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Prayer of Thanksgiving for God's Faithfulness

David Koot

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In recent weeks, a most extraordinary series of events have reminded me, once again, of God's faithfulness. In February, 1984, having had a conversion experience, I was rebaptized. The pastor who baptized me told me, a few months later, that God had impressed him that he and I would do "a mighty work together." Yet, shortly after that I left the area. I had been engaged to a woman, she broke off the engagement, and I left in a very sad and sorry state. During the next several years, God opened some amazing doors for me to do His work and, at the same time was very patient with me, because I made SO many mistakes! He didn't give up on me. I often wondered about what that pastor had said. I concluded that God may have had a plan like that, but that it didn't happen. I had messed up still again. More time went by. In December 2000, I felt impressed that time is short, and I made a recommitment of my life to be ready to meet Jesus. In a few months, I lost everything I had. I lost my job. Then I lost my wife. She gave me a choice between the Bible and the marriage, then filed for divorce the next day. I lost my home, my children had already turned on me, and I had nothing. From there, it went from bad to worse. Yet, God opened doors for me to do full-time soul-winning. I had wonderful experiences with non-Adventists, and still do. I felt so blessed. But I wanted so badly to get out of California, away from the awful stuff that had happened to me. I wanted to get a fresh start, as a nobody somewhere. I kept praying and praying for God to open something up, but nothing opened up. I felt trapped, helpless, a prisoner, locked in place. I wondered if I had misunderstood, if in reality God had not been blessing me, and now I was stuck. But then, I started attending a different Adventist church. I sensed God's blessing on my being there, and church leaders told me they believed God had sent me to them to help them reach out to the community. I still was troubled about what had been done to me in the past, and decided to follow up. Someone I talked to invited me to a convention. I decided to go. While there, who should I run into but the pastor who had baptized me those years ago! We chatted and later set up a meeting. At the meeting we did planning for city evangelism, which I have long had an interest in doing. My new wife, Patricia, figured prominently in the plans that were made. Now, we have hit the ground running for the new year. We have events in progress, a training school for evangelism already started, and a reaping event scheduled for the spring. I am absolutely amazed. It looks to me like God has me now just where He wants me to be, and that the impression the pastor received about he and I working together in doing evangelism is now being fulfilled, on a large scale. We are working on developing a model for city evangelism which can be used in many other places. By the grace of God, I am where I am supposed to be, doing what I am supposed to be doing, married to the person I am supposed to. I can only say with amazement, Great is God's faithfulness. He is merciful and gracious, and I am very thankful for that.


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What a powerful testimony Dave. Praise God for you. I am so happy to hear of how God is using you. God IS faithful. Praise His name. It is so inspiring to hear what He has done for you and how He is using you.

Please keep us informed about how your ministry is going. We are blessed to hear of how God is working in the lives of His people.

We may have to go through some dark valleys ... but God is always loving us and guiding us for a purpose. I am just so inspired and blessed for your testimony.

Thank you Dave. Thank you for your witness.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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I second what redwood has so nicely said. Praise the Lord. I very much enjoy reading your posts.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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God bless you! And thank you for sharing this story.

Going through a divorce, or losing all our worldly possessions, are experiences which we can use to strengthen our dependence on God. It's certainly worked that way with you.

Please keep us posted.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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