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Deceased Felon to be Honored Today

Gregory Matthews

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It was 1944 and a riot had broken out at a military base in Seatle, Washington. When it was over, an Italian POW was found dead. An internal investigation by the Army suggested that the POW had probably been killed by White Military Police. This report kept confidential, and not given to the people who defended the 43 African-Americans charged with the crime.

One soldier, Booker Townsell served two years in prison, and was given a dishonorable discharge.

In 1977, CNN Reporter Jack Hamann discovered information about this event. He eventually wrote the book: ON AMERICAN SOIL: HOW JUSTICE BECAME A CASUALTY OF WWII. Following the publication of this book, he asked Congress to read his book, suspend the Statute of Limitations, and correct this injustice. Congressman McDermott, a Democrat from Seatle, agreed and took up the challenge. The Army Board for the Correction of Military Records ruled that there was sufficient cause to suspend the Statute of Limitations, and ruled the the 43 individuals and/or their surviving families could seek review on an individual basis.

The family of Booker Townsell was the first to apply. National Civill Rights Attorney Howard Cooley of Annandale Virginia defended Mr. Townsell before the Board. In its ruling, the Board stated that an egregious error had occured and that all 43 defendants should have all of their rights and privilegs restored.

NOTE: Two of the defendants are known to be alive. One, Samual Snow has already recieved a check for $725 as restoration of back pay wrongfully taken from him.

The Townsell family has set in motion a request for further review to fully restore Mr. Townsell's rights.

As a result, today, January 19, 2008, at a public ceremony in Milwaukee, the Secretary of the Army will acknowledge the error, restore all of his rights and privleges and a military honor guard will participate in a mock funeral with full military honors. This ceremony will be held at the Milwaukee County War Memorial from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.

Astounding: The family has been required to pay for certain costs of this ceremony! A local bank (Legacy Bank) has established a trust fund to recieve donations to help the family pay for those costs.

NOTE: To read more about this, go to the website that I have listed above, or enter <booker townsell> in a search engine. There are numerous news articles on this case which have been posted on the Internet. Those articles give more information than I have been able to post here. They do differ in some minor details. But, I believe that the information that I have posted is accurate.


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It is always nice to read about past injustices being righted. It shows how society has grown.

In 1977, CNN Reporter Jack Hamann discovered

Interestingly, CNN was not founded until 1980. Should we assume Jack Hamann was working for someone else in 1977?

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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An injustice like this, and so long since it occurred, can never be righted, though I am glad the truth has finally been admitted and at least a beginning made. $725 for two years of prison, dishonorable discharge, and everything that goes with it? Pooh. That's feather-light compared to the injustice.


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No injustice can ever be "righted" just as no sin can ever be erased. Once it is done it is done. Generally speaking, when we acknowledge a past wrong and change our present behavior to prevent repeating such an error, we have righted it. A ship sailing in stormy waters that turns in such a direction that it find smooth sailing has righted its course.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Read carefully, LynnDel - the $725 was to a different person than the one who went to prison.

Truth is important

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Thank you for catching an error that I made. I meant to write 1997, and in error wrote 1977.


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I didn't realize it was your error, Brother Matthews. I thought you just cut and pasted the story. If I had known it was your error, I wouldn't have mentioned it. I make typos all the time :(

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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No problem, Shane. I was serious in saying that I appreciated you catching the error.


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