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Savannah and Morgan


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Savannah is 5 years old and Morgan is 3 years old. Savannah and Morgan have been in foster care since Morgan was a baby. Savannah lives with a couple (Bill and Mary) from my church and Morgan lives with a family which live about 60 miles from Savannah. The "state" wants the girls to live under the same roof but there have been a couple of "snags" that are causing much heartache.

The couple from my church would love to adopt both Savannah and Morgan but the "state" thinks they are too old (they are 60). Savannah wants to live with Bill and Mary. Here in West Virginia anymore the "norm" has been that the grandparents are the ones raising the grandchildren because the parents are either strung up on crack, pot or meth or have been arrested because they have been caught "in the act" or have stolen things (lately it's been copper wiring) to support their habit and are in jail. So the statement that my friends are too old sounds totally stupid. And I don't think these little girls have any family that are willing to take them in either.

Morgan's foster parents only want to adopt Morgan (they already have 3 or 4 other "natural" children and have stated point blank they do NOT want Savannah. Several weeks ago, Morgan's foster parents alleged that Savannah "touched" Morgan and are now using this as a way to stop from being forced to adopt Morgan. This has caused a lot of grief as you can imagine.

Savannah has even been interviewed by the judge handling this case and not even he has been able to issue a decision on this case...that is until I received a prayer request from Mary that the judge is to issue his decision this coming Friday.

Mary has been so torn up thinking she may lose Savannah. She has ask that folks will pray for this judge as he decides the fate of these 2 little girls. She wants what is best for these girls but won't hide the fact that she wants the chance to be their mother.

Thanks for your prayers for Savannah and Morgan.

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Oh, I will pray. We adopted a boy of two when my husband was 63, and it has been hard, but we realize that God wanted him in our house. I will pray that these girls get to be together, as the other fm seems to be just a little too selfish, and judges don't always realize what is truly best for the children/

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I sure hope that there is a good ending to this story! Lord, please be with all involved!

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Thanks ladies, I was hoping to hear something but haven't yet. One of our church members works for the Headstart that Savannah attends and I spoke to her tonight to see if she'd heard anything and she related that Savannah was not at school today so...I guess all we can do is pray for this whole situation still.

Blessings of Sabbath to all!


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Just found out that the court date for these young ladies has been changed. It's tomorrow (May 24).

Appreciate your prayers for these precious girls.


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Ok...I'm starting to get a :<img src='http://clubadventist.com/forums/uploads/default_wee.gif' alt='wee'>: bit frustrated about this entire situation myself. Seems the court date as been changed AGAIN...sigh...it has been bumped to June 12.

Again, your prayers for this situation are greatly appreciated. I personally have not called Mary. I figured she was so frustrated that the last thing she needed was to repeat the news that the court data had been changed again.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Mary called me a bit a go with WONDERFUL news!

announce The judge made his decision and she and Bill get to adopt Savannah and the other family get to adopt Morgan. :SO

Mary was OVERJOYED!!!

Thank you SOOO much for your prayers!!!


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Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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