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My Sons’ mother Tracey Burns has just found out last night that she has cervical cancer she does not know how bad it is but in two weeks on Thursday she will get the results, I well she is a special person and well I just want people to pray for Gods COMPLETE will to be done but I just pray that it can be dealt with fairly easy.

Thank You,

Robert Rehman

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She got a call from her Doc today and he wants her in his office THIS Thursday not next Thursday

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Oh dear... that's tomorrow.

Abba bless Tracy. Give her strength to bear what is being brought into her life. Help her to realize that You bring only good, never evil, and it is through her weakness that Your strength is made perfect. Keep her from bitterness and resentment, help her to recognize we live in a world where the Adversary reigns, corrupted by sin. We are thankful and praise Your Mighty Name that You watch over us, keeping always our highest good in mind, giving us good things, and peace that passes all understanding.

Touch Tracy with Your healing if it be Thy Will. But Abba, we ask that You ensure her salvation, and that You work all things for her good. We recognize that You alone can see around the bends in the road, and bow to Your wisdom in all things.

In Jesus Name, and for His Sake we boldly ask,


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Dear Father,

as we consider this woman's plight we bring it to You. At times like this we mortals feel so helpless, but we know that we have a safe place in Your hands. Even the worst news on earth does not faze You.

Please, Lord, be with Tracy AND with her sons and with their dad as she consults with the doctor tomorrow. May she feel Your strength and help her Lord know what to do

In Jesus' name we pray... and thank You

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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The cancer is maybe stage two and they are going to do another test to see how deep it is some kind of cone test I think.. But the doc said there will be surgery and that will happen not until she gets out of college the end of May beginning of June. BUT it does not sound life threatening

basically he just confirmed it really is cancerous (the cells) but now he wants to see how deep it is for the operation I guess

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