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Originally Posted By: CyberGuy

Not everyone cares for Ellen White. I once quoted Ellen White here on the forum and some person complained to my employor over it because they did not like what I quoted. LOL

It might be time to let this old story go. I vote for it.


Whatever is wrong with you. You want to go and stop all the fun.

Some really don't get much fun and will latch onto anything. Perhaps revisionist history is the draw

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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I could never understand why a person would go so far as to call a persons employer over something done here on CA. It's beyond outragious. Where do they get off? What makes them think they are so rightious?

My rule would be: if a member contacted another members employer, pastor or family member (must have proof) whatever their intent; that member would be emmediately banned. And I would urge them to get as much info as they could and take out a restraining order against them.

It went far beyond the fact that I posted on Company time and I admit I was wrong about that and have not done so again for six years. But reporting to my employer and accusing me of criminal acts that I did not do and even my employor knew I did not have the technical expertise to do was outrageous.

Like hacking into someone elses computer Or Sending Porn with another address. Yes the porn charge was apoligised for but ONLY after I had to do all the leg work and find out the truth. Why someone would make those accusations to ones employer when they did not check out the facts for themselves is beyond me. I will never understand that kind of action.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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Originally Posted By: CyberGuy

Not everyone cares for Ellen White. I once quoted Ellen White here on the forum and some person complained to my employor over it because they did not like what I quoted. LOL

It might be time to let this old story go. I vote for it.

Only pointing out the fact that some people do not care for everything Ellen White says and take drastic actions to stop people from quoting her.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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Why someone would make those accusations to ones employer when they did not check out the facts for themselves is beyond me. I will never understand that kind of actio

That is why I vote for a permanant ban on the person who reports to the employer.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I most definately agree....Not retroactively...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Just tagging on.

I think there is something in scripture about "Be sure your sins will find you out. Yup even on the internet.

Perhaps Stan is right, those that might object strongest to speaking to an employer hoping for negative consequences might have been guilty themselves.

Was I guilty of posting on Company time. Yes six years ago I was. That is not what I am so angry about. It is the other false charges you wrote my employor about.

1. Sending Porno Charges. Yes you apoligized but only after I did all the leg work and wrote to you proving you wrong. So quick you were about chargning me with a crime you did not check out yourself but jumped to a wrong conclusion.

2. Signing up using a false name into SNT. Also false

3. Hacking into Clubadventist. I had to have Stan write to you to prove that charge was BOGUS. Stan made it very clear on CA that was not true and publically apoligised for that charge. Funny you did not notice that as you seem to be so observant as to what is posted on Club Adventist.

4. Hacking into Del Stars Email. Also BOGUS and untrue.

These charges are what I am Angry about not the so much the posting on company time which even the consenses of this forum is in very bad taste for you to do.

It was bad enough you made those charges on CA but sending a letter with those chargs was libel and had I choosen to take you to court I would have won. But I do try to follow Ellen White on taking members of my church to court. No matter how provacative you may have Been. God had rewarded me in the long term for following his will.

I long Ago Gave you over to Gods wrath or mercy. It was at that time you had that Stomach surgery and 2/3 of your stomach removed. Maybe it was just coinsidence or then again. Maybe God was dealing with you. Shrug. You are in God's hands now. I wash my hands of you.

It is the best policy.

I admit I still have much anger over your false charges to my employer on the OTHER than the posting on company time charge. It does flow to the surface from time to time. So do not keep posting as if that is the only thing. It is not. It is the other things I am steamed about. While I have give it to God I am still angry about the whole thing. God said not to be angry without just cause. I have a just cause to be angry here Bonnie.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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Admit you were wrong or MIGHT be wrong about these and I am willing to drop it. But you insist on holding to them. Until you apoligise for these charges my anger will burn hot.

I am sorry, but while I do feel your pain, I didn't want to bring this up. I was trying to avoid hi-jacking this thread....

Sorry, Cyberguy....I was trying to avoid bringing up old memorys.....Me culpa...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Some of the things that were in the past have to be left in the past, and i know it caused a significant amount of trauma, pain, and abuse.

I too, have been victimized..

Healing fails to come, until forgiveness comes, it does not seem fair or right, and it is in God's timing not ours.

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Administrator of a few websites like https://adventistdating.com


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Admit you were wrong or MIGHT be wrong about these and I am willing to drop it. But you insist on holding to them. Until you apoligise for these charges my anger will burn hot.

I am sorry, but while I do feel your pain, I didn't want to bring this up. I was trying to avoid hi-jacking this thread....

Sorry, Cyberguy....I was trying to avoid bringing up old memorys.....Me culpa...

It is ok. I have given that Woman over to God's mercy or judgement long ago but the anger still flows forth from time to time. It is still to close to what happened.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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Isn't cyberguy attacking a poster and not the statement of the poster. Isn't that called for a 24hr ban? Isn't that what the new rules state? Let's see what happens

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Some of the things that were in the past have to be left in the past, and i know it caused a significant amount of trauma, pain, and abuse.

I too, have been victimized..

Healing fails to come, until forgiveness comes, it does not seem fair or right, and it is in God's timing not ours.

As I said before I have Given that Woman over to Gods mercy or judgement. God knows I am innocent of her charges outside the posting on company time charge which happened six years ago.

Still the memories are there and God blessed me with a good memory. Which is a blessing and a curse. A blessing that It was easy to memorize stuff for tests in college but a curse in that I remember bad things in detail for a very long time.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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Isn't cyberguy attacking a poster and not the statement of the poster. Isn't that called for a 24hr ban? Isn't that what the new rules state? Let's see what happens

Rules have not been ratified yet and therefore not in effect. Besides I never mentioned ANY Names did I?

Reminds me of story.

A woman was trying to ID a man in a lineup that robbed her at Gunpoint.

All she could remember was the Phrase. "Hand over your purse and all your money?"

The police asked the lineup to say that phrase one by one. Suddenly one of the men shouted out. "That is not what I said."

Am I to blame that the unnamed person comes forth and says that is not what she said or that what she did was justified?

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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So for right now it is okay to crucify someone just because the rules are essentially not in effect? Just does not sound fair but as they say. "life isn't fair". However, I would think a Christian forum would be better than that. Or should I say some of the posters should be better than that.

I'm JUST asking a question.

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Yes you did modify it. Strange how that happens when one thinks they may be wrong in how they say something but then it is never marked as edited.

I think one of the rules should be. If there is a change in a posting. There should not be an option of changing it. After someone reads it and replies to it it changes and thus the replied comment is no longer valid or it makes no sense.

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Yes you did modify it. Strange how that happens when one thinks they may be wrong in how they say something but then it is never marked as edited.

I think one of the rules should be. If there is a change in a posting. There should not be an option of changing it. After someone reads it and replies to it it changes and thus the replied comment is no longer valid or it makes no sense.

No I changed to to clarify my point. Nothing I changed change the meaning of the post. First of all when I started to edit the post you had not yet replied to it. By the time I finished the edit you had replied to it.

I hope that clears up the misunderstanding.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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QR frame:

Noting the respect due Bravus – yet, properly, setting that aside in light of the confabulations that followed the quote – “It is not for critiquing others' proposed rules,...”

allow me the observations...:

Help me out as I’m of a ‘twixt...

“Little boxes on the hillside,

Little boxes made of ticky-tacky,

Little boxes, little boxes,

Little boxes, all the same.

There's a green one and a pink one

And a blue one and a yellow one

And they're all made out of ticky-tacky

And they all look just the same.” --MReynolds


Lilliput, Blefuscu, boiled eggs, and tiny stakes and tinier threads.

Sheesh! what a pot of porridge. Aside from an albedo of idiosyncratic causticity from the one or the other

-- wherever? was the problem?

Taking issue with [aspects of] one’s creed being challenged (that same creed represented by one .org or another that fulminates – utterly – upon the unholiness of this .org or other); objecting to rhetorical questions (despite examples The Very Gd provides in the books Genesis and Job..., ‘mongst others {is ‘mongst slang? and its user ought be chastised?}); peat but do not repeat (what’s that say about rote-as-teaching tool?); counter evidence? then again, might that not be construed as a personal attack? – hmm;

and, on and on...

I had considered that most – posting this forum – were relatively functioning and intelligent adults – given to the occasional pique. What is more normal and acceptable than that? and, mostly, an apology follows. And,

what can be more gracious than that?

All the negatives! ...am put to mind – Self-flagellation; but, isn’t that a marginal practice of certain practitioners of a rather certain faith?

Have I yet posted my allotted prolixillion?

Am reminded, “We :<img src='http://clubadventist.com/forums/uploads/default_wee.gif' alt='wee'>: against Grendel and the night.”

Quote: Carolaa

I kind of like rules we have. They're pretty simple and clear.


...it's ok sometimes to just roll your eyes and move on.

I agree: let’s have available – several ‘dismissive’ icons – such as those “rolling eyes” bwink

Who can take issue with an ‘innocuous’ icon? No, seriously...

I’ve been on this forum for three years now and excepting those few instances where the acerbic, the trenchant, the egregious manifested – this forum has proved

stimulating, informative, and relatively free from conspicuous outré– for which I own up to my fair share :-(

Addendum: "new rules..."? where's them at? [/slanged? ;-)]

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Okay, my above post may be perceived as me waiting rather than participating earlier-on (as some may be wont to charge) that I might undercut the concerns of earlier posters; not so, my 'puter crashed the 17th and I've only now redeemed it from the other cyber-guy bwink

Rule: do not post when you cannot access the internet.

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It went far beyond the fact that I posted on Company time and I admit I was wrong about that and have not done so again for six years. But reporting to my employer and accusing me of criminal acts that I did not do and even my employor knew I did not have the technical expertise to do was outrageous.

Like hacking into someone elses computer Or Sending Porn with another address. Yes the porn charge was apoligised for but ONLY after I had to do all the leg work and find out the truth. Why someone would make those accusations to ones employer when they did not check out the facts for themselves is beyond me. I will never understand that kind of action.

Whatever leg work you did is news to me. When I made the major mistake of apologizing to you and it was major, it was because in the strange way things happen at times it came to light you had not done so. You knew nothing of that and no one else did either. It was not necessary to apologize to you and it was completely stupid. You could really do little.You would never have known I then realized I had been wrong.

I repeat, one of the biggest mistakes of my life was to apologize to you or your ilk. See how much mileage you and all want out of this. Really,really, really stupid.

So stupid in fact that Stan called me a liar on the forum and said he did not believe me. That I thought was the end of this. His call, whatever he chooses to do,say on his forum I guess he has a right to.

Another mistake.

I have seen Stan on several occasions request that old issues not be addressed but it seems he forgot to list the names that applied to.

What I reported to your employer was complete with the on record incidences I could go thru them but believe if I pointed out many things that took place the desire to not see old issues rehashed would suddenly be remembered. I have said stayed away from you, I have said nothing about you. I have stayed away from neil, did not go back in time on anything. Neil did, and then you couldn't resist.

Now suddenly with Stan's approval and participation a time to use the bully pulpit and begin again and again, again.

This will never end. It will be kept going with the full approval and participation of Stan and his administration.

Amelia has suggested I get help for paranoia.

Let me tell you, I like my paranoid world.

I have a happy marriage, have been married to the same man for 46, not many involved can make the same claim. I have friends that thank god are not adventists and operate in this fashion.

They are straight forward.But they don't know enough about adventist christianity yet to operate any other way.

So please continue in your posturing and preening innocence, almost impressive

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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