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Surgery today


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I have my sinus surgery today and I am nervous about it. And kind of mad right now at my sister. She told me she I could use her as a substitue mom while my parent are in Italy. I tried to get a hold of her yesterday to tell her when my sugery was today and I could get a hold of her. The one time She did answer her cell she was too busy to talk. I called her house last night caus I was very scared and upset and found out that she not even in town, which means that she forgot that I am having the surgery or that her helping her friend is more important then me. She knew I was going to have trouble with this surgery with mom being gone. I had counted on my sister to be here to talk to about my fears and she let me down. I had to lean on girl friends that I don't know every well to talk thing through. Keep me in your prayers today.

.....Love others as well as you love yourself.

Matt 22:39 (The Message Bible)

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I pray that God will be your Dad ... your Mom ... your sister ... your friend and your comfort.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Ahhh Barbara - I'm sorry your sister let you down. It's so difficult when those we love let us down... but they are human... and that means no matter what we hope for, they will always fall short of our needs at sometime or another.

Abba, on the other hand, will never fall short of our needs. Lean on Him today.

Father, bless Barbara today and comfort her with Your Peace. Be her Abba, her comfort, her refuge. Let her surgery go smoothly, safely, and especially, successfully.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Praying for you, Barbara! Let us know how it goes when you are able!

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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It went well and pain wise I am doing okay. Paul says when the DR came and talked to him after the surgery that when the Dr opened up the upper sinus cavity that puse came out. When I hear that I was really happy I went though with the surgery. It explains why I keep geting sick. I go in toomrrow and have the packing removed. And so far I am able to deal with pain with just plain old Tylenol NOt the perscription pain pills they gave me.

.....Love others as well as you love yourself.

Matt 22:39 (The Message Bible)

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That is GREAT, Barbara! After the packing is all removed, you will notice the difference!

It's over now!

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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flowerHi Barbara!

Wow!! What a wonderful report!!! I am THRILLED!

I will continue to pray that your recovery will be speedy and that you will have complete relief from the sinus infections!

Halfstep Denise :llama

"If you're all God has, is God in trouble?

-- Dr. Frederick K.C. Price

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Hi Barbara!

Glad to hear you seem to have had success with the surgery. Will keep praying for a rapid healing.



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