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Job-Seeking Prayers


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i need serious prayers. i know, that is the only kind. i have been job-seeking and am very close to being out of money. i was a whistleblower at my last job and that is clearly impeding my job search. i have even had folks call me to schedule interviews, leave their number and then refuse to return my calls. i have met a manager for a meet n greet, seen the manager be So Excited by my credentials and experience But the regional recruiter Will Not Call me.

my last employer has clearly damaged my reputation; however, I have not been to obtain proof. without a Long Story, before the Wrongful Death the hospital was telling fase stories. after, they did the same. i assume they told the family of the expired patient the same False Tales they told staff. i did a lot of reporting in advance and after the death and wouldn't shut up about 2 coworkers' incomptency. no surprise, i was fired.

1 staff member said "you have righteousness on your side." i don't feel so righteous. i was advised to sue the hospital and decided i didn't want to spend several yrs that way. now i am very very sorry i decided not to sue. there was a 90 day window in this state for legal action based on retaliation against whistleblowers and it's past 90 days.

i feel more down than i have before. being almost out of money makes it more scary and i know that's part of it. my past employer left a nasty, nasty paper trail and i don't know what to do. it's too late for legal retaliation and i so believed that with my background i could just go get another position, even change career paths - How Exciting, Really! now, this.

Thank You in Advance :)

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Guest Anonymous

Sorry about the "whole thing", it will get better. Hang in there.

We will be praying for you. Are you a nurse? If you are, there should be an association in your state where you can also ask for some guidance.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you Gem. No, I'm not a nurse, I'm support staff.

There is a newspaper reporter who "very much wants to talk to" me and I have been avoiding her for 2 months. I put out media feelers months ago, then dropped those efforts. I was simply too busy job-hunting. I'm considering calling her. This decision is probably smaller than my emotions want me to think. Everytime I fear taking some step about this issue, I regret my reticence, discovering that my fear was needless.

Okay, I will call her Monday. I am still praying about this very much this weekend, however.

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I am now looking for work as well. This year God has richely blessed me with a new home and new car that I paid for with cash. No debt. I have time and money to fix up and work on the property to build an enclosed garden. I will enjoy the time that God has given me. I will keep you in my prayers as well.



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