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Positive Discussion of politics-the progressive thead

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This means that you can't say anything negative toward Bush, Hillary, Obama, democrats or Republican or anything negative toward any party, group or person.

This thread is set up to find common ground among C/A members of diverse persuasions as to why they are voting/feeling the way they do...That means that you can say all the positive things you want about your party, political candidate, group, etc.

Someone has accused me of being a closet conservative yucky ....and while I have been very hard on conservative politics, there are conservative values that I do like. Some have accused me of being a liberal...and I do admit that my politics lie more in the liberal arena...but I don't hold with all the liberal policies that are available out there....And like most people, there are nth degrees of each political standpoint that just BORE me to death....and I don't have time to be bored....

Having said all that, I have admitted to being a progressive political person....'cuz like the sound of that rather than understanding what it means...And while, of late, the democrates have taken the 'progressive" stance a bit more solidly, I thought a review of what 'progressive' might mean....

Across the globe we've helped bring peace, freedom and prosperity to more people than at any time in world history. At home, brick by brick, we've built a society that gives every new generation a greater chance at the American dream and has built the most remarkable middle class the world has ever seen. America has become more than a country, it has become an idea – of a self-governed democracy, committed to liberty, capitalism, free trade, peace and the "pursuit of happiness" – a powerful beacon of hope and light that has inspired many in what has too often been a dark and dangerous world.

Despite America's unparalleled success in recent decades in moving the world towards greater peace and prosperity, conservatives in Washington today seem intent on taking us down a different path. Their governing agenda has taken a sharp turn to the reckless right, offering an economic strategy ill-suited for the challenges we face, a foreign policy too belligerent and too ineffective, and a style of governing too arrogant and corrupt for our proud democracy. Their approach has not only failed to yield the results they've promised, but has endangered America's leadership in the world and broad-based prosperity at home in ways that will take many years to repair.

[i believe] We must work together to offer a new, optimistic, clear, achievable governing agenda that strongly affirms the common purpose of progressive politics, and brings along Democrats, Independents, and disaffected Republicans in a sustaining majority coalition committed to ensuring that the world we leave for our children is a better one than has been left for us.

This is from the New Democratic Network

I am looking for what we have in common, not in differences.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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This means that you can't say anything negative toward Bush, Hillary, Obama, democrats or Republican or anything negative toward any party, group or person.

Despite America's unparalleled success in recent decades in moving the world towards greater peace and prosperity, conservatives in Washington today seem intent on taking us down a different path.


Am I missing something?

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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This thread is set up to find common ground among C/A members of diverse persuasions as to why they are voting/feeling the way they do...That means that you can say all the positive things you want about your party, political candidate, group, etc.

I am looking for what we have in common, not in differences.

Speaking as a lifelong registered Republican, I'm sure that regardless of whoever becomes our next president, it's bound to be an improvement over George W. Bush.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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Another good idea, Neil! I like your wide thread too.

Huckabee: speaks in a pleasing manner.

MacCain: tested, effective, talks straight.

Obama: I like his easy manner of moving. graceful. confident.

Clinton: I'm in love with Mrs. Clinton. Not only is she intelligent, hard-working, experienced but she's better looking than all the others! I like her ideas on beginning to get out of Iraq, and on health care for everyone.


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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Here are my positive comments.

George Bush has solid character like steel. He does what he believes is right with no regard and at the expense of his popularity.

Hilary Clinton is obviously a loyal wife with a very forgiving spirit. She is strong willed and fights for what she believes to be right. I appreciate her position on national health care and really, really appreciate her position on religious liberty.

John McCain is a living legend. He is another that is not afraid of doing what is right at the expense of his popularity. His ability to reach across party lines and work with Democrats is quite admirable.

Barak Obama is charismatic and motivational. I appreciate his view on national health care. I really like the way he interacts with his wife and think they would make a very picturesque first family.

Mike Huckabee is a devoted Christian and dedicated public servant. I admire is faith and what he achieved as governor of Arkansas.

Alright... now let's hear some more positive comments.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Ok, but who are you guys going to vote for and why?

I would be happy with either canidate of the democratic party...I prefer Obama because his campaign, idealogically, is one of hope for the future....of attempting to bring people together...and I see him as running a cleaner campaign....

Clinton, dwells on the experience, and I think that while one need some experience, one can get that while in office....As much as she is capable, I also see her as more desiring for the office....and therefore as less than desirable of the office of president.

McCain, is the most unifying of the Republicans...and I can see where he may be the best republican. He has the experience, he has the mainstream principles that would qualify[ at least in my mind] as a republican president. I am gratified that the Republicans have moved away from those ultraconservative political resources....My biggest fear, he gets elected with an ultraconservative VP and then dies in office.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I think each candidate has their own set of negatives. Since this is a positive thread, I will only focus on the positive.

I will be happy regardless who wins. I think all three would be fine presidents. I like McCain's judicial philosophy of constructionism. That is, the Constitution should be interpreted by the original intent except in cases where it has been amended. That line of thinking is what provides the most protection of religious liberty and other fundamental rights afford in the Bill of Rights.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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