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Rights Groups List 39 Disappeared In War On Terror


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Six human rights groups urged the U.S. government on Thursday to name and explain the whereabouts of 39 people they said were believed to have been held in U.S. custody and "disappeared."

The groups, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, said they filed a U.S. federal lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act seeking information about the 39 people it terms "ghost prisoners" in the U.S. "war on terror."

"Since the end of Latin America's dirty wars, the world has rejected the use of 'disappearances' as a fundamental violation of international law," Professor Meg Satterthwaite of the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at New York University's School of Law said in a statement.

The report said suspects' relatives, including children as young as seven, had been held in secret detention on occasion.

In September, U.S. President George W. Bush acknowledged the CIA had interrogated dozens of suspects at secret overseas locations and said 14 of those held had been sent to the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay.


Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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Only 39! That number doesn't really make a person feel to safe. I am sure there are a lot more terrorists that should be added to that number. Hopefully the next Administration does a better job on this War on Terror.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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This IS a concern. If these 39 have escaped then the number is far too large.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Not a lot of information is disclosed to the public and the media. I would hope that there is a judicial oversight over the CIA secret prisons even if it is by the military judicial system. The executive branch does have a job to protect us, but the judicial branch is to make sure they play by the rules. However that doesn't mean they should have to release information about the extent of these secret activities. There is a lot of stuff that goes on with judicial and Congressional consent and knowledge that is never to be known to the public. When something does get reported, I would doubt all the facts are known when the story breaks.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Astonishing: Christians who are happy to cheer on the kidnapping and (probable) torture and murder of other human beings. Nothing left to say.

Truth is important

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I don't think that Shane is cheering about it Bravus but war IS hell.If you doubt that ... read the accounts of it in the scripture when God was in control.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Again, the role of the executive branch is to protect us. I find it hard to fault them for doing their job. The role of the judicial branch is to protect the rights of the accused and punish the guilty when found to be so. The CIA does have Congressional oversight. There are also limitations placed on them by the judicial branch.

The news media is in business to make money and one way they do that is by stirring things up. I am just a little slow to react to some of the fantastic stories the media tries to feed us. I have more of a "wait and see" attitude.

Perhaps it is my military training but I do not consider taking prisoners of war kidnapping. I do consider terrorists that take unarmed civilians guilty of kidnapping.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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