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Women's Dress

Dr. Shane

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Shane saith:

It doesn't bother me at all when my wife dresses in a low-cut blouse or a short skirt. It doesn't even bother me when we go out together and she turns men's heads. In fact, it makes me feel like I have the prize.

So you feel good about this...?

My wife is well above average in beauty, world-class in my opinion. I shared the above quote with her and asked her opinion. Her reply "I'd have to say that the person who said that has suffered from low self esteem somewhere in his life and gets his high that way."

There you have it, from Mrs. olger.

"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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ah! a wise woman that mrs. olger. intelligence - a most attractive quality in any woman. one that womankind should not need to hide!


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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My wife is well above average in beauty

What beauty are you referring to?

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Well, growing up in an abusive, back-slidden Adventist home with two alcoholic parents, I am sure I have dealt with my share of self-esteem issues. That said, it would be a mistake to read too much into my comment about my wife. My point is that I am not a controlling husband. Whether I like my wife to dress sexy or not is irrelevant to the topic in this thread. My point is that I don't dictate to my wife what she is allowed to wear and what she is not. She chooses her own clothing.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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intelligence - a most attractive quality in any woman. one that womankind should not need to hide!

Here is the point. When a woman dresses too sexy she effectively hides her intelligence behind her beauty even though that is not what she is trying to do.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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That's a ridiculous point. "She" doesn't "hide" her intelligence.

It might be better to say that when a woman dresses in such a fashion that a man (or other woman) perceives as being "too sexy", her intelligence is over-looked and is judged solely on her appearance.

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It is easier to blame somebody else for the problems that I have... and lust is one of these... but it is also easier to change my perspective on things than somebody else's.

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intelligence - a most attractive quality in any woman. one that womankind should not need to hide!

Here is the point. When a woman dresses too sexy she effectively hides her intelligence behind her beauty even though that is not what she is trying to do.

perhaps the observer is blinded by beauty! :) i think we see what we are looking for. its not beauty's fault that intelligence is neglected but the observer's. you know what? i think a person who can't see intelligence because of beauty won't see it in the presence of the commonplace or even the ugly. maybe not even if they live in an islamic society where beautiful and ugly women appear the same. completely hidden except for the eyes and hands.


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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But the end result is the same. If an educated, intelligent woman goes into a job interview with a low-cut blouse and a short skirt, it doesn't matter why the interviewer doesn't see her intelligence. The end result is that she doesn't get the job. That is reality. The reality of the issue is that women that are convinced by advertising and the entertainment industry to dress sexy do not get respected as much as women that dress conservatively. The reasons why don't change the reality of it.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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The reasons why don't change the reality of it.

you're right. we are controlled by the thoughts of others! :(

is that intelligent? thinking

a lady must always pretend to be modest. :)



O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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But the end result is the same. If an educated, intelligent woman goes into a job interview with a low-cut blouse and a short skirt, it doesn't matter why the interviewer doesn't see her intelligence. The end result is that she doesn't get the job. That is reality. The reality of the issue is that women that are convinced by advertising and the entertainment industry to dress sexy do not get respected as much as women that dress conservatively. The reasons why don't change the reality of it.

So, what is your point? That a red-headed male shouldn't be hired because the common stereotypical red-headed male is known to be a hot-headed male, stubborn and arrogant; quick-tempered and short-fused?

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