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Miss Vivian


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Please keep my mother in law Vivian in your prayers.

Early Thursday morning (around 3:30am) she went to take a shower (her days and nights tend to get mixed up in case you going "WHAT!?!?!), removed her "medic alert" necklace, and fell somewhere in the bathroom (she has a private bath). This poor woman laid there until 11am when the lady that is her "helper" showed up. I can't imagine what that poor woman went thru all that time.

My sil didn't have much more info other than they "think" she broke her hip.

I thank you for your prayers and I know my precious mil will too. God bless you!


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Hi, Puddles!

Vivian will be in my thoughts and prayers!

Was it a Life Alert necklace where she could have pressed the button or just a MedicAlert necklace?

What a horrible experience to go through! I hope her healing is swift!

Halfstep-Denise llama

"God doesn't make junk". - Pastor David Ring

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Thanks Denise!

My husband and I went to visit her this afternoon and wow, what a joy she is to be around, even in the shape she's in.

We have some good news, it seems she may have cracked a bone and not broken it. Now I do not know if this bone in question is her thigh bone or her pelvic bone. The doc's ordered an MRI and will get the results tomorrow.

Her doctor did state that hopefully she did NOT break a bone and would be sent to a rehab facility for approximately 5 weeks. However, if she did break a bone, surgery would be necessary and then they'd take whatever steps necessary to get her back on her feet.

My husband was so relieved to see her in such good spirits and eating as well as she did while we were there. He never lets on but I know him well enough that he does worry inwardly.

And on a more somber note, my husband's sister and her hubby stopped on their way to their daughters to visit Miss Vivian and take in a doctor's appointment for her hubby. My BIL is a survivor of bladder cancer and goes each year for a check up. Seems this time, a small like tumor was discovered. He was told that it could be dealt with when they returned from their trip right there in the doctor's office. My BIL is our pastor and he has been busy this past year doing a church plant over in his old home town and this year at our campmeeting this little group was made into a company so he has been rejoicing and praising the Lord over that. In this process, Yonnie (my SIL) told me today that they must be doing something that the devil really don't like because this week alone has had them involved in an accident only weeks after getting their car repaired from a crash back in March on their way home in a snow storm from a Revelation Seminar but this time they hit a bear! Don't fear...the bear mosied along on his merry little way, it was foggy so they weren't going very fast when they dinged the bear but it did break a headlight and mess up the front end of the car but it was driveable. AND they weren't hurt! PTL! Just please keep our beloved Pastor Doc in your prayers as well as Miss Vivian.

Pray for a swift recovery for Miss Vivian and for Doc, that this tumor thing will not be anything serious AND that Doc and Yonnie can have a safe trip to Virginia and then will fly out to Colorado to visit their son and DIL.

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Just spoke to both my sil's and it would appear from the MRI that Miss Vivian is OK!!! No break, no crack, no fracture, no nothing!!!

She was even up walking this afternoon! PTL!!! h5

Thank you so much for your prayers! When I visited with my mil and told her I'd put her out for prayer, she was ever so thankful and I know she would say the same now too.


I did find out today that my aunt's sister (age 88 nearly 89) fell and broke her hip and was operated on today. Please keep Miss Evelyn in your prayers too!

prayer I'm going to pray that the Lord will protect all these precious little old ladies from falling and breaking (or nearly breaking) their little hips! tu

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It's nice to be around patients that actually cheer YOU up when you go to visit them.

My polio victim father is this way too.

the other Gerry

"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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Oh my... Puddles, I'm so sorry to hear that. More prayers ascending.

How's your brother's job going?

A heart where He alone has first place.

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Hi Clio!

Seems the "transition" has been postponed until August 1. Guess July 1 got here too quickly for someone...lol. Overall he's doing ok. My mother wishes he could find a weekend to come and visit but there is just no way at this time. I half jokingly told him we'd see him next year. Thanks for asking!



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