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SDAs and Blacks


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In another thread the topic of Black History came up ...

I am moving this question here for further exploration .

1n 1947 the University of Arkansas admitted it's first Black student.

Why did it take until 1968 for Southern College to admit it's first Black student?

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Could it be that no blacks applied? This is not intended to be critical.....I really have no idea if they did or didn't. Just wondering.

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No problem Darlene. All questions are welcome. We should think about that question. What would it mean if no one applied? Perhaps back in the dark ages of 1968 and before .... blacks were just not interested in an education at Southern.

I know that now adays that would not be tolerated. They would be out knocking on doors recruiting Blacks to come to college.

But during Black History Month ... this is a good question to reflect on.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Let's face a harsh and sad truth. Our church was dragged into integration. We as a church was not in the forefront of the civil rights movement.


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I can't speak for other African-Americans, I can only speak for myself. The biggest enemy I've faced in this church, or outside of it, for that matter, has been myself. I've heard stories about racism and this and that in this church. For the most part I have choosen not to focus on them, whether these stories are real or just perceived real.

This much I know. The Lord of the sabbath, who is also the Lord of this remnant church has done enough for me, and for others who share my ethnic background, to convince me that He is truly no respecter of person. His mercies are fresh daily, and that is what keeps me going.


I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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Let's face a harsh and sad truth. Our church was dragged into integration. We as a church was not in the forefront of the civil rights movement.


We are also now getting on the environmental bandwagon about 20 years into it as well.

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We are also now getting on the environmental bandwagon about 20 years into it as well.

Hope not. There's always a chance that we will see that wagon for what it is-- empty.

"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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We are also now getting on the environmental bandwagon about 20 years into it as well.

Hope not. There's always a chance that we will see that wagon for what it is-- empty.

Please explain this.....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Neil. I think he is disputing that we are caretakers of this earth.Rather ... Is it his view that we are "consumers"?

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Ehrlich's formula is based on a fundamentally flawed supposition, that is that man is merely a polluter and consumer on earth. In this process, environmentalists forget (or overlook) that man is a producer AND a subduer.


"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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environmentalists forget (or overlook) that man is a producer AND a subduer.


Subduer is fine, but what we are doing is trashing and destroying. I kinda think we are supposed to be taking care of the gift God gave us.

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Historically SDA church is not without such problems, and I don't think that any church is immunized against cultural propaganda for that matter.

As an example, SDA church in Germany endorsed Hitler and went along with the flow... it wasn't until later when they saw the results of Hitler's policies that they backed off.

I think these thing are important to remember and learn from. That's why I'm all for questioning our leadership on such matters. We are all people, and all of us need accountability.

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Your statement that the SDA Church in Germany endorsed Hitler is a simplification of a complex historical issue whilch is slowly becomming known and understood.


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I think your rebuttal is a simplification of my point, which is much more complex than a couple of sentences that you written above :)

Let me edit this to explain the reasons that I brought Nazi Germany up in this thread. Originally I did start to write an essay on Hitler and SDA church and the reasons for them supporting Him being the Biblical position that governments are instituted by God, and that they, although did not support him all the way, did go along with societal flow of the day in search for a Messiah Furer who would bring Germany out of ruin. It is easy to be lost in the cloud of propaganda smoke which both Soviet Governments and Nazi Germany were good historical examples of. I'm sure, in their own mind both Hitler, Lenin and Stalin were trying to bring about a paradise on earth, and restore justice to the masses. But the consequences shown that bringing justice by way of injustice never works. That's why we have was in Middle East crises today, because of such circular mentality.

The case with many churches in 1800 and earlier endorsing slavery and segregation, is very similar. It was a cultural norm of the day in southern states. Bible did touch on subject of slavery quite a bit, but they did not jump outside of their cultural norms to evaluate Biblical position. But then again, I only answer based on what I've learned and read... the take on this issue of the contemporaries of that culture and ours. So my views are merely a shot in the dark, and I have no delusions about it. I hope you don't misunderstand my point, which is... it is not hard to caught up in cultural norms and collective Groupthink of the day. Churches are not buildings, people are the bricks of the church. When we let leaders speak for us, we need some accountability on the side of the leaders. I hope I've provided enough data to avoid oversimplification you are referring to.

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