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Anger, Duct tape & Contemporary Music

Dr. Shane

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Recently I attended a church board meeting where there was an extensive discussion about whether the church should sponsor the youth group going to a Casting Crowns concert. While I testified of my personal experience and how contemporary Christian music brought me out of a spiritual depression and gave me a desire to study the Bible and attend church which I had lost, it was of little affect. (Yes that was a long sentence) Many members consider CCM to be sin. Yes, you read correctly. Sin. And allowing our youth to attend a sinful concert will only encourage other sinful behavior.

About this time I started looking for the duct tape to wrap around my head to keep it from exploding. When one member, younger than me, agreed I knew I was going to need two rolls of duct tape.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, they started talking about how bad the music at Heart Quest was. Heart Quest!!! This is Faith For Today we are talking about.

Faith For Today is now too worldly!!!

I think I need more than duct tape now.

Music reaches deep into a person's soul and stirs them. Music is an avenue to reach not only our youth, but all sorts of different groups. Music is a means we, as a church, can be relevant to society.

Well about only half of us voted and those of us that wanted to sponsor the trip narrowly carried the motion. What kind of message would our church board had sent to the youth and the adults working in the youth ministry if we would have voted not to support the trip?

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Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Consider yourself lucky it passed. I've seen those things voted down, and sometimes individuals will come forward to donate the money personally so the kids can go and they don't have to find out what the board did. Unfortunately, if the outing is not voted by the board, it is not covered by the church's insurance as a church-sponsored event.

Yes, I know many people who think contemporary music is bad. Thankfully, the church I am in right now is very open-minded in that area, quite unlike the last church I was in. Of course, that church chased off most of its young people.

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If that's of any comfort to you, I am a musician who writes CCM :). I have produced 3 albums of music in electronic music genre, yet when I joined the church that kind of music is totally blackballed as being "of the devil" and "music for dancing and drug addicts". So, since then I hardly wrote anything, as I don't have any desire to be ridiculed and considered worldly. Music was my outlet to reach out to people who church could only dream to reach out to, and I think subliminally any desire to do so by way of music disappeared. I am a member of the Church board, and the youngest member too, but I know where you coming from as I can not understand how people have such a narrow minded view of God in light of all of the variety we experience on daily bases.

Much of my music went around the world and became quite popular as I receive numerous e-mail from people who take their time to hunt me down (I have no idea how they still find me!) and I did spark a conversation about my belief and these people listened because they respected me as musician. Without that common base I would be just another person beating them over the head with a Bible. So it is quite discouraging that people can not separate guns from killers.

If you like upbeat music you can listen to some of my early releases that still circulating online, and bootlegs of these are being sold in many countries of Europe :), which is why I get tons of emails of people wanting to hear more. Here's one:

Uncool album

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Interesting. Never heard anything quite like it before. My favorite kinds of music are classical and gospel.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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I love selected pieces from every style as I listen to variety of genres. Music can really enrich your experience and understand people better if you give it a chance. I'm not a big fan of super hard stuff like death metal and gangster rap though.

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Havent heard all of your link, but what I have heard, I like....

Devil's music....Hah!

Uncool?....Nah...this is good stuff...

and I am not one to give my approval to much.....

fccool, you need to update your profile....! [And I have said so elsewhere on this board....are you getting the hint???]

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Interesting. Never heard anything quite like it before. My favorite kinds of music are classical and gospel.

I honestly hope I can say this politely ... but have you never passed gas. That is what it reminded me of.

OK humor aside. I do respect your unique abilities fccool. I have NO problem with that music. I am too old to appreciate it much. Or maybe I am just too conservative. But, I do respect the need for young people to experience it if that is what they want.

I would not try to say it is of the Devil. When I was growing up ... the guitar was not allowed in church. It was considered of the Devil. In EGW's time ... she condemned the church organ as 'evil'. So, life goes on.

By condemning what the youth are doing ... we only push them away. So fccool ... Go for it.

I should also indicate as I have before ... that I am hard of hearing. I don't hear all the tones present. So, I may have heard something different than the rest of you.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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In EGW's time ... she condemned the church organ as 'evil'. So, life goes on.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Thanks Neil. I can hear you clearer now.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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Always here to help a friend....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Originally Posted By: John317
Interesting. Never heard anything quite like it before. My favorite kinds of music are classical and gospel.

I honestly hope I can say this politely ... but have you never passed gas...

I pass gas all the time into my car when I can afford it. The other kind, no, never.

Seriously I enjoy listening to all kinds of music. My son just sent me some

folk\viking\pagan metal, some doom-metal, and a folk\pagan metal band called Falkenbach from Finland. Also a selection from a doom metal band from New york state called 137,and a Heavy metal band called Volbeat who hail from Holland.

My statement about the techno was that it is different from what I've heard in that genre before. I admit that I don't listen to it a lot.


"John 3: 17"

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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I think it is an echo of you passing gas that you hear, and not my music :). But then again, I've heard this comparison before... and I would say there are no friends when it comes to tastes and likes. aka... to each their own.

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