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My dad - update


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Well he is still receiving chemo, I haven't asked the doctor any questions about how many he has left. They did a colonoscopy a few days ago, I assume everything is working ok or they would have told us something, or they would have stopped. I don't deal well with these kind of things, I would rather not know, I don't worry so much then.

My aunt came down from Canada, she was a RN up there, just retired, so she takes care of him, because he needs much more care than the hospital can provide. Thing is she is only here for 2 more weeks, then he will have to deal with the hospital staff. it isn't like he isn't getting good care, he just needs more of it, and both my brother and I can't do much since we both work. He won't let us do to much for him also, he tells us "some things your children shouldn't do".

The doctor decided to not transfer him to a nursing home, he wants him to be at the hospital so he can have easier access to monitor him. I am glad for that, I had a scare the morning they were to transfer him. I can't describe it as anything else but a seizure, that's what it reminded me of, but we won't know for sure.

So just a lot of waiting and praying going on, I can't do to much else.

Thanks for the prayers.

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My dad was transferred to a nursing home a few miles from the hospital. They give him more care than in the hospital I think, he is doing physical and occupational therapy every day. They will transport him to the hospital for his chemo treatments, which was yesterday.

Initial results from the chemo indicate that for at least the colon cancer, the tumor is 60% gone so thank you all for your prayers. The chemotherapy is kicking his butt, most days he is pretty sick and has body aches all over, but thank God it is working.

At first he was going to refuse treatment till my aunt from Canada came down but last night the doctors convinced him to take the treatments, my aunt is coming anyways, she is a former RN who just retired, so she can do lots more than the staff can do and give him more attention.

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So kind of your aunt to come down and offer some help. It is nice to have somebody who knows more of what's going on and what to do. I hope your dad would get adjusted to the transition and get used to his new environment. Will pray. Things will be fine. God Bless.

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