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Well everything was going good, he was up and active, and he was walking around with a cane. Aparently he fractured his back during the physical therapy. He felt a little pain but later next week it was so intense that we took him out of the nursing home to the ER. They are using some pretty strong drugs now, he is like a zombie, I stayed with him yesterday, and he only said about 2 words, any question I would ask he would just stare out into space or stare right at me.

I am guessing this is because of the medication, I can't tell if he is in any kind of pain, he really doesn't answer me. He won't tell the nurses, or he can't tell the nurses that he is in pain, he is a bit stubborn like that. I am trying to be strong and supportive, I want to visit him every day but it is like I can't do anything, and seeing him like that dfepresses me.

I also need prayer. I am going to submit a letter to my work asking for religious accomadation for Sabbath (Friday nights) off. Initally it doesn't look so good, at least at this location pretty mugh the whole hub runs on a tuesday - saturday morning, monday to friday night, or 4pm-2am weekend schedule. I am willing to move to another location or even division to avoid working on the Sabbath.

It never really bothered me before, but more and more it bugs me. If I call myself an SDA and don't trust God enough to rely on Him to find me a decent job with Sabbaths off then it makes me a hippocrite.

I hope it doesn't come to it, but if they won't give it to me than I will have to quit. I feel bad to do it, with the economy the way it is, but I trust God to find me another job.

I have also decided to enter the nursing field, I need the Lords help to commit to going back to school.

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Praying for you cubensis. Maybe contact your conference religious liberty department and see if they have sugestions on how to write an effective letter. I am sure you are plenty smart enough to do a good one but they have experience in making it sound "legal" so that the effect is maximized. Just a suggestion.

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Unfortunately my dad passed away this morning, 2/10/08 at about 5:30am. Last night I stayed with him till about 8:00, then went across the street to a church event. My brother was out with friends. The nursae called me this morning about 5am and told me he had stopped breathing, and they were working on him. By the time I got to the hospital he was already gone. I am doing OK, i feel like I am dreaming, but my brother took it pretty hard and is blaming himself.

He was just laying there, eyes shut like he was sleeping. I am reli8eved that he has passed, he was in a lot of pain as of late, I got little sleep or did any outside activities because I was worried about him so much.

Thank you Stan and CA forum members for your prayers and support.

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Over the next few days you may feel emotions that you have not felt for a while. Sometimes grief will overcome you in the strangest places and time.

If you receive benefit to being here please help out with expenses.


Administrator of a few websites like https://adventistdating.com


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I am sorry or your loss. This is a painful time and sometimes we don't experience the full range of emotions until later. There is no "right" way to grieve ... we are all emotional creatures who react differently. Give yourself permission to acknowledge your feelings .. remember the good times.

You and your family will be in my prayers.

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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God bless you for being there during your dad's illness. As the others have said, it is NOT an easy time. Remember how peaceful he looked and how he was no longer in pain and be comforted with that. It does help.


You and your brother (and rest of your family) are in our prayers.

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Well it's all over now. The viewing was on Thursday, they did an excellent job with him, they made him look exactly like he did when he was with us. Most of my family is Catholic, so we had a priest come in and perform the traditional Catholic service for someone who passed on.

The funeral was on Friday, it was a nice service. My family was shocked that and Adventist church would treat someone of a different religion with so much respect. My brothers friends came and supported him, we didn't think anyone would come because of the time, everyone usually works at this time.


January 1932 to February 2008 – age 76 years

Joseph Harry more popularly known as Joe Harry

We have assembled here to celebrate the life of Joe Harry. We recognize, and praise him and we are certain that the good things about Joe Harry would not be interred with his bones, but will live long in our memories as great legacies of the gentle, kind, graceful, honest and committed person we knew him to be.

Joe Harry commenced his earthly life on the 13th day of January 1932. The first of 6 children born to Eugenia Harry and Peter Harry at La Fortune in the parish of St. Patrick in the island of Grenada where he grew up as a youngster.

He attended the St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic School at Sauteurs, St. Patrick’s. He was a dedicated student who loved school and was always in the top 1% of his class. Because of the family economic circumstances Joe missed a lot of classes at school. On certain school days he had to be in the garden planting food crops or attending on local plantations in order to secure food for the family and in particular his siblings.

He made the 7th Grade at school but because of his thirst for knowledge he read widely and generally self educated himself. He had a fantastic memory for retention and recall of detail, and could recite accurately page after page extempore.

Had Joe had the opportunity of many of us the sky would have been the limit of his achievements. At an early age he migrated to Trinidad where he worked for many years and never forgot to make regular remittances to the family in Grenada. He was mindful of and always committed to the good and welfare of his brothers and sisters. Later he took up residence in California, USA until his death. He never failed to help those in need when and where he could.

He met and was married to his now deceased wife Jean. They had a wonderful life together, and bore two lovely, loving and outstanding boys – Douglas and Peter – who are a tribute to their parenting. Their mother Jean died when both boys were at very tender ages, and Joe single handedly raised the boys in a manner any parent or community will be proud of. He has taken leave of them. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that because of him they are better equipped to stand on their own feet and move forward with their lives. Douglas and Peter have the stamp of honesty, respectability, commitment and family love imprinted upon their personality and character which will endure always and for as long as they live. Thanks to Joe. If he were able, Joe would provide them with constant and unfailing protection.

Joe was a family man, and was always there for his brothers and sisters, and the extended members of his family. He was a private and sensitive man, with an engaging and delightful sense of humor. For those who knew him well, he was regarded as an engaging, congenial, lovable, helpful, generous person, with a lively sense of humor.

For Joe, there was a time to live, and he lived fully and happily. There was a time to die, and he embraced death without fear.

He leaves to mourn

Sons: Douglas and Peter – California

Sisters: Marina – Canada; Judith and Telita – England and Silverina – California

Brothers: Babsie – Grenada; Alexis – California

Nieces: Caroline and Tayna – California

Nephews: Clive, Gary, Tony Cato, Atkinson – England

David, Joe, Tony Harry – California

Cousins: Desima, Tony Allen, Maleka – Grenada

Terry, Michael, Marie – California

Cuthbert J. Barry – New York

And our near and dear adopted aunt to Douglas and Peter, the beloved Thelma Pitt.

May God bless his soul


May he rest in peace



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Douglas and Peter have the stamp of honesty, respectability, commitment and family love imprinted upon their personality and character which will endure always and for as long as they live.

I too, would testify of that.

Am sorry I could not make it to the funeral service, I am thankful that my wife and daughter were able to.

If you receive benefit to being here please help out with expenses.


Administrator of a few websites like https://adventistdating.com


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Cubensis, I lost my father at about your age -- in the prime of my life, when I still needed him for advice occasionally. I missed him so much. But eventually the pain lessens.

And we know we'll be able to see our fathers again when Jesus comes.

God bless you.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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Thank you for sharing your father's eulogy with us. And I agree with you Jeannieb43 on getting to see our fathers again when Jesus returns! Amen!

God bless you Cubensis!

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you all for your prayers and support. I am slowly getting my life back together, I still have a ton of things to do.

It looks like my employer is going to give me friday night Sabbaths off. It isn't official yet, but it looks like I can either work on Sunday, or perhaps Friday morning. I need to make sure that they put Sabbath keeping in my permanent record so that if I decide to change positions, that this is a condition for me to accept the position.

On the school note I still am in limbo. I am looking at the nursing field, but it is discoruaging when I think of all the classes I need to take. I want to get my BSN. I still am looking at the IT field, and also the motion graphics field.

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Thanks for the update! I wish you very well with your future plans :)

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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  • 1 month later...

As of today I will have Sabbaths (friday nights) off. I will work thursday, then stay and work on the swing shift till about 5am. So I will have the rest of Friday, plus Saturday and Sunday off. Initally I will be making less hours, but I might be able to come and work one Sunday a month to make up for what I am losing.

The hard part now is explaining to bepole who ask why I am not working Friday nights. I ampraying for God to put the right words in my mouth. I am not embarassed for being an SDA but I don't like explaining it either, I am no preacher and I doubt I could ever convert somebody to Christ.

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Actually Cubensis I am sure God can use you no matter where you are. You will love having Friday and Saturday and most Sunday's off. I think it will help you not only feel spiritually rested but physically.

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And everyone said Amen! Excellent Post.

Shabbat Shalom,



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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