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what would you do with $97M??

rudywoofs (Pam)

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Man who lost homes in Katrina claims $97M Powerball prize

BATON ROUGE, La. -- A construction company owner who lost two homes in Hurricane Katrina claimed a $97 million Powerball prize, a jackpot won off a ticket he bought at a convenience store where he stopped to buy his wife a gallon of milk.

When he turned in the winning ticket, Carl Hunter became the largest Powerball winner in Louisiana's history. He won the jackpot in January, but the 73-year-old small businessman waited nearly four months to claim the prize.

the rest of the story

So what would YOU do with $97Million? I'd buy a gallon of gas for my car... driving.gif

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Well after I picked myself up off the floor and put my jaw back, I'd start listing out all the donations to be made. Oh and I'd make sure my name wasn't given to the press. Can you imagine all the creepies who will now be contacting him for a share in that pie? Then I would think about buying the farm I always wanted. And then put the rest in savings.

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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Pay off mortgages for my parents, parents-in-law, brother and sister-in-law, and our new church building...

Maybe update my little car, buy myself a bass flute, finally have the garden cleaned up and landscaped, take a year off work...

But after that? Who on earth could need all that money?

Maybe keep it aside and wait for needs to arise - disaster in Burma, someone going on a self-funded evangelism mission, someone in need of emergency funds...

I would love to have a fund for emergencies sitting in a bank account somewhere.



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I always thought it would be cool to donate money anonymously to people or various organizations in need. Sort of like a modern day version of the old TV show, "The Milliionaire."

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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What would I do with $97 million?

Look for ways to give it away where it would do the most good.

At the moment material possessions don't hold the attraction they once did, so I would find great happiness in being able to help others.

I don't know how He could do it, but if God managed to give me a large sum of money then I am sure He would have a specific purpose for it. It would be my job to ascertain that purpose.




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What would I do with $97 million?

Look for ways to give it away where it would do the most good.

At the moment material possessions don't hold the attraction they once did, so I would find great happiness in being able to help others.

I don't know how He could do it, but if God managed to give me a large sum of money then I am sure He would have a specific purpose for it. It would be my job to ascertain that purpose.




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What would I do with $97 million?

Look for ways to give it away where it would do the most good.

At the moment material possessions don't hold the attraction they once did, so I would find great happiness in being able to help others.

I don't know how He could do it, but if God managed to give me a large sum of money then I am sure He would have a specific purpose for it. It would be my job to ascertain that purpose.




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I can think of a zillion mission projects I would pour money into as well as make some dreams come true for my family. But yes, it could be a real problem to have that kind of money. I think one would almost have to adopt a new identity or something or everyone would hound you or want to kill you or something.

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If you got 97 Million, does this mean you would post 3 times as much? smiley

.....and that you would have to say it 3 times over? reyesexcited

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me three!!! I would first payoff my house and my mom's home and my brother's home. Than I would be free to help out in all kinds of mission's, plus even go on mission trips myself, that would be my ultimate goal.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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No one has pointed out that these kind of stories encourage people to gamble. I know I would lose my salvation if I allowed myself to gamble, therefore I wouldn't gamble for all the money in the world, not because I'm such a good person, but because I want to inherit eternal life.

Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

8:37 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Proverbs 28:20 A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.

I guess I'm trying to get my ban from this site over with ASAP, so I don't get too attached.

Are you guys Rock 'n' Roll Adventist or what. Stuck in a jive to some funky rhythm?

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No one has pointed out that these kind of stories encourage people to gamble.

97 million is a large sum of money. And large sums of money that are procured in such quick fashion are usually from lottery winnings. The lottery is a entertainment device used to detract a person from the cares of this world. The $1 invested in such entertainment is usually worth the price as one dreams of what s/he can do with it. And one can usually pay far more for less time consumed in this distraction. Just look at the cost of a miniture golf ticket.

I know I would lose my salvation if I allowed myself to gamble, therefore I wouldn't gamble for all the money in the world, not because I'm such a good person, but because I want to inherit eternal life.

I am glad that you are able to figure out that you would loose your salvation over the price of a $1 ticket to a lottery. Perhaps you know that once you spent one dollar, it would open the flood gates to habitual spending on games of chance.

However, I doubt very much that anyone who occassionally spends a $1 on a lottery ticket would for entertainment purposes

A] loose thier salvation,

B] would be encouraged to spend thier money on habitual games of chance.

Oh yeah, those biblical texts....better re-evaluate them...Men who obtain thier riches/blessings are men who make calculated risks with thier money...And that is gambling in the allowable sense....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


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No one has pointed out that these kind of stories encourage people to gamble. I know I would lose my salvation if I allowed myself to gamble, therefore I wouldn't gamble for all the money in the world, not because I'm such a good person, but because I want to inherit eternal life.

Not trying to advocate for gambling, but the Biblical case against it specifically as the one evil "get rich quick" idea is rather thin. There are other ready avenues to getting and accumulating wealth that are not condemned by the church even though Scripture takes an equally dim view. The context of the Mark 8:36-37 quote is a successful farmer saving and setting aside his wealth and retiring. The church certainly doesn't discourage either saving for the future or retirement. In fact the church tends to strongly encourage working hard and being successful in ones business and career even thought the same author of the Proverbs 28: quote also said in Proverbs 23:4 "Do not wear yourself out to get rich..." And the church encourages good estate planning and doesn't discourage accepting even large inheritances even though the author of Proverbs expresses a very similar warning to the 28:20 quote about that. In Proverbs 20:21 it says, "An inheritance quickly gained at the beginning will not be a blessing in the end."

It is not wealth, or how one necessarily acquires wealth that is the evil to be condemned that might jeopardize our salvation. It is our attitude toward money and what we do with it that counts far more than the amount we have. One does not have to look too far to easily find greedy, stingy and selfish poor people hording what little they have and lusting for more including envying the wealth of others. And likewise it is not hard to find very generous unselfish rich people.

So does everyone think it impossible to gamble without being greedy? Would it be any more difficult for a lottery winner to manage and be generous with his wealth than anyone else for whatever they have?


"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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Posted by Tom Wetmore: "Would it be any more difficult for a lottery winner to manage and be generous with his wealth than anyone else for whatever they have?"

IMO the answer is "Yes"... Usually lottery winners are not wealthy people and have no concept of how to handle large amounts of wealth. I understand that about 1/3 of them are bankrupt within a very few years.

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I appreciate your logic, Neil D. That does make alot of sense. You could suppose maybe God wants to bless you, so go ahead and buy a ticket and perhaps it will happen.

If I go past a Casino and see old women there pulling that stupid arm over and over again, I blush. I would not want a business that feeds off of the people whom Christ died for, and holds them tight in the bondage of such addiction, so they cannot be saved.

If you produced a cure for the gambling addiction, those casino owners would have you murdered and destroy any knowledge of your discovery. The business of gambling depends upon and encourages gambling addiction. Can you share the sins of such a business? Would you take stock? Do you not see that it's evil?

I have to pretend that it doesn't exist in order to keep myself innocent. "..Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven..." (Mt. 6:10).

I will not begin to produce quotes from Ellen White about gambling, lest I burden you, but if you have WhiteEstate software, just look up "gambling", or go http://www.whiteestate.org/ . You get 80 hits, and none of them positive.

Do a study on that and tell me if you'd risk your salvation for a very slim chance to win $97M, or even for a sure thing, if that where possible.

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So, are all gamblers addicted? Is the problem addiction or gambling? Do we condemn and avoid all things to which people become addicted?

EGW condemned pretty much all forms of amusement including playing checkers and bicycling. The rationale of much of what she condemns is that it may lead to excess. Playing checkers leads to gambling!?!?


"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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You could suppose maybe God wants to bless you, so go ahead and buy a ticket and perhaps it will happen.

Now you are putting words in my mouth that I never put there...

Don't misunderstand me...

If I go past a Casino and see old women there pulling that stupid arm over and over again, I blush. I would not want a business that feeds off of the people whom Christ died for, and holds them tight in the bondage of such addiction, so they cannot be saved.

So let me get this straight....You assert that a person who pulls the lever on a game of change is addicted to the game....If the are addicted, they can not be saved.

Whoa! that's two pretty big assertions...and they

are ones that I am not willing to agree with.


If you produced a cure for the gambling addiction, those casino owners would have you murdered and destroy any knowledge of your discovery. The business of gambling depends upon and encourages gambling addiction. Can you share the sins of such a business? Would you take stock? Do you not see that it's evil?

I see addiction, in any form, as evil. Even the addiction to theology. And yeah, I do believe that those who are most zealous for Christ, are addicted to a type of control/power, especially when they suppress the urges of growth and freedom.

I have to pretend that it doesn't exist in order to keep myself innocent. "..Thy will be done in earth, as [it is] in heaven..." (Mt. 6:10).

Then you will never grow out of the addiction that you have...And I believe that Christ Hisownself had some very stringent comments on the slave that did not use his talents-

So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.'

26"His master replied, 'You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? 27Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest.

28" 'Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents.Matthew 25:25-28

I will not begin to produce quotes from Ellen White about gambling, lest I burden you, but if you have WhiteEstate software, just look up "gambling", or go http://www.whiteestate.org/ . You get 80 hits, and none of them positive.

Tell me, do they refer to gambling as an addiction or to the occassional lottery? Do they apply to people who are taking a risk in business ventures or to every circumstance of gambling?

Do a study on that and tell me if you'd risk your salvation for a very slim chance to win $97M, or even for a sure thing, if that where possible.

Yeah, well, most people who play the lottery do so out of entertainment...not the urge to gain riches...And let's face it, addiction to gambling, is a powerful addiction...and, thankfully, one that can be overcome and an addiction to which, I am sure, every one of those EGW quotes do apply.

But since you are asserting that ANYONE who plays is automatically addicted, is an assertion which you would be hard pressed to show by experience as true.

And let's also face it...God may be asking you to purchase that one $1 ticket to support some ministrys that He has, because He knows He can count on you to support them.....after you set aside enough for your childrens college education, 401K, and support those people in the church who are struggling....That's between you and God, me thinks....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I would give 9.7M to my local church, buy a modest home and a new car, invest some and give away the rest.

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Playing checkers is just a waste of time imo. If she said it leads to gambling, I believe it.

I think she was talking about bicycle racing as an exhibition, similarly, today we have race-car races. They where also very expensive then:


To say she condemns "bicycling" is not justice. That word is not found in E.G. White writings. Bicycling for exercise or transportation is ok. What she was talking about was an "exhibition".

But do you feel deprived 'cause you're not allowed to play checkers?

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I would give 9.7M to my local church, buy a modest home and a new car, invest some and give away the rest.

Does anybody else recall the case that happened about 1-2 years ago in a South American or Central American nation (can't recall exactly which one)? It was discussed on this forum at the time.

An Adventist person won a large sum of money in a lottery. He (I believe it was a "he") gave 10% to the church as tithe. The church accepted the money, and then disfellowshipped him for gambling.

Thoughts, anyone?



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Pretty hipocritical I would say. I think that they should have not accepted the money.



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An Adventist person won a large sum of money in a lottery. He (I believe it was a "he") gave 10% to the church as tithe. The church accepted the money, and then disfellowshipped him for gambling.

The church is totally within it's rights to disfellowship someone for gambling. The #2 listed reasons for discipline in the church manual states the following reasons ...

"stealing, profanity, GAMBLING, Sabbathbreaking, and willful and habitual falsehood."

These can all be reasons for disfellowship.

But ... I could not find any mention of accepting monies from gambling as a reason for disfellowship. So, the church is within it's rights to accept the money as I read the manual.

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