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Medical Missionary from Cameroon, Africa needs our prayers


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Please keep a very good friend of mine in prayer. This is the prayer request I got from his family:

Greg has landed in Cameroon, Africa, after being home for his mother-in-law's funeral in Connecticut. The taxi cab drivers are on strike in the coastal city where his plane landed. There is rioting in the streets and general disorder where he is. He has taken refuge in a Catholic Mission and is not sure he can even get to the airport tomorrow to fly to the capital city of Cameroon so he can get back to the hospital in Koza.

Thank you!


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Thanks for your prayers for my friend Greg! His wife (Audrey) sent this out just abit ago so I thought I'd share it as well.


Monday morning Greg boarded the plane to Douala without problems. They landed in Douala only to find out that Douala was in the middle of riots due to a taxi strike and that protestors had set fires to cars, created barricades on all major roads, and people were being told to not go outside. Six people had already died that morning. Greg had no where to go, and no way to get there as his contact was unable pick him up. One of the passengers on the same plane called his own contact and was told to get back on the plane and return to Europe. Greg finally saw a Catholic sister in the airport and asked if he could get a ride to wherever she was going. He left the airport with her and the driver of the Catholic mission, who drove "like a crazyman, not stopping for stoplights or stopsigns." He was told that rioters would stop cars with a fire barricade and attack those in the car. Greg said that the usually very busy, noisy Douala was like a ghost town.

Today is Tuesday, and he is still a "captive" at the Catholic mission in Douala. He believes that he is safe as long as he doesn't leave the compound. People are still not going out in cars. The Sister he came in with yesterday tried to make it out of Douala this morning but was stopped at a road block and was told that it was unsafe to be out. All transportation has come to a standstill - no cars, motorcycles, taxis, buses, trains, or domestic flights in the country. He has a ticket on a plane to the north of Cameroon that was supposed to leave last Sunday...

So, as you can see, he is still living the Adventure. Please, Please pray for his safety and that he is able to safely get out of Douala soon, and on his way to back home to Koza.

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Praying for the safety of Greg & Audrey and all of God's people involved Douala

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Here is an email I received from Greg's sister Cristy (also a medical missionary to Malawi (sp?):

Thanks to all of you for your prayers! Audrey has heard from Greg, and he is safe at a Catholic mission currently, but still trapped in Douala. All transportation has ground to a halt and he is unable to get back north to Koza. I'm including the following news link for those of you interested in following the situation:


Again, thanks for your prayers, and I will keep you updated as I get more information.


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Good morning!

I have a small update on Greg. Apparently he was able to meet with another missionary and together, they were going to try to take a bus to northern Cameroon. From what I've heard, it is unclear if he was successful so prayers are still requested for his safety (as well as that for the other missionary and anyone else in danger!!)

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Wow...what a week Greg has had!

Audrey (Greg's wife) called his parents just this morning, to tell them that Greg WAS able to take a bus from Douala to Yaounde. It seems another group of missionarys (not sure who) had hired a private plane to take them north away from danger and Greg was able to hitch a ride with them to Maroua (which is 2 hours roughly from Koza) and he is spending Sabbath with some friends that live in Maroua and after Sabbath will get gas and head for home!

I cannot begin to explain the atmosphere at church today when we got the news on Greg. God is so good...and that seems so cheesy to say it like that but it just sums it up so well.

On behalf of Greg, his wife and daughter, parents and sisters AND our church family...THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS!!!

If you would like to learn more of the missionary medical work that Greg and Audrey do in Koza at the Koza Adventist Hospital, please visit HERE...

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