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My cousin's 2nd mother


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Tonight I received a phone call from my cousin who lives in the St. Louis area. She ask me to put her best childhood friend's mother (aka her 2nd mother as she referred to her) Mary out for prayer. Mary has lung cancer and is in the hospital, not expected to live very much longer.

My cousin was heart broken over this lady's illness. She related several fond memories of her. My cousin has had a very sad year with the deaths of her mother in law (lung cancer), her husbands cousin (lung cancer) and most recently another friends brother (liver cancer and passed away around Christmas). Her own mother has also been unwell for the past several months.

Please place this dear lady, her family plus my cousin and aunt to your prayer list.

Thank you!

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Dear God,

We really do not understand why we must face death and the illness and pain that comes before it. And as we weep our tears of grief, we long for an earth made new where there is NO sickness or dying. God, We Know you have the victory over death because of Jesus and yet those we love still fall ill and join the others that have gone before. And they leave us with aching, sorrowing hearts.

You have given us the promise in Isaiah 58:8 “Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.”

Because you have promised it we KNOW that we can claim this as ours for these dear ones mentioned here. If your time for healing is now we ask that we will see it NOW! But God allow our hearts to let you be the God here. You know the end from the beginning. You know what is just around the corner of the days and weeks and months. You have also told us that “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” Psalms 116:15. WE find that hard to understand oh God but we know that you love us and want us to find peace and rest in your love.

I pray for this hurting child of yours. There has already been so much grief. Hold her in your arms and help her to know that your compassion will not fail her. Put her tears in bottles (Psm. 56:8) that will remind you of the reason you have promised to return! And if it is your will, heal them all!

Thank you for loving us into that wonderful day of your return!


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