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Yet another Bush crony with bad memory


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Gonzales sought to explain weeks of inconsistencies about how closely involved he had been in decisions to dismiss the eight U.S. attorneys. He said he had been aware his staff was drawing up plans for the firings but did not recall taking part in discussions over which people would actually be told to go.

What does Laura feed these men?


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Bevin ... You can't get a job as a politician unless you have a poor memory. Do you remember the "read my lips". It is not party specific in case you were wondering. History has proven that.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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The problem is that many are looking to trap others in pergery so it is much easier to say one doesn't remember than to say something that could be mistaken.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Ah, but (forgive me Bevin for trying to read your mind), what rankles Bevin (myself included) is that the party that has taken the mantle of religion has proven to be no less crooked than party of the left, which to many is the party of Satan.


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The Republicans have not made any claim to being religious. There are individual Republicans, like the current President, that have. However there are also individual Democrats like President Carter and Joe Lieberman that have also.

The reason many confuse Republicans with religion is because the Religious Right supports a lot of Republican issues. But just because the Religious Right is mostly Republican doesn't mean that most Republicans are part of the Religious Right. They are not. That would be like saying that since most gays are Democrats, most Democrats are gay. That is not true either.

However, I am a religious person and would probably do the same thing. If I have to go in and testify, under oath, before a bunch of senators hoping to trip me up and send me to prison on a purgery charge, I can guarantee I would have some serious memory problems.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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why do all the christians I meet in my republican mecca are exclusevely republican?

And when they find out that I ,a christian, is a democrat they dont think I am really a christian?

I work at a large travel plaza! I hear that from ALL over!!!!

All progress in the Spiritual Life is knowing and Loving GOD

"there is non upon earth that I desire besides YOU" PS 73:25

That perspective changes EVERYTHING-suffering and adversity are the means that makes us hungry for GOD. Disapointments will wean us away wordly occupations. Even sin(when repented of) becomes a mechanism to push us closer to HIM as we experience His Love and Forgiveness.

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and the christian bookstores in our area have 'dubya's' pictures praying over his Bible and the American flag.

and when they speak the word 'liberal' they either choke or try not to sneer.

Why O why do christians sell their spirtual birthright for a pot of blind partison porridge!

All progress in the Spiritual Life is knowing and Loving GOD

"there is non upon earth that I desire besides YOU" PS 73:25

That perspective changes EVERYTHING-suffering and adversity are the means that makes us hungry for GOD. Disapointments will wean us away wordly occupations. Even sin(when repented of) becomes a mechanism to push us closer to HIM as we experience His Love and Forgiveness.

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The Republican party has catered to the Christian base in much the same way the Democrat party has catered to the black base and the gay base. That doesn't mean all Republicans are Christians. Nor does it mean all Democrats are black or gay.

The attitudes of many Christians P.O. has described here sound a lot like attitudes among union workers. Union workers typically choke or sneer at the mention of a Republican and tend to consider anyone within their ranks that is a Republican to be a traitor.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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I dont know anybody that chokes or sneer at the mention of republicans.

I left all those people behind when I left the bay area and the gay lifestyle.

well... my buddy cant stand republicans and he lives close by but he is quiet about his beliefs. He is no dummy. we dont want to be lynched.

I sure like to meet some democrats here. Black or gay or straight or white or off white.

All progress in the Spiritual Life is knowing and Loving GOD

"there is non upon earth that I desire besides YOU" PS 73:25

That perspective changes EVERYTHING-suffering and adversity are the means that makes us hungry for GOD. Disapointments will wean us away wordly occupations. Even sin(when repented of) becomes a mechanism to push us closer to HIM as we experience His Love and Forgiveness.

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>>...the party that has taken the mantle of religion...<<

>>...like President Carter...<<

I remember the period of the formation of the Trilateral Commission and its subsequent reach for the office of the President... with an observation that a Southerner who could be passed-off as 'religious' would win the '76 election (credit Zbigniew Brzezinski). Enter,

li'l ol' Jimmy Carter, one-term Guvn'r of Georgia.

Though Republicans embraced the "religious right", their embrace could hardly be compared to the cynical use of 'religion' which accompanied Carter to the White House.

/ The 'theologian' most admired by Carter was R. Niebuhr ... certifiably Marxist.

/ He is on record as denying the resurrection of Jesus...

/ as well His virgin birth.

/ etc.

The "mantle"? was it really relinquished?

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