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My Mother


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Please add my precious little momma to your prayers. This past Sabbath she had a heart attack and was airlifted to the "heart center" for our state. That alone about did her in (she hates flying) and today she is hopefully going to undergo a heart cath with possible (if need be) stenting.

My brother came up Saturday but if things goes well today, he will be heading back to TN. Please pray for his supervisor, at first when he contacted her to ask for today off, it was "ify" whether he would be given the time off. Apparently his super is off on leave and she didn't like the thought of him being off at the same time (?). Please pray this doesn't make waves for him that he doesn't need.

Thank you!

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Due to a reaction Mother had to a dye used in a test for her macular degeneration, the heart cath was put off until today.

The results of the cath revealed that mother is needing a triple by-pass. Fortunately, the heart attack was on the right side of her heart (1 70% blockage) but the other blockages were on the left side of her heart (1 75 and 1 80) and the 80% blockage was in the place commonly referred to as "the widow maker" or in the junction where the artery splits into 2 arteries, which is NOT stentable, ergo the need for the by-pass.

We left around 6:30 this evening and (naturally) the surgeon came by about an hour later. His concern was on several things that he wants checked out but we are going to "hurry up and wait" some more to make sure we have covered all the bases.

Please keep my precious little momma in your prayers. This has been a rather unpleasant experience for her but she is a little trooper and has been most patient and that is not easy for her.

Also, my brother is travelling home but will return over the weekend so I'd like to add prayers for his safety in travelling as well.

Thanks so much for your prayers for my family!

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Good news first. My mother had 3 stents installed today in the right side where she had the heart attack. The blockages on the left are going to be re-evaluated. She is resting comfortably. Hopefully she will be allowed to go home by Sunday. My brother and his girlfriend are on their way up to spend the weekend and give me a break. Please pray for their safety as they travel.

Last night, my cousin John's wife Fran called to tell us that John was in the hospital. Four years ago he underwent a type of stenting in his renal artery and it needed some repair work so he underwent another round of stenting but this time, something has gone awry because the dye the medical staff used to check how his stent was doing did something to the kidney and it has shut down. His potassium levels were sky high and fearing he could have a nasty heart attack, he was admitted for dialysis for a few days. Fran had recently undergone knee surgery and all this has got her knee enflamed. She sounded all in last night...very pitiful. Please keep John and Fran Grose in your prayers. They live in northern Virginia.

TODAY, my cousin called me to tell me that her mother (my mother's older sister) was taken to the hospital last night with really high blood pressure and she will be in the hospital until tomorrow (Saturday) hopefully. We are not telling my mother nor my other aunt at present for obvious reasons. Please keep Mary Watson in your prayers. She lives in the St. Louis, MO area.

Thanks for your prayers...really...if I didn't have you folks and some others to pray, I'd feel really alone out here.

Clio...How's Mike?

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Somewhat better. We have identified a pituitary problem that is wreaking havoc with his systems. It may be the underlying cause that has prompted so many catastrophic system failures.

The messages either aren't getting through, or they're not being generated by the pituitary.

And on it goes.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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