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Neice and Great Nephew


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Please remember our neice and great nephew in prayer. This is the email I received from my husband's sister regarding her daughter Christina (neice) and grandson (great nephew) (grandson belongs to her son).

Please keep my daughter, Christina, in prayer. She has to have emergency surgery to remove gall bladder and gall stones tomorrow at 2 p.m. I will be leaving at 5 a.m. tomorrow to pick Christina up and transport her to the hospital. Her husband is still on travel in Florida. Christina has had bloodwork done also for pancreatitis, which her doctor does not think she has, but wants to make sure.

We just talked with our son, Jonathan, and his three month old son, Joshua, may have an obstruction between where his stomach empties into his bowels. He throws up two or three times with each feeding and only has a bowel movement about once a week at this point. His doctor is concerned that he only weighs ten pounds and doesn't seem to be growing as he should.

Please keep Christina and little Joshua, along with Jonathan and Alisha, in your prayers.

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If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Here is an update I received today from my sister in law:

Just a quick note to let you know Christina's gall bladder and gall stones removal went well. She was unable to feed Cadie for 24 hours post-op because of the anesthesia. We had an interesting 24 hours with a baby who is not yet eating solid food and will not take a bottle. Somehow we managed, but she was sure more satisfied when Christina was finally able to nurse again around 2 p.m. Friday.

One of the stones which had moved into the bile duct, so she has to be admitted next Tuesday into the hospital so another surgeon can remove the stone by going down her esophagus. Christina will take the baby with her overnight so she can continue feeding her.

Please keep Christina and her baby in prayer because we will have to go through another 24 hours on no breast feeding if they have to put her completely under again. The baby cannot have the anesthesia which gets into the mother's milk supply.

Also, little Joshua, our three month old grandson in Colorado, has to have another scope done on Tuesday to determine if there is an obstruction between his stomach and colon. If so, he will also need surgery. Please keep him in prayer as well.

Also, please keep my sister in law in your prayers because when she DOES return, she is scheduled to start an evangelistic "ShareHim" meeting the very next night at our church. Satan is definitely not wanting Yonnie to do this huh? Thanks for the prayers for my family!

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Thanks for the update. Yes, willcontinue to pray. It takes a lot of energy and health to do an evangelistic series and I know God will provide. He is stronger than Satan!

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Received the following in my email this am (guess my SIL sent it out last night after I went to bed). And thank you very much for your prayers for my family!

I just got home tonight from northern Virginia. Christina had her second surgery on Monday afternoon to remove the gall stone that had traveled to her bile duct. She started throwing up again on Sunday and was admitted to the hospital Sunday evening. She had lost 30 pounds over the past three weeks due to not being able to eat properly and needing to be rehydrated as well as receive nausea medication through an IV. They kept her in the hospital overnight on Monday, although the procedure was suppose to be outpatient surgery, so Cadence was without her mother for 48 hours instead of 24 this time. Christina came home Tuesday around noon. She feels much better and the itching from the liver enzymes crystalizing on her skin has almost stopped. Her bilirubin (?not sure of the spelling) level is also going down, and she is not quite so yellow looking now.

William's mother and I had a big challenge again getting Cadence (she will be seven months old on May 6) to eat cereal and applesauce, which she has not been used to eating, for another 24 hour period. Christina could not nurse her again until 24 hours after the anethesia for the surgery was administered. Cadence absolutely refuses to take milk from a bottle since she is so used to nursing exclusively. She completely stopped taking a bottle about two months ago. Somehow the baby did not get too malnourished without her mother for 48 hours. Both were doing well when I left today.

God bless and thank you for praying for Christina. We still don't know about the obstruction between the stomach and intestines in little Joshua Isaac (3 months old). Jonathan (our son) was a little disconcerted after the procedure was done on Tuesday. The technician seemed to think there was a problem, but the attending doctor did not agree. He is going to really grill the pediatrician when they see her after she receives the results of the scope. Please keep little Joshua in prayer as well. For some reason, he is still throwing up quite a bit when he eats.

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