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What SDA means...


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SDA Baghdad-Saddam International Airport

SDA Saboraud Dextrose Agar (fungal media)

SDA Saint Dominic Academy (Jersey City, New Jersey)

SDA Samba de Amigo (game)

SDA Scalable Disk Array

SDA Schweizerische Depeschenagentur (Swiss National News Agency)

SDA Scottish Development Agency

SDA Scottish Draughts Association

SDA Screen Design Aid

SDA Scuola Di Direzione Aziendale (Graduate Business School of Bocconi University, Milan, Italy)

SDA Security Domain Authority

SDA Sélection Directe à l'Arrivée (French; telecommunications)

SDA Self Decrypting Archive

SDA Self-Directed IRA

SDA Senseless Desire to Acquire

SDA Serial Digital to Analogue

SDA Service Delivery Application (Sprint)

SDA Service Delivery Area

SDA Setoff Debt Act

SDA Seventh-day Adventist (church)

SDA Severe Disability Allowance (UK)

SDA Sex Discrimination Act (UK - Law)

SDA Shanghai Drug Administration

SDA Shaolin-Do Association

SDA Shift & Disturbance Allowance (obsolete)

SDA Ship Design Agent

SDA Ship's Destination Authority

SDA Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (Australia)

SDA Short Dipole Antenna

SDA Sialodacryoadenitis

SDA Siemens Domestic Appliances

SDA Signore Degli Anelli

SDA Simple Direct Attack

SDA Singapore Democratic Alliance

SDA Single Digit Adapter (telecommunications)

SDA Single Direct Attack

SDA Small Departments and Agencies

SDA Soap and Detergent Association

SDA Society of Design Administration

SDA Software Design Activity

SDA Software Design Automation

SDA Software Development Asset

SDA Software Disk Array

SDA Solar Diffuser Assembly

SDA Soledad Assassins (Unreal gaming clan)

SDA Some Dumb Ass

SDA Source Data Automation

SDA Southern Domestic Airspace

SDA Spark Discharge in Air (excitation used in optical emission spectrometry)

SDA Spatial Data Analysis

SDA Special Duty Assignment

SDA Specially Denatured Alcohol

SDA Specific Dynamic Action

SDA Specific Dynamic Activity

SDA Spectral Domain Analysis

SDA Speed Disable Adjustment

SDA Spray Dryer Absorber

SDA Staff Duty Analysis (Civil Air Patrol)

SDA Standard Default Assumption

SDA Standish Development Association (Standish, Michigan)

SDA Static Data Authentication

SDA Static Dissipater Additive (fuels)

SDA Stealth Digital Analyzer

SDA Steam Driven Alternator

SDA Stepper Dispatch Algorithm (scheduling rule)

SDA Strand Displacement Amplification

SDA Stranka Demokratske Akcije Hrvatske (Party of Democratic Action of Croatia)

SDA Strategic Defense Architecture

SDA Strategic Dialogues & Alliances

SDA Structural Damage Assessor (insurance)

SDA Student Dietetic Association

SDA Subsea Distribution Assembly

SDA Surface Design Association

SDA Survey Documentation and Analysis

SDA System Dependability Analysis

SDA System Design Alternative

SDA System Design Analysis

SDA System Design Architecture

SDA System Display Architecture

and an expression

SDA party, means Sex Drugs and Alcohol Party..

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SDA party, means Sex Drugs and Alcohol Party

I don't know whether to be relieved, shocked, or disappointed. I've attended numerous SDA parties, and apparently missed out.

“the slovenliness of our language makes it easier to have foolish thoughts.” George Orwell

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I told a Marine that my Dad was a CO once't. He was very impressed that I was the son of a Commanding Officer, but soon unimpressed to discover that I was referring to Conscientious Obejctor. :)


"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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too funny

apparently more than one SDA applies to me!

All progress in the Spiritual Life is knowing and Loving GOD

"there is non upon earth that I desire besides YOU" PS 73:25

That perspective changes EVERYTHING-suffering and adversity are the means that makes us hungry for GOD. Disapointments will wean us away wordly occupations. Even sin(when repented of) becomes a mechanism to push us closer to HIM as we experience His Love and Forgiveness.

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SDA party, means Sex Drugs and Alcohol Party..

When I was a student at an Adventist high school, there was a small group of wannabe juvenile delinquents who tried to see how much misbehavior they could get away with, without being expelled.

They took as their motto the idea that SDA stands for "Sex, Drugs & Alcohol."



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SDA also means -- Steven Douglas Anderson, my Nephew!

Halfstep Denise

"If you're all God has, is God in trouble?

-- Dr. Frederick K.C. Price

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