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Not If But When for Hillary

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The North Carolina and Indiana results pretty much spell the end for Hillary Clinton, IMO. She now needs over 70% of the remaining votes, and hasn't got that in any contests so far. It's over.

She's trying to get the Michigan and Florida votes counted, but the only way that could be remotely fair is a new vote... it would be an unjus mess if the existing votes were counted in a situation where Obama didn't campaign because under the rules the votes didn't count.

Someone also pointed out that she's already behind on money, and tonight's results are unlikely to give her a surge of funds... which will lead to an on-going inability to campaign effectively until June.

Some have suggested she hangs on to win Kentucky and then withdraw with a win.

Guess we'll see, but to me it's pretty impossible for her to win the nomination from here - unless there is some unconscionable backroom deal on the rules committee or with a very large bloc of superdelegates. If that happened the Dems could kiss the general election goodbye, and I hope they're smart enough to know it.

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Haven't done the numbers myself, but a poster at Salon said:

Michigan and Florida can't save Hillary. Even with both at full strength included, she loses the popular vote, she loses the pledged delegate count, and she loses the overall delegate count.

Even if she blows Obama away in the last few states and gets FL and MI seated, she still needs a 55% supermajority of the remaining delegates to clinch the nomination. That's not gonna happen: any superdelegate that's waited this long isn't going to go with the loser of the popular vote AND pledged delegate count.

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I think it has been over for some time now and it is just getting clearer. Hillary should have dropped out after Texas and Ohio. She didn't win Ohio with the margin she needed and she actually lost Texas once all the votes were counted. All she has accomplished is making Obama spend a bunch of his money in the primaries that he should have been spending in the general. She is a sore loser - one that can't admit when it is over.

She canceled all her interviews with morning talks shows today. So she obviously isn't ready to answer any hard questions. She should drop now so Obama can choose a running mate and move toward November.

The general election is not going to be a cake-walk. The Democrats have been hoping, perhaps still are, that they can run against G.W. Bush. McCain has voted against Bush so many times in the Senate and been an open critic of him, I suspect he will be able to be his own man. McCain is weak because he doesn't energize his base so many Republicans may sit home on election night. That is an advantage Obama has that Hillary wouldn't. Republicans hate the Clintons enough that they wouldn't sit home.

I am one that believes character matters. McCain certainly has some admirable traits about him but Obama would make a better image for America. I also think we need to shift gears in our Middle East policy and Obama will do that. I am not sure that what he is suggesting now is the best policy but no one honestly knows what the best policy is anyway.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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CONGRESSIONAL SOURCE: Hillary having trouble finding superdelegates who will meet with her... 'No one wants to see her today'... Developing...

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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This will definitely be an interesting general election.

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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Stephanopoulus suggests seeking vice president. I hope Obama is smarter that that. I'll bet he is.

"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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Senate Majority Leader seems like a decent alternative - but she's apparently too stubborn to embrace it just yet, even in the face of a heap of her people saying 'it's over'. Could be she's waiting until after Kentucky.

Truth is important

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By waiting she only makes Obama spend more of his money in the primary. Obviously she is thinking only of herself. I heard today from Noveck that Obama's wife has told him no VP spot for Hillary. That probably means no cabinet position either. It will be interesting to see if Hillary decides to stay in the Senate since most believe she was only using it as a stepping stone to the White House.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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