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Hello everyone!

I would just like to ask for prayer for us and our in-laws. My husband used to be close to his family, but since he married me-and outside his family's faith-there has been trouble. He father has disowned him. His stepmother (from another country) threatened to kill me and our baby. Most of his family is angry because we're married and don't ask to see our child. His father is dying and refuses to see him or talk to him.

It breaks my heart to see my husband hurt.

Also, please pray for a family I know. Their son just turned 3 and he drowned last week. I cannot even fathom their pain and anguish. Silas was a beautiful, precious child. It's hard for me to write this. Please ask that G-d be with them and theirs.

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Putting you and your family + the other family on our pray list.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Thank you all!

I have been emailing a couple of people in the family and we're kinda, very slowly, sorta getting to know each other. The dad, we've given up on, basically. A "hope for the best, expect the worst" mentality, I guess. He's lived a rather dubious life, anyway. His disapproval of our union should not be a huge insult to me. We'll see. I believe in G-d's plans for me and for my family. They are peace and not of evil, with a "future and a hope."

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I just don't understand why in-laws can be such a pain. I expect that soon I will be one and hope I can be a good one.

I am sorry to hear of your troubles and will keep you in my prayers.

Let God be your guide in all you do.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Thanks for letting us know what's going on.

Disowning is a hard thing. As far as I am concerned that is emotional abuse.

Help your husband take the pain to Jesus for healing. It is important that you two build a world of your own together. Ask God for an opportunity to be reconciled and forgive them in advance to pave the way.

Isaiah 38:16-18


"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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I have an update on my in-laws. I heard from my brother-in-law's wife today (Yay! We're all talking a lot more!). She said they are now being blacklisted by my father-in-law and his wife. Gosh, I don't know what's wrong with this guy. You'd think he'd want to see his sons and his grandchildren. I know my grandmother would do anything in the world to see my nephew again (similar situation).

I don't understand some people. I will continue to diligently pray.

Again, I appreciate everyone's support and the time and energy you take to let me know you're there! It means so much to me!

Have a blessed week!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Another update:

Talked to my mother-in-law yesterday on the phone. Took the plunge and had a nice little conversation with her. I was nervous, but she seemed happy that I called. Also, I am so grateful that her sister's cancer is in remission!!!!! Those are two fine, sweet ladies.


found out my step-mother-in-law now has cancer. My father-in-law has had a terribly aggressive cancer for years, so I don't know what they're going to do. My husband and his siblings don't know what to do to help. My father-in-law and his wife have now added the third sibling to the "We are talking to you" list-for, again, no apparent reason. You'd think they'd want us around right now. How are they going to manage, both of them holed up there, very sick.

I don't understand it. My mother and sister don't speak to me, either. Of course, they don't talk to anyone in the family. They tend to hate the world and constantly feel persecuted. I love my sister and her birthday is next week. I miss her and I miss her kids.

Thank God for the Sabbath! I'm ready!

Thank you all for your support and letting me vent. I know God has a plan and He continues to bolster me.


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