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She Wins but She Loses

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I guess the magic number in West Virginia was 80%. I picked that up from watching some of the news programs last night. If Hillary didn't win West Virginia by at least 80% it wouldn't help her. She won by 67%. Tough break. Normally a 67% win would be a great victory.

Not reported as much was Nebraska's nonbinding primary that was yesterday. Nonbinding because Nebraska uses a caucus, held three months ago, to choose delegates. Obama won that primary 49% to 47%.

This morning Obama picked up two more superdelegates: Rep. Peter Visclosky of Indiana and Democrats Abroad chair Christine Schon Marques.

Delegate count now is Obama: 1,885 delegates. Clinton: 1,717

A difference of 168

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As the stuff I posted the other day showed, there's effectively no way Clinton can win, even with some extremely dodgy decisions from the Rules Committee. Some miracle like a massive skeleton in Obama's closet, perhaps, might switch all the supers and all the contests from now on, but you have to think if there was one it'd be out by now.

Truth is important

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