture.

Interesting isn't it. Thousands and thousands wanting to come to this horrible, racist country badly enough to go thru the absolute hell they do to get here. Won't take long for the indoctrination by the liberals to change their prespective

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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On 11/7/2021 at 7:15 PM, bonnie said:

Has it occurred to you that it is just as tiring listening to what black people think white people feel? Your are very dismissive and insulting  against blacks that do not follow your racist views . Never would occur to you that possibly they do not carry the racial chip on their shoulder that many blacks  demand 

You know this is how this man or any man that disagrees with you is so manipulative? Did you speak to him or has any given you something that would prove your condemnation of them?


And you know the truth about this man? 





How odd that you always seem to have the "truth" and yet dozens and dozens say you are wrong.


I know I am going to be sorry I asked but this has what to do with the subject?

Kind of strange to use Crisco, I am assuming that is what Cristo means. All of the creams available for both white and black women why on earth use Crisco and more to the point who cares?


As usual you think you know but you don't Bonnie. You are clueless to what I was saying. Because of who you are and how you relate. You have binders on and you want to down grade everything. Frankly I am glad you of tire of Blacks. Maybe you can just leave us alone because you are not able to see the glass full. It truly would take a miracle and I have wasted enough time trying!


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59 minutes ago, stinsonmarri said:

As usual you think you know but you don't Bonnie. You are clueless to what I was saying. Because of who you are and how you relate.

You are partially right. Much of what you say really does not have much of anything to do with the topic. and it is very hard to try to piece together what you say.


59 minutes ago, stinsonmarri said:


You have binders on and you want to down grade everything. Frankly I am glad you of tire of Blacks. Maybe you can just leave us alone because you are not able to see the glass full. It truly would take a miracle and I have wasted enough time trying!


I am assuming you mean blinders instead of binders.  PLease try to stick to what I said, I did not say I was tired of blacks. You are very free with explaining what white people   think and want, that is tiring. You have never approved of any black that does not agree with your very narrow racist view. Doesn't matter who, claiming Ben Carson was a personal friend and then on to trash him as well as any other black person that disagrees with you. My opinion of those that are black hasn't anything to do with glass full. Some I would not care to have a personal friendship with and others I would or have in the past.

But many that did have a great deal of empathy for black americans are in fact losing it very quickly.  You were never a slave and I, nor anyone else alive today owned slaves and it is tiresome that somehow anyone thinks the constant reminder of past sins will fix it all. Or CRT being fed to our children? Of course there is discrimination, will be till life on this earth is over. That goes for blacks as well, white people do not have a monopoly on hate. The riots should have had all understanding that. 

You walking around with that racial chip on your shoulder may give you some comfort.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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1 hour ago, stinsonmarri said:

Tire and glass half full. Bye!

Again you are not making any sense. That is alright, I have no interest in trying to untangle what you mean

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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It does appear in area's the race card has been pushed to the max and a push back of sorts is evident in some area's.

Mpls showed a little backbone and voted against defunding the police.  Regardless of the desire by BLM to defund the police.  61 % of black americans want the same or more protection. Hopefully BLM realizes their looting and rioting helps turn the tide against them.

It seems some business has had enough of the completely asinine woke trend. Hopefully CRT got a death blow. White and black parents do not want anything to do with that absolute garbage.

Hopefully the insanity that followed the death of George Floyd wont be repeated. We do not have anyone in authority that cares enough to put an iimmediate stop to thugs destroying property of innocent people


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Interesting, how God dealt with people who had been degraded through slavery i.e, the Jews. Virtually the entire cohort  died in the wilderness. Truth is they were beyond redemption. An entirely new generation was developed. Those people grew into a great nation; unfortunately, they  failed again to realize their purpose, except as individuals.

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18 minutes ago, GHansen said:

Interesting, how God dealt with people who had been degraded through slavery i.e, the Jews. Virtually the entire cohort  died in the wilderness. Truth is they were beyond redemption. An entirely new generation was developed. Those people grew into a great nation; unfortunately, they  failed again to realize their purpose, except as individuals.

I have always admired the Jewish people. Wondered many times at the resilience of the entire race. They never gave up.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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13 hours ago, bonnie said:

Again you are not making any sense. That is alright, I have no interest in trying to untangle what you mean

Your glass is half full! You need to check yourself!

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On 11/7/2021 at 7:32 PM, bonnie said:


Is Critical Race Theory Taught in K-12 Schools? The NEA Says Yes, and That It Should Be.

"It is reasonable and appropriate for curriculum to be informed by academic frameworks..."




(Neonbrand / Unsplash)


That said, the National Education Association (NEA) appears to have accepted the conservative framing of CRT: namely, that it's not merely confined to academia but is in fact also being taught in K-12 schools. And the NEA thinks this is a good thing that should be defended.

At its yearly annual meeting, conducted virtually over the past few days, the NEA adopted New Business Item 39, which essentially calls for the organization to defend the teaching of critical race theory.*

"It is reasonable and appropriate for curriculum to be informed by academic frameworks for understanding and interpreting the impact of the past on current society, including critical race theory," says the item.

Consistent with its defense of CRT, the NEA will also provide a study "that critiques empire, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, anti-Indigeneity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteropatriarchy, capitalism, ableism, anthropocentrism, and other forms of power and oppression at the intersections of our society." The implication is that these critiques are aspects of critical race theory, which in a weird way makes this an example of the activist left basically accepting the activist right's new working definition of CRT as "all of the various cultural insanities."

This is the biggest untruth and false propaganda. This what you want to believe and the Bible says YAHWEH will send a delusion that you will believe a lie. Here it is! Nothing more to be say, when people make up lies and others believe them. Sin is hatred and the lie is what you want to believe. When you are blind and don't want to see, then you won't see! It sad and it's useless! The glass is half full!

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On 11/7/2021 at 3:43 PM, stinsonmarri said:

What is so tiring is that White people think and know what all Black people feel. ... Then we have these right wing social conservatives Blacks who speaks out against Blacks people themselves.

It would seem that stinsonmarri brings up skin color more than anyone on this forum. And she supports organizations and movements that are racist in their makeup. I would suggest that stinsonmarri is the most racist person on this forum even as she wraps up her rants with "bless you" and other pseudo-history. All racism is not whites hating on blacks. There is more than enough racism in the black community to go around.

On 11/7/2021 at 3:43 PM, stinsonmarri said:

White mother's were concern about education and how it was taught!

Mothers and fathers have a right and duty to be involved in their chidlrens education. Unfortunately, many on the left are using education for racist and political means. This is demonstrated by the justice department wanting to use the government to target parents who oppose Critical Race Theory and attempt to define them as "domestic terrorists."

                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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26 minutes ago, B/W Photodude said:

It would seem that stinsonmarri brings up skin color more than anyone on this forum. And she supports organizations and movements that are racist in their makeup. I would suggest that stinsonmarri is the most racist person on this forum even as she wraps up her rants with "bless you" and other pseudo-history. All racism is not whites hating on blacks. There is more than enough racism in the black community to go around.


This is the biggest untruth and false propaganda. This what you want to believe and the Bible says YAHWEH will send a delusion that you will believe a lie. Here it is! Nothing more to be say, when people make up lies and others believe them. Sin is hatred and the lie is what you want to believe. When you are blind and don't want to see, then you won't see! It sad and it's useless! The glass is half full!

The above kind of statements that serve for an answer says a lot. Every person, black or white that disagrees  on race or religion  is lying. Of course it is proof that everyone, including many  of the black  community are lying and stinsonmarri and those whose view she favors  are the truthful unbiased, non racist group

Then we are given this as an  a answer to racism ....  Can anyone explain this....

White mother's were concern about education and how it was taught! Last be honest you can feel you are more advance or better than other ethnic people. That's how Satan trick the other angels. Sometimes we have to meet people where they are. So, I ask you why do White ladies want to get a tan? I seem them even put Cristo on their bodies and burn their skin to look brown! I also have seen Black ladies use creams to lighten up their skins!


There were black mothers that had the same concern for their children as any of the white mothers. What a slap in the face from one black person to another. Did those black mothers feel that they are more advanced and better than stinsonmarri and those of the liberal left? Wonder if it occurred to anyone making those accusations that those black mothers are no different than any white mother. Wanting the best for our kids and keeping them from harmful hateful people.

For the life of me I cannot get the picture of a white woman at the beech with a open can of crisco


26 minutes ago, B/W Photodude said:

Mothers and fathers have a right and duty to be involved in their chidlrens education. Unfortunately, many on the left are using education for racist and political means. This is demonstrated by the justice department wanting to use the government to target parents who oppose Critical Race Theory and attempt to define them as "domestic terrorists."


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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3 hours ago, B/W Photodude said:

It would seem that stinsonmarri brings up skin color more than anyone on this forum. And she supports organizations and movements that are racist in their makeup. I would suggest that stinsonmarri is the most racist person on this forum even as she wraps up her rants with "bless you" and other pseudo-history. All racism is not whites hating on blacks. There is more than enough racism in the black community to go around.

Mothers and fathers have a right and duty to be involved in their chidlrens education. Unfortunately, many on the left are using education for racist and political means. This is demonstrated by the justice department wanting to use the government to target parents who oppose Critical Race Theory and attempt to define them as "domestic terrorists."

The problem photodue, if you read what I wrote, I said that. Critical Theory all of sudden this year just popped up why? College educated people should know that critical race theory have always been taught in college and not in 1-12th grade. Yes, I have brought up ethnicity and I explain the truth about it. What is wrong with that? Why is that a problem? When I speaking about tired it was related to Blacks who uses the race card for their advantage. That is having White People believe that they are with them by blaming that Black people do not have problems. We all know that some Blacks bring problems on themselves. We also know that some Blacks know how to manipulate. They know how to make White's give them what they need. Money and Power, covetousness works with all ethnicities.

I certainly do support Black Organizations who are real for me and yes not for you. See you support people who broke into Congress, and I don't. They have a race problem like you and refuse to see it. You want to make me out as the grey wolf because I speak up. Now, I do not get angry.

I do say you believe the untruth about me,  and those Black organizations. You do not look for the truth! You do not try to discuss it. You believe things that are false because that is what has been hidden for centuries. You don't accept that the Confederacy is still alive and that is the mentality. The South never felt they lost the war and the North allowed it. You can continue to believe all of these false propaganda because you choose to.

Prejudice against Blacks, the Indians, the Asian and other people of color have never died! Supremacy is real, Indians land was taken, Blacks was brought here as CHATTEL SLAVES, Asian were mistreated. Some Whites feel that they above everyone else and we cannot speak up about it. Guess what we can and will. I will continue firmly but in the right manner state the facts. You will not agree. That's fine but rest assure that YAHWEH knows and soon will send HIS SON and then all will know who is right!

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16 hours ago, GHansen said:

Interesting, how God dealt with people who had been degraded through slavery i.e, the Jews. Virtually the entire cohort  died in the wilderness. Truth is they were beyond redemption. An entirely new generation was developed. Those people grew into a great nation; unfortunately, they  failed again to realize their purpose, except as individuals.

Ghansen: Being real can you show me, where the Hebrews not Jews were in slavery?

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