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Hillary vs OPEC - she's jumped the shark

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"We’re going to go right at OPEC," she said. "They can no longer be a cartel, a monopoly that get together once every couple of months in some conference room in some plush place in the world, they decide how much oil they’re going to produce and what price they’re going to put it at," she told a crowd at a firehouse in Merrillville, IN.

"That’s not a market. That’s a monopoly," she said, saying she'd use anti-trust law and the World Trade Organization to take on OPEC.

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Ha. And what sort of leverage does hillbillary have to force OPEC to do anything? Zero.

Time to drill ANWAR.

Build more reineries.

Drill off of Florida coast.

Get going...


"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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Wind power....no carbon footprints...unlimited power

Solar power....no carbon footprints...unlimited power

Wave power....no carbon footprints...unlimited power

Why drill and use up a limited supply when we can put these power sources up in a couple of weeks, if needed? The coal has to be refined, Anwar is a sludge factory that will take a couple of years before it gets to us....

Short sighted folks...Short sighted....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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What we need is a short sighted solution because people are dying now. Wind, solar and wave power are years away from being feasible. Even nuclear power would take years to come on line. However speculation is driving the price of oil up. If the government would open up off-shore drilling, Anwar and start a coal-to-oil program that would settle down the speculation and the price of oil would drip dramatically in a very short time.

It is important that we continue research and development for alternative forms of energy for the future. However what we need now is a solution for the immediate future. We need to be short-sighted.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Wind and solar (including the mirror-concentration-for-steam variety as well as photoelectric) are ready right now, it just requires the investment. Certainly quicker and cheaper than building a coal-to-oil plant, and much, much cleaner. The latter is useful for vehicle fuel, but huge amounts of the energy used is in the form of electricity, or fairly easily could be, and replacing oil for those uses would be a great step to weaning America off international oil.

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Oh.. and we can build a few more nuclear power plants.

carry on,


"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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Wind, solar and wave power are years away from being feasible. Even nuclear power would take years to come on line.

Excuse me??? But there are wind generators outside of San Franscisco that are already producing power. AS for Solar, there are already power plants in Nevada that are already producing power. All it would take to start these two projects is a bit of time and effort and in a few weeks, they would be up and running.

If the government would open up off-shore drilling, Anwar and start a coal-to-oil program that would settle down the speculation and the price of oil would drip dramatically in a very short time.

Those energys would not be available to the public for at least 24 months....more than likely 3 years...And you can have a lot of wind generators by that time.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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When the wind doesn't blow enough or the sun doesn't shine enough both wind and solar power need something reliable to back them up. That is why I said they are not feasible. We cannot have an entire electric grid powered by wind or solar power. It is not feasible. At least not right now.

Those energys would not be available to the public for at least 24 months.

They don't have to be in order to curb speculation. Remember, we don't have an oil shortage. The price of oil is artificially high due to speculation. If the US government committed to drilling off-shore, in Anwar and building coal-to-oil plants, the price of oil would drop dramatically in the immediate future. We wouldn't have to wait 24 months for any of those things to come on line.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Oh, I'm actually all in favour of more nuclear power plants, olger. Not any kind of reflexive greenie, I'm a thinking scientist greenie - and nuclear power is a better solution in a number of ways than fossil fuels. It's not a perfect solution, but nothing is... but if we're going to get serious about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and spinning our oil supplies out longer (so I can still ride a petrol-powered bike when I'm 80!), nuclear needs to be a large part of a blended solution.

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From what I understand, the nuclear power plant in Houston only runs at 3% because if it goes higher than that the other power plants on the grid become unprofitable.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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