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Pray for Mike... More Health Issues


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Please continue in prayer for Mike.

Yesterday we were told that his thyroid is not functioning any longer and he will be taking synthroid from now on. We were also told that the pain in his hip that we thought was arthritis, may not be.

They did a pelvic X-ray to take a look at his left iliac crest and found a mass in his left hip that will require a bone-scan to determine what it is.

Mike told me last night that he's very afraid because his entire left leg hurts from the where it joins his body to his ankle, and it feels (his description) like the "flesh is loose".

The pain is severe enough that at his last dr. visit she increased his morphine to 60mg time-released twice a day. And it helps, but doesn't remove his pain.

We have a bone scan scheduled for next Thursday morning.

Thanks again...


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Thank you for sharing this with us Clio.

I hope he knows that there are many who care about him.

I will pray for both of you that you both will have the strength and courage to make it through all this.

Keep strong. And keep us informed.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Thank you Redwood.

We do appreciate your prayers. I will keep you updated as we learn more.

Hopefully the synthroid will help him be a little more comfortable. He's been pretty miserable.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Will pray!

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Thank you Gail. It just breaks my heart with all he's gone through. It seems like its a cascade, one thing after another.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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I know what you mean Nan. It seems to never end, doesn't it? Last night when he told me how afraid he is, I didn't know what to say. He's home alone most of the day, and has plenty of time to think.

He was thinking about what to do with his golf clubs, because what if he loses his leg?

I could hardly answer him because I had been thinking most of the day about how his systems just seem to be cascading... first his heart, then lungs, then digestive, now his pancrease, thyroid, and bone issues...

Hmmm what affects everything? Hormones, blood, endocrinology?

Yikes... I've got to get him out of Alaska. I guess I better start job hunting in healthcare communities with lots of specialists....

Keep us in your prayers.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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And the moods don't help, either. The thyroid med should help with that, though (hoping!)

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Oh the moods are a nightmare, and at his last doc visit, she was really, really concerned.

This is the time of year in Alaska when suicide statistics take a dramatic upward swing. People just are crashing left and right. She pulled me aside when he went to have his blood drawn and told me if he got to the same point where he'd been a week earlier I was to get him to ER immediately no matter what it took and get him where we could watch him and get the right meds into him.

I think he heard a good portion of that and it scared him. So he's keeping me as emotionally close as he can and talking about anything that really bothers him.

That's new.

And you're right. Knowing he's got a thyroid issue, and is now on meds for it, will help his moods quite a bit.

Thanks for your prayers, Gail.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Thanks for your prayers, Gail.

You betcha! Thanks for the updates and may God's peace be with you

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Oh Clio, I am so glad Mike has you! We are praying for Mike and you. It amazes me what all you have been thru and what a testimony you are to the wonderful hymn "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms". Clio, can you imagine what would have happened had you NOT had the Lord in your life? You are such an inspiration to me and I thank the Lord for you.

Hugs and prayers :bighug:


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Thank you so much Puddles. I really do appreciate your prayers and continued warrioring on Mike's behalf.

I'm glad Mike has me too... although, the fact we both have Jesus is only thanks to the Holy Spirit. I walked away from the Lord for decades, and it's only the last 8 years that I've been secure with Abba.

If you have been blessed, puddles, then I thank Abba for that. For He and His Spirit have blessed you. In all things, I am weak, and it is His strength made perfect in my weakness... If I can only remember to rest in Him.

Mike worries about me, very much. He asked me again last night what would happen to me if the mass in his hip is the worst case scenario. I told him that I would be ok, I would miss him dreadfully, but it will only be for a little while compared to all the time we will have together in eternity.

I guess that's what allows me to trust Jesus so much. I really understand that this world in it's current form is an aberration, and I'm sort of a guerilla fighter behind enemy lines.

I've come to grips and am at peace that Jesus knows best, and His view of "best" is much longer and far-reaching than is my view of "best". I do believe we have entered into a time where we are living during the Investigative Judgement of the living. I also believe that those for whom the end would be too much, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, are being allowed to rest in the grave until Jesus comes.

I'm also more at peace that Jesus knows all hearts, and His promises are secure. I try not to wonder if this person or that person is saved once they die. I just continue to pray and believe and trust. I have been praying for Mike's salvation for 8 years now, and I truly believe that the prayers of the righteous avail much. So many have been praying for him along with me....

I would ask in your prayers however, that you not pray for healing unless that be Abba's will. Pray instead for his salvation, no matter what it takes.

A heart where He alone has first place.

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I've come to grips and am at peace that Jesus knows best, and His view of "best" is much longer and far-reaching than is my view of "best".

Thank you, Clio, for ministering to US as well as to the others who are following your situation.

Praising God that the worst that can happen to us doesn't faze Him in the least. "Be of good cheer- I have overcome the world" He tells us

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Ahh Gail..

If someone finds encouragement in my ongoing situation, it is because Jesus has blessed them.

I look at my situation, and watch Mike, and even though his body is failing, I praise Abba for the healing and changes that are taking place in him emotionally and spiritually.

When we went to visit our son yesterday, Mike told me about a dream he had during his nap that day.

He dreamed that he was being eaten a little bit at a time by short little beings with very sharp teeth. It was as though this world was eating him... first his tummy, then his pancrease, then his thyroid, a snip of bone here, a snip of bone there, his breathing, and they were trying to get to "him" but all they could get to was his body.

Then this morning, he was telling me about a dream how he was being chased, but he knew that he was sleeping because he was able to run, and running hasn't been a part of his life for 10 years or more. Gangs were chasing him, and he was slipping from tree to tree, hiding in plain sight at times. He somehow knew it was dreadfully important to get to his father's because he needed to save him.... but then the realization hit him that he couldn't save anyone... and then he woke up.

I continue to assure Mike of my ongoing love for him. It will transcend the grave, and though I will miss him dreadfully, if it is the worst scenario, he is not to worry about me... because it will only be for a short time.

Eternity is so much more than we can comprehend... and what seems like forever here will be only the flutter of a gnat's eyelash there.

*shakes self*

But!!! Abba is good and gracious, and He *knows* how much I want more time with Mike.

I think that there may be a move in our near future, and it will be associated with miraculous healing for Mike and a new job for me.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Thank you Clio for your ongoing witness to us.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I would ask in your prayers however, that you not pray for healing unless that be Abba's will. Pray instead for his salvation, no matter what it takes.

I've discovered that Faith + Action = Healing, in both departments. I've watched those who've been left for dead come to life, and it was only because of Faith that saw beyond the diagnosis, again, in both departments. Please don't give up, ok? God is with you, His will is that death and sadness be vanquished, He doesn't give stones for loaves of bread, and I've never seen Him say "No, I won't heal so-and-so after all." I have however watched Him tell Mary to have Faith and Patience even as He Raised Lazerous from the dead. It's my sincere Belief that the main reason friends and loved ones in the past have died even though they were prayed for was because the prayers were not prayers of complete Faith that He would absolutely Heal them. I've Seen much evidence of this for myself.

And personally, I Believe that Mike will be Healed from this, and will learn to Understand the Love of His Dad, and I've also witnessed instances where that was all it took. I've learned that these are not just random bad occurrences that happen to good people -- they are chances for us to witness in powerful ways, and to have our own Faith strengthened. So, I'm asking our Dad now to Heal Mike. I Believe it will happen.

The only failing of the human spirit is in not knowing Who's you truly are, and that the Love is real. Love fearlessly.

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Please pray for Mike today. Today is his bone scan. Pray that he will remain calm, not give in to his fear, be cooperative with the technicians, and have sufficient energy to get through what is sure to be a very trying day.

Thank you.

A heart where He alone has first place.

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Thanks Nan... He's in the test now.

Such a relief to have prayer warrioring friends....

A heart where He alone has first place.

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He just called me and is out of his test. We won't know anything until Monday or Tuesday most likely... although his doc told me yesterday she is eager to see his test results so we might hear something tomorrow.

A heart where He alone has first place.

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Please let us know...

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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