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I am begining to fear that this may actually happen....What do you think the super delegates should do?

No one believes Obama is quite this extreme, but the Republicans will tie this Reverend to Obama like a thousand pound weight. Central casting from the Republican national Committee couldn't come up with a better Reverend, for their purposes.

Anyway, which brings us to the second question. A hypothetical: It's June. Hillary has won Pennsylvania, Indiana, Puerto Rico, West Virginia. Obama is still 120 delegates ahead and a little bit ahead in the popular vote. But he's dying the death in the head to head polls against McCain. It's clear he's a loser for November. What should the Super delegates do?

The Super delegates were invented in 1976 to prevent another George McGovern disaster from happening, as it happened in '72. Should the Super delegates a) Say, hey, it's our job to back a winner -- and pick Hillary; B) Say, the will of the people is Paramount -- and pick Obama; or c) Sit on their hands until the second ballot, when all the delegates are released, and then announce that the great state of Tennessee nominates, as a compromise candidate, that former Vice President and Nobel Laureate, the next president of the United States . . . Albert Gore, Jr.

I say A, but I like C a lot. What do you think?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I thought I would NEVER say this ... but Gore is lookin mighty good right now. Obama REALLY frightens me. And Clinton? Give me a break. Neither Obama or Clinton can win against McCain now after the Wright business. Those Demos are messed up.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
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I probably wouldn't vote for Gore, but I like your idea of Gore being the Democratic nominee because there is no question that Gore is prepared for the job far better than either Hillary or Obama. So it would be a better choice for the country.

This thing about Wright caused me to look much more closely at Obama. I checked out Obama's campaign website and read his views and opinions on lots of issues, and I don't like them at all.

What I've learned about him causes me to believe that he uses poor judgment. Obama shouldn't have used his speech yesterday to tell the nation that it needs to improve its race relations. The issue is not about American race relations but about Obama's decision stay in Wright's church. He made a big mistake comparing what Wright believes and teaches publicly with what his white grandmother said in private. Nor should he have compared his listening for 20 years to Wright's lies and divisive speech with a priest or pastor saying something you may not agree with. Those comparisons, I think, show he was trying to excuse himself rather than take responsibility for his use of poor judgment.

I noticed this in the news this morning:

"The poll showed Obama had only a statistically insignificant lead of 47 percent to 44 percent over Clinton, down sharply from a 14 point edge he held over her in February when he was riding the tide of 10 straight victories.

Illinois Sen. Obama, who would be America's first black president, has been buffeted by attacks in recent weeks from New York Sen. Clinton over his fitness to serve as commander-in-chief and by a tempest over racially charged sermons given by his Chicago preacher.

The poll showed Arizona Sen. McCain, who has clinched the Republican presidential nomination, is benefiting from the lengthy campaign battle between Obama and Clinton, who are now battling to win Pennsylvania on April 22.

McCain leads 46 percent to 40 percent in a hypothetical matchup against Obama in the November presidential election, according to the poll.

That is a sharp turnaround from the Reuters/Zogby poll from last month, which showed in a head-to-head matchup that Obama would beat McCain 47 percent to 40 percent."

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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But he's dying the death in the head to head polls against McCain. It's clear he's a loser for November. What should the Super delegates do?

If Obama has won the most delegates and the popular vote and doesn't get the nomination there will be riots across the country. The riots that happened in L.A. after the Rodney King verdict will be going on in Chicago, Detroit, Houston, New York and D.C.

The blacks will either not vote at all November or vote for McCain. Hillary will lose - she needs the black vote to win. The Democrat Party may never regain the overwhelming support of the black community like it now has. The Democrat Party will be painted as being racist and many black pastors will be preaching many of anti-Democrat Party sermons.

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