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Thoughter |thot?-?r| |?ôt| noun, a person that expresses thoughts freely.


This is in pre-GWB usage still.


EDD is a post modern THOUGHTER.

BRAVUS is an Educator THOUGHTER.

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Administrator of a few websites like https://adventistdating.com


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Beliver (bee-LIV-er), a person who lives what s/he professes to believe.

I found this word when I accidently spelled believe as belive. (can't spel wirth a hoot latly)

example: "Beliving is when a believer lives his beliefs. Jesus practiced belivity to the ultimate."


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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"Belive", I discovered upon checking a dictionay is an old word used by that early English poet, Chaucer,

meaning soon, quickly, immediately.

My using it above as a verb resulted in a paleologism

(see: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/paleologism )

What happened is I gave an ancient word a new meaning that it did not originally have.

As the on-location newscasters say, 'Stan? back to you.' :)


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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Here is a new word I hope we don't get too familiar with.

VBIED (VEE-bid) acronym.

A car or other vehicle rigged to act as a bomb. (From vehicle-borne improvised explosive device.)

Example Citations:

Across the river in the predominantly Sunni district along Haifa Street, Col. Bryan Roberts, commander of the 1st Cavalry Division's 2nd Brigade, said an increase in vehicle bombs had led him to introduce a plan to barricade five markets in the district. "My biggest concerns security-wise are the current attack methods, the VBIEDs, suicide vests," he said. ...

The government should take measures "at the national level to help the poor guy in the end zone who's trying to stop VBIEDs," Bannister said.

—Ann Scott Tyson, "The Two Sides of Baghdad Barriers," The Washington Post, April 30, 2007

By late morning, as the temperature soared above 100 degrees, members of the Army's 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, paused in a small, stuffy house. An airstrike had been called in to destroy a suspected car bomb in their path. The home's residents waited anxiously under U.S. guard.

A thunderous explosion rocked the house.

"That was the VBIED," said Spc. Chris Martin, 23, using the military abbreviation for a car bomb.

—Alexandra Zavis, "New offensive against insurgents," Los Angeles Times, June 20, 2007

Earliest Citation:

Regardless of what form the attack takes, be it a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) detonated in a suicide attack or a direct assault against a "soft" target carried out by a small team armed with automatic weapons and hand grenades, there will be some attack-related activity in and around the target prior to the actual launching of the attack. ... An analysis of the 1998 attacks on the U.S. Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania shows that the weapon of choice was a VBIED.

—Joseph Autera, "Before It Makes the Headlines; Effective Threat Detection Strategies and Tactics," The Journal of Counterterrorism & Homeland Security International, June 21, 2003

- http://www.wordspy.com/words/VBIED.asp



O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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gorno noun

Movies that contains scenes of extreme horror or violence.

[blend of gore and porno.]

Example Citations:

"And it made me ponder: Has extreme horror gotten, well, too extreme? Will the prevalence and popularity of torture porn — a.k.a. gorno — warp our views on mayhem and murder, inure us, seep into our consciousness in creepy, vestigial ways? Is this stuff — the S & M gear, the leather and vinyl butcher couture, the power tools — being glamorized, fetishized? (Heck, yes!)

—Steven Rea, "When gory movies are torture to watch," Philadelphia Inquirer, June 12, 2007

"Even 'gorno' — the torture-porn-horror flicks that power the "Saw" and "Hostel" franchises — has moved from merely alienating those consumers who hate the marketing to snuffing out its target audience. The reason? Gore burnout. Case in point: "Hostel: Part II," which opened Friday. It is already showing signs that it will make significantly less than the $19 million than its predecessor nabbed last year in its opening weekend."

—Rachel Abramowitz and Sheigh Crabtree, "Hollywood horror films suffer box office anemia," Los Angeles Times, June 9, 2007

Earliest Citation:

"The two essential horror movie drawcards — sex and violence — are here in spades and it's this slick schlock director's understanding of what really shocks that gives Hostel bite. A mostly unknown cast brings the goods, it's effectively repugnant and, like the conditions of hostels themselves, this debaucherously brutal 'gorno' is likely to give you nightmares.

Craig Miller, "DVD releases," Sunday Tasmanian, June 25, 2006

Related Words:


climate porn

debt porn


gadget porn


time porn

-found at: http://www.wordspy.com/words/gorno.asp


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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carbage noun

The garbage that accumulates in some cars, particularly in the back seat.

[Blend of car and garbage.]

Example Citations:

'We'd already lost control of our limbs and fallen under that peculiar trance cast by songs that are so excruciating that one cannot resist listening all the way to the end — just to hate them as much as possible.

"Hmmm," we said. "There should be a word for that."

'What we needed, we thought, was a hybrid like "idolspise," one of our favorite invented words. It refers to simultaneously feeling admiration and loathing toward a person — usually someone who has and does everything you would have and do if you were more motivated.

'And then there's "carbage," coined by one of us to refer to the empty Pepsi cans and used Kleenex that collect in the foot wells of the back seat.'

—Karen Sandstrom, Help us expand our vocabulary," Plain Dealer, July 1, 2007

"CARBAGE: Rubbish in an Astra (photo caption)."

—"Vauxhall ashtray," The Mirror, May 29, 2007

Earliest Citation:

carbage (noun):

the accumulated garbage, papers, and other assorted detritus that litters one's car after a road trip.

—Patrick Couperus, Wanted Words 2, Stoddart Publishing Co., October 1, 2001

Related Words:


cup-holder cuisine

dashboard dining



O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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here is a dumb word i just made up:

combine the words whistle and hiss by knocking off the 'w' and adding another 's' to get


sounds like 'hiss-uhl'

it means to make musical sounds by hissing or pushing air through the mouth without acutally producing a whistling sound.

I'd sure like to see some of your made-up words. Please?? Huh?? :-)


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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Along the same lines there is whumming - a combination of whistling and humming done at the same time...

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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wistwatchers - the untalented who wish they could play sports

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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thanks guys!

Whumming is much more musical than plain whistling. Do you remember by chance the 'throat-singing' of Northern Mongolia? (not sure of the location) and how Richard Feynmann, the physicist, want to make a trip there to hear them?

I'm one of the 'wistwatchers' - too old and out of shape :-\


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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?Can anyone come up with a word to describe a problem caused by an incompetent, or blundering attempt to fix a problem?

Like if someone went to cut down an old rotten tree too dangerous to leave near the house and when the chainsaw is done with its work - the tree falls on his pickup truck.


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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'stupadvision' - i get it. meaning defective foresight, if not complete lack of it. :-)


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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New Words Added to the Oxford English Dictionary:

14 June 2007 saw the publication of the the following new entries from across the alphabet:

açai, n.

accelerin, n.

adland, n.

agri-, comb. form

airdate, n.

anandamide, n.

A. N. Other, n.

antiquer, n.

apoptosis, n.

argh, int.

bakkie, n.

balm, n.2

bangarang, n.

bashert, n.

bashert, adj.

boil wash, n.

boil-wash, v.

Brit, n.5

brob, v.

Brooklynite, n.

bulerias, n.

celestial navigation, n.

Charmat, n.

chicklet, n.

chill pill, n.

club-hop, v.

club-hopper, n.

club-hopping, n.

club-hopping, adj.

comitology, n.

comparison shop, n.

comparison shop, v.

comparison shopper, n.

comparison shopping, n.

concho, n.

cotylosaur, n.

cotylosaurian, adj. and n.

crema, n.

cruft, n.2

crufty, adj.

cum laude, adv., adj., and n.

cyber-, comb. form

debitage, n.

dibble, n.2

digibox, n.

discomfiting, adj.

disempowerment, n.

due process, n.

fab, n.

fattoush, n.

finasteride, n.

flip-flopper, n.

flushable, adj.

Gaia, n.

glitch, v.

glitchy, adj.

high-maintenance, adj.

hydroperoxide, n.

hydroperoxyl, n.

Internet, n.

Islamo-, comb. form

Islamofascism, n.

Islamofascist, n. and adj.

Islamophobe, n.

Islamophobic, adj.

jihadi, n. and adj.

Kahlua, n.

Krav Maga, n.

kwaai, adj.

kwaito, n.

lehnga, n.

low-maintenance, adj.

makhani, adj.

man, n.1 (and int.)

mechanical, adj. and n.

mitumba, n.

nervous, adj. and n.

non-compete, adj. and n.

numeracy, n.

P, n.

party, n.

ppt, n.

prosthetic, adj. and n.

rescale, v.

robata, n.

robata-yaki, n.

sabermetrician, n.

sabermetrics, n.

samfie, n.

scratch and sniff, n.

sell-through, n.

semifreddo, n.

shawarma, n.

shisha, n.2

shreddies, n.

stop-gap, v.

stush, adj.

surimi, n.

Syrah, n.

taikonaut, n.

to-do, adj.

tom yam, n.

tom yam kung, n.

trebly, adj.

underlit, adj.

Vela, n.

videshi, adj.

zythum, n.


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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Here is a good example of an exotic made-up word (neologism).

ecdysiast (ek-diz-ee-ast, -ist)

H.L. Mencken's invented proper word for "strip-tease artist," 1940, from Gk. ekdysis "a stripping or casting off" (used scientifically with ref. to serpents shedding skin or crustacea molting), from ekdyein "to put off" (contrasted with endyo "to put on"), from ex- + dyo "sink, plunge, enter."

- Online Etymology Dictionary

Can anyone share one of their own made-up words using the ending -ist on a verb root, Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, English or whatever... :-?


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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Here is a good example of an exotic made-up word (neologism).

ecdysiast (ek-diz-ee-ast, -ist)

H.L. Mencken's invented proper word for "strip-tease artist," 1940, from Gk. ekdysis "a stripping or casting off" (used scientifically with ref. to serpents shedding skin or crustacea molting), from ekdyein "to put off" (contrasted with endyo "to put on"), from ex- + dyo "sink, plunge, enter."

- Online Etymology Dictionary

Can anyone share one of their own made-up words using the ending -ist on a verb root, Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, English or whatever... :-?

dAb, you idiot, the example ends in ast not ist. And the root looks to be a noun or at least a gerund, not a verb. Can you do better than that? [forgive me, for talking to my self] :-) I apologize to my self. ;<)

-enthusiast (no that's already been done)

-renewsiast: a person, object, relationship or quality which renews; something recreative.


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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locavore n. A person who eats only locally grown food. [blend of local and -vore.]

Example Citations:

You've heard of herbivores and carnivores. Now meet locavores.

Locavores are dedicated to eating food grown near home. Some set a limit of 100 miles, some a modest 50. This eating program makes it all but impossible to drink coffee or eat chocolate chip cookies. Often, bread is taboo because the wheat is grown far away.

The idea is to save on the fossil fuel that is used to transport out-of-season foods for thousands of miles, to raise some food yourself and to get in touch with a community of local farmers.

—Sylvia Carter, "Local foods — the best of all worlds," Newsday, May 23, 2007

So in 2005 Kingsolver and crew — her husband and two daughters Camille, 19, and Lily, 10 — upped sticks from Tucson and moved to Virginia, where Steven already owned a small farm of about 100 acres, most of it woodland and steep hills.

They drew up a plan for a year living as "locavores" — eating food that they had either grown themselves or had bought from the surrounding area.

—Ed Pilkington, "Back to the land," The Guardian, June 26, 2007

Earliest Citation:

In California, in British Columbia, in Minnesota and Oklahoma and numerous other places, consumers are daring to eat cangerously and confine themselves (gasp!) to ONLY eating locally grown food.

In California, a group of "concerned culinary adventurers" called Locavores committed to eat only foods grown or harvested within a 100 radius of San Francisco for one month, August, 2005.

—Christopher B. Bedford, "Meeting the challenge of local food," In Business, January 1, 2006


The domain locavores.com was created on June 1, 2005.

Related Words:

farm to fork

food desert

food miles




slow food

source: http://www.wordspy.com


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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