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Our Friend is Dying


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I am 61 and hubby is 64. As we age, more and more friends are dying. Today, we received the news that a long-time friend of over 35 years was referred to hospice for the end stages of lung cancer which he has fought valiently for 7 years. Two days ago the MRI showed that the cancer has invaded his lungs, liver, and other organs in his body. Also, he has a lesion in his brain which is 4 inches in diameter. He and his wife raised two fine sons; one is now an SDA minister, and the other is a professor in an SDA university. Jim and my hubby have eaten breakfast together six mornings per week for the last seven years. Jim's wife calls him her "best friend". Life will be very difficult for her alone. She and I have been friends since our teenage years, both of us being "loners". Please pray for Jim that his faith will remain strong and that his pain (which is escalating quickly) will be bearable with the medications hospice will administer. Pray for Jim's wife that the Holy Spirit will be everpresent in a way that she can feel. Pray for me and my hubby that we can add help and support when and where it is needed.

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Your friends are fortunate to have such good friends as you and your husband. I will be praying for them and you as well as you go through this difficult time.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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