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Why all the fuss with Florida?

Isn't it a winner take half for the Republicans?

And a winner take none for the Demos?

I thought Florida decided to vote early against the rules so their parties stripped delegates for the convention.

Is this true or just a rumor?

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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McCain still got 57 delegates (winner-take-all), which should give him the lead in total delegate count.

And though the Democratic primary was only a "beauty contest," a lot of people voted just the same, and it has to give some momentum to Sen. Clinton. She has also vowed that if she is the nominee of the party, she would demand at the convention that the delegates from Florida and Michigan be seated.

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Yeah, as of now no Florida delegates will count for the Democratic nomination due to the early primary and a Democratic party decision, so Hillary's victory there is purely symbolic.

On the Republican side I have the most admiration for McCain (even though he's wrong about the war) and the most fear of Giuliani, so that was a pretty satisfying result.

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Heh, two separate 'Florida' threads from Redwood... confusing!

Sorry ... One was pre-election returns and one was post.

I'm having a old age moment at an early age. But this one will die and early death.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Originally Posted By: Bravus
Heh, two separate 'Florida' threads from Redwood... confusing!

Sorry ... One was pre-election returns and one was post.

I'm having a old age moment at an early age. But this one will die and early death.

Not if I have anything to say about it! announce

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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who Votes

Clinton 856,944

McCain 693,425

I wonder from these votes who would win the general election......Yeah, I know, in the REAL election, there are cross over votes...but McCain is gonna need 150k people to cross over and vote for him....a rather large amount of people IMHO.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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The McCainiacks ... knew he would win ... so many just didn't show in this primary. But, in the general ALL McCainiacks will show.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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OK Neil, if you want to play the numbers game, let's do it right.

First, 1,895,095 total voters participated in the Republican primary, while only a total of 1,674,449 voters participated in the Democratic primary.

Second, since Giuliani has said he is going to drop out of the race and give his endorsement to McCain, this means we can add McCain's total of 693,425 to Giuliani's total of 281,755, for a total of 975,180 votes. It is reasonable to combine these, because both McCain and Giuliani appealed to people to whom national security was a top priority.

Third, now we can compare the McCain/Giuliani total of 975,180 to the Clinton total of 856,944, and we see that McCain would have gotten 118,236 more than Clinton.

If you want to quibble about Edwards' total--while he has said he is dropping out, he has not endorsed either Clinton or Obama, and it is probably likely that had he not been on the ballot, his votes would have been split between the two. While this would have added maybe 100,000 or so more to Clinton's total, we should also then add maybe half of Huckabee's total to McCain by the same kind of reasoning, adding maybe 100,000 more to McCain's total.

Six different recent major national polls have indicated that McCain would have a slight edge against Clinton in a one-on-one competition. Source: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2008/president/national.html

It is interesting to note that the same polls show McCain slightly ahead of Obama too, and any other Republican candidate against either Clinton or Obama would be beaten by a double-digit margin, meaning a landslide. So McCain is the only Republican candidate who has a chance for success against either Democratic candidate, and is the only Republican candidate who would avoid a landslide--which would sweep many Republicans out of office, and Democrats in, on every level of government due to the coattail effect that would be pronounced in a landslide.

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look at the vote totals. In a primary the Democratic Party declared null and void, 850,000 people turned out to vote for Hillary Clinton. John McCain, winner of the GOP race, took just 690,000. The total turnout for the Dems was about 1.7 million; total turnout for the GOP was 1.9 million. The Republicans poured everything they had into Florida, while the Democrats were banned from campaigning! It's possible that Mike Huckabee's inedible dog food is really the Republican Party itself.

The quote is from the magazine Mother Jones...a truely liberal magazine...It confirms most of what you said...BUT and it'a big but, the dems did't really turn out due to thier votes not counting......and it's a big factor in your figuring....

Redo the election, and make all the votes count, and you might see just how many dems there are in florida.....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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By the way, the Florida primary was important enough for the Democrats that as a result of its outcome, Sen. John Edwards decided to drop out.

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He was cooked after not winning his home state.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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