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Russia- - USA Tunnel

Dr. Shane

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Bridge-building Vladimir Putin wants tunnel to US

VLADIMIR PUTIN, the Russian president, is to raise plans for a tunnel to link his country with America when he meets his US counterpart, George W Bush, next Sunday.

The 64-mile tunnel would run under the Bering Strait between Chukotka, in the Russian far east, and Alaska; the cost is estimated at £33 billion...

Proposals for such a tunnel were approved by Tsar Nicholas II in the early 20th century but were abandoned during the Soviet era. If finally built, the tunnel would allow rail connections between London and New York...

Officials in Washington and Moscow view the talks as an opportunity to ease expected tensions about this week’s Nato summit in Romania. Clashes are expected over America’s planned missile defence system in eastern Europe and whether to allow Ukraine and Georgia into Nato.

[text taken from link]

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Fantastic. I love the idea. And just think how that could change the relations between Russians and Americans. Of course it doesn't really cost that much to fly there now, so with the gas prices the way they are, I would fly there anyway if I was going to go (which I plan to sometime). But what a train ride, from Los Angeles all the way across Siberia to London. All aboard!!

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Eh? A Russian window into America, or American window into Russia? (refference to Peter the Great of course). As much as I love the idea of multiculturalism and different nations learning from each other... I hate to come back and see our language absolutely butchered :). It is such a rich and descriptive language that is filled with innate spiritual meaning... and people think to make it hip by introduce the Runglish stuff to it... just sounds ugly.

Really, many words just lost their original meaning today. The word that people use for to describe someone who is wealthy is - bogatiy. But the word has in its root word Bog - which is God, and tiy... full of. So original meaning of the word bogaity is someone who is full of God, and not material wealth as it is used today. There are numerous examples... And it saddens me that young people adopt garbage english words such as F..., S...., Wow.... :). Just so non-descriptive and shallow.

Not to say that we don't have anything to learn from the West... such as efficiency, customer satisfaction, and pragmatism... but we end up learning some of the worst traits, such as debt based consumerism and mindless stupidity based entertanment. I saw one of the first Russian parody films (like Scary Movie parodies here) and it was outright rejected by people as being the lowest point of Russian Cinema :). It's just sad to see people fall into the short memory mode as the roots begin to dry up.

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I understand what you mean. Language and many other other things would change because of the Western influence. I think we may be sure that in general Russia would adopt more of the West and of America than America would adopt those of Russia. You sound as if, had you lived in the 1870s, you would have agreed with the Slavophiles,Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, and been opposed to Turgeniff's views. If I were Russian, that is where my head would be as well.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Those were different times back then, when speaking French was fashionable... and you could settle most disputes by means of a couple of pistols 16 steps apart :). Honestly, it's hard for me to grasp shooting someone for offending the love of my life. Many of those Russian Renaissance (hmm French again bwink... men were walking contraditions, and the characters that they thought up were walking contradictions too... which send the readers into a deep psycho trip of trying to see why people did and what they really thought about what they did... the way they justified their actions. And this is the tript that we all experience when we think alone and honestly, and try to justify our actions that these are for good of everyone around us. And that was the point of those Russian classics... that the heroes were both good and evil at the same time. That's what made them stand out to be more human from the typical "Comic Book" approach to depiction of good and evil :). You won't find the "pure evil" Hitleresque antagonists in Russian classics. People realized that it's not all black and white as it is painted today to send people into war agains "axis of evil".

If you really would like to understand how many Russians view Western culture... there's an Sci-Fi allegory of a film made in 1986. It's quite brilliant. You can view it online with subtitles:

Part 1


Part 2


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