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So why do people fall for people like Ernie Knoll


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...such repetitions/redundancy would actually be quite annoying...



Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Originally Posted By: NJK Project
...such repetitions/redundancy would actually be quite annoying...



... and that is pointedly why I... “indeed”... don’t do it, -on top of the unnecessary added crucial time it would wastefully, personally, cost me.

Matt 25:45

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Originally Posted By: CoAspen
Sorry, if it isn't readable or self explanatory, no need to expend any further amount of time.

CoAspen: I am not getting what you are claiming is so “unreadable” and you surely don’t reasonably expect me to restate everything that I have already clearly and contextually stated in another blog for each new blog post I write. For someone who is following the blog and its post as it increases, such repetitions/redundancy would actually be quite annoying and time consuming for them to wade through. So it is much more logical/right/efficient to write for such serious followers than for the single/casual reader.

I am not an English major nor do I claim to be a great poster in the writing category, how ever, it is really hard to discuss a subject when the writing is not very comprehensible. Your posting style is difficult to read, is english not your native tongue? Maybe that is the issue, I don't know.

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...such repetitions/redundancy would actually be quite annoying...

Originally Posted By: NJK Project

Originally Posted By: rudywoofs

Originally Posted By: NJK Project
... and that is pointedly why I... “indeed”... don’t do it, -on top of the unnecessary added crucial time it would wastefully, personally, cost me.

:( my point was missed... that's okay...one would need to review your blog completely to *get* it...

NJK, what is your definition of "bantam"?

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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I am not an English major nor do I claim to be a great poster in the writing category, how ever, it is really hard to discuss a subject when the writing is not very comprehensible. Your posting style is difficult to read, is english not your native tongue? Maybe that is the issue, I don't know.

Although I started to learn English since Grade 1, and French is my actually Native tongue, I know that that is not the issue here. (In fact you should read my written French... that I myself “can’t” do. I’ll give you that my final posting may textually not be a smooth as it probably should be, however that does have its reasonable reason. On one hand, if I am going to advance with the crucial work that I have to do, I presently really cannot expend the extra 1.5x to proofread and “smoothly” state my statements. So the best I can do for now is literally a brainstorming type of posting. And that, on the other hand, is because, as I have seen so far, (e.g., with Ernie Knoll and his perfectly doubly proofread/edited postings -which I gather he actually does not do himself), those who actually care about a subject make any “extra” effort to grasp what I am saying. To be transparent with you, if it may help, this is all along the Isa 6:9-13|Matt 13:10-17 line. If your just not interested, then you’ll not be interested. Indeed just like, conversely, people are e.g., willing to eat live bug on Reality TV if they may end up winning $1,000,000. People will also do, and expend the costing resources, to do whatever they actually want to do. I can’t afford to cater to that quite subjective preference at this time.

Those are just the facts and reasons of that peripheral matter for now.

Matt 25:45

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Originally Posted By: NJK Project
...such repetitions/redundancy would actually be quite annoying...

Originally Posted By: NJK Project

Originally Posted By: rudywoofs

Originally Posted By: NJK Project
... and that is pointedly why I... “indeed”... don’t do it, -on top of the unnecessary added crucial time it would wastefully, personally, cost me.

:( my point was missed... that's okay...one would need to review your blog completely to *get* it...

Matt 25:45

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Originally Posted By: EmptyCross
Oh just hang tight, the profit is coming!

Here is the thing. We live in a culture that is full of charlatains, con-men, and general scum using the power of various religions to milk people out of their hard earned cash. We have evangelists that are just like rock stars - money sex and power. Difference being rocks stars are at least honest about it.

So you will have to excuse the cynicism

Well, knowing myself, my pertinent history in this regard, and my future plans, I indeed don’t plan to make a profit from whatever income my finished works will generate. Furthermore, as my future plans involve sufficiently providing a livelihood for infants saved from abortion, then any “profit” will be used to fund that project. (I actually have another, and non-religious, per se (i.e., purely industrial) project to “make money”, yet those profits will actually be to also support that aforementioned “Aborting-Abortion” plan

Secondly, Jesus does specifically state that “the worker is worthy of his support” (Matt 10:10 NASB) so the issue should be, if that work itself is worthy of being supported, and this why proper Biblical examination is to be the arbitrator in such matters.

[All due Biblical things considered, (which should include judging each thing/person distinctly, according to its/their own merit), I actually think your stance here is more judgmental than ‘cynical’. Apart from one (presently known) case, which I technically do not even consider to be that of an Evangelist (i.e., one involved in reaching the unreached/non-SDA), I do not know of ‘Evangelists that are dealing in “money sex and power”’. That is also assuming that your “we” here is speaking of SDA Evangelists.]

Thats all good and well, assuming that you are of coursed being totally honest here. I don't know either way nor to I really care to even take a guess. However you are wrong about one thing - it really is total and complete cynicism. I don't believe in a universal truth, and I am very wary of those that say that they have any direct line to any God and are going to bring us the truth. Oh and by we I refer to Western culture as a whole.

I have a lot of belief in the power of deity to use dreams to reach us. It has just been my experience that when those very special dreams do happen they are for the individual that they were gifted to.

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So similarly I see that many SDA’s pridefully consider that God instead should Himself appear to them in person, during a global satellite meeting and warn them of their waywardness.

Indeed, I don't see "many SDA's" being that way at all.

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Thats all good and well, assuming that you are of coursed being totally honest here.

Matt 25:45

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Indeed, I don't see "many SDA's" being that way at all.

...so you do agree with me...or is it that you misunderstood my statement because, as I said, I indeed do see that many SDA’s are acting that way. Just look at what they are doing with the prophets that God is sending them, or, actually anyone else who preaches a message of straight truth. Case in point, you can e.g., have a various dutiful people who preach their heart out on how the state of racially divided conferences is an abomination in the Church, with copious Bible and SOP quotes (see e.g., in this post), but what have the entities at fault, from Local to Global, have done to fix that completely senseless waywardness... absolutely nothing. And yet they are all ready to be translated and God is going to send that Latter Rain to bless this...I guess so that the SDA Church can then “powerfully enlighten” the rest of the world how to be racists, haters and sectarians like them and supposedly like the God they are preaching in the name of!?? If God would come in person on the Hope Channel and correct that waywardness, all that would like happen is that all those tuning in to hear that direct message from God would drop dead in front of their screens. So that is mercifully why God also uses the most subtle way of making such a message through a most lowly and, world-wise, “weak” vessel.

Matt 25:45

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Why do people fall for the likes of Ernie Knoll? So that when the real prophet appears, he/she will be ridiculed and rejected.
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...so you do agree with me...or is it that you misunderstood my statement because, as I said, I indeed do see that many SDA’s are acting that way. Just look at what they are doing with the prophets that God is sending them, or, actually anyone else who preaches a message of straight truth. Case in point, you can e.g., have a various dutiful people who preach their heart out on how the state of racially divided conferences is an abomination in the Church, with copious Bible and SOP quotes (see e.g., in this post), but what have the entities at fault, from Local to Global, have done to fix that completely senseless waywardness... absolutely nothing. And yet they are all ready to be translated and God is going to send that Latter Rain to bless this...I guess so that the SDA Church can then “powerfully enlighten” the rest of the world how to be racists, haters and sectarians like them and supposedly like the God they are preaching in the name of!?? If God would come in person on the Hope Channel and correct that waywardness, all that would like happen is that all those tuning in to hear that direct message from God would drop dead in front of their screens. So that is mercifully why God also uses the most subtle way of making such a message through a most lowly and, world-wise, “weak” vessel.

No, sir. You are mistaken. I do not agree--with nearly every topic on which you've chosen to take issue.

re: racially divided conferences... if one wishes to erase racially divided conferences, stop attending churches which belong to those conferences. Those who attend such churches are doing so out of preference. How and where other people wish to worship is not my concern. Why is it yours?

re: Ernie Knoll and his ilk... one of the primary reasons I take issue with Ernie Knoll's dreams is how he describes the actions and characteristics of the "evil angels." For instance, Mr Knoll stated that the evil angels could not look him in the eye. That is silly. They most certainly *can* look a person in the eye.

If one wishes to massage Ernie Knoll's ego, go for it. I choose not to do so.

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Why do people fall for the likes of Ernie Knoll? So that when the real prophet appears, he/she will be ridiculed and rejected.

The fact of the matter Gerry is that if one does not know how to rightly examine a claim of prophetic inspiration, especially in separating the natural human tendency to add to those revelations as I am seeing it is being commonly done by those who are relating valid manifestations of this gift, then they’ll just continue to reject any messenger which God may raise up because He will always doing it his way. As Jesus relatedly told the Jewish Leaders/Nation of His day (Matt 23:29-36), the prided themselves to think that they would never reject a true prophet of God, let alone the Messiah Himself, yet they were actually doing just that. And that is all because such people are indifferently self-deluded in their cherished sinful and wayward ways and are therefore naturally disposed to reject anyone who either preaches against them and/or does not come/speak according to their spurious, usually peripheral, expectation.

Matt 25:45

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My goodness.

you neither know nor understand power of God..

yes, I do...but it's quite obvious you don't understand the power of Satan..

Originally Posted By: njk
Just ask Hazen Foss.

Hazen Foss died in 1893. I stopped talking with the dead a number of years ago.

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Originally Posted By: EmptyCross
Thats all good and well, assuming that you are of coursed being totally honest here.

...Well of course, that is the only way that it would be “all good and well”! I don’t know why you are presuming to think that you have a right to whimsically, ambivalently insinuate on my honesty. You really must fearfully believe that I am out to get your money....don’t want, nor, by God ample providence, do I[/] need it... and if you actually understood my plans and project, you would see for yourself whatever someone gifts/invests in that project would actually be directly beneficial to both themselves and other in abject need, and not, “profitably”, to any of their peers.

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...Well of course, that is the only way that it would be “all good and well”! I don’t know why you are presuming to think that you have a right to whimsically, ambivalently insinuate on my honesty. You really must fearfully believe that I am out to get your money....don’t want, nor, by God ample providence, do [i']I[/] need it...
EC is my wonderfully whimsical friend, lol. Man I don't know how you can portray yourself as knowing what you are talking about when you say all this stuff to people. How can you know one iota about EC, or Pam, or anyone else here whom you have personally attacked, just from a few internet postings? If ever there was an example of reading between the lines, this is it!

and if you actually understood my plans and project, you would see for yourself whatever someone gifts/invests in that project would actually be directly beneficial to both themselves and other in abject need, and not, “profitably”, to any of their peers.
I highly doubt it will "benefit" anyone given the way you critisize Adventists.

I used to have dreams like this Ernie Knoll dude when I was on Mescaline. People thought I was really "connected." I could tell them the future with 90% accuracy. LOL, little did they know just how dis-connected I really was.

"People [rarely] see...the bright light which is in the clouds..." (Job 37:21)

"I cannot know why suddenly the storm

should rage so fiercely round me in it's wrath

But this I know: God watches all my path

And I can trust"

"God helps us to draw strength from the storm" - Overaged

Faith makes things possible; it does not make them easy, Steps To Christ

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Yes, they've been reported to the appropriate authorities, and will hopefully be disappearing very soon.

Truth is important

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I really good have had a better title for this thread.

I like your title for the thread..

Originally Posted By: njk
Right!?? So you believe the power of Satan is greater than God’s.

no, I don't...I've never thought that way, nor have I ever said or written such..

* * *

Originally Posted By: njk
what do you understand about EGW talking to her dead husband in a dream...

she was dreaming...dreams of talking with a spouse who has died are rather common:

Kernberg, Otto. Some observations on the process of mourning. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 91:3, 2010, p 601.

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks...

Truth is important

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Out of the fullness of the heart, the mouth speaks...

Oddly enough I am listening to a song called Savage Messiah right now - seems appropriate

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If ever there was an example of reading between the lines, this is it!

And OA, with this bloke's posts there are certainly enough lines to read between, eh!




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Yes, they've been reported to the appropriate authorities, and will hopefully be disappearing very soon.

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It is expected that any further participation in this topic will demonstrate the valued virtue of respect for fellow participants in the discussion. Passionate and pointed commentary about the topic and the substance of other's comments is OK. Personal attacks directed at and/or about participants in the discussion will not be tolerated.

Continue with civility in mind.

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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What would people do if they didn't have such people to discuss. This topic has been hashed about so much it's starting to turn brown.

<hash browns - don't you get it?>

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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