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Co-worker's husband


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Please keep my co-workers (Kate) husband (John) in your prayers. He was first diagnosed with pneumonia last week THEN suffered a heart attack that required him to have a quintuple (5?) bypass this past Saturday and I was told he STILL has 3 aneurysm's the doctor's haven't either gotten to or won't consider at this time. OH and he coded the next day also. On top of this poor Kate has her brother in law dying with a brain tumor and he isn't expected to survive more than a couple of weeks at best. John hasn't taken the best care of himself over the years (they're both in their mid-50's) and he has had quite a sedentary (sp?) life (watching tv and smoking, doesn't work)for several years.

Please remember the Smith family in your prayers as they face this serious time in their family.

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Wow!! May their hearts rise to the Lord as we lift them both up.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Puddles and Sweet, I will pray as requested.

As will I

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Wow what a week this has been for Kate and John. I've been busy both with "home" work as well as "work" work and must apologise for not posting until now.

It seems that as far as John's heart goes, it's stable (even tho he did "crash" on a couple of occasions). For this I thank you for your prayers. However, he is not out of the woods yet. It seems the docs are struggling to get him off the vent. Each time they attempt to remove the tube (or whatever it's called), he becomes aggitated so they leave it alone. There was talk of them doing a trache (sp?) but even THAT has been put off until next week. His kidneys haven't been "putting out" as the docs wanted and his feet/hands are so swollen and are purple! He is to be dialyized (sp?) I believe either today or over the weekend. The first report I hear was he needed to have 15 pounds of fluids removed...I was like WOW! But someone told me that is nothing...is this true? Sure seems like a lot to me but I am not medically minded. Also, they are keeping John sedated and Kate is grieving not being able to talk to him nor has she spoken to him since last Thursday.

Also, sadly, her brother in law with the brain cancer died Monday and was buried Wednesday.

I think it goes without being too obvious that this family is still in need of our prayers. Thank you so much for praying thus far.

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Good evening!

Don't have much good news to report save that John is still alive. However, the doc's have determined he has an underlying arterial disease that more than likely was heightened by his smoking. This arterial disease is causing the doc's to amputate both his feet tomorrow and he may later even lose a finger, a thumb and quite possibly all his teeth. He is still being sedated and the trach has not yet been performed. Oh and after having a brain scan, it was determined he has had a stroke in the past. I cannot imagine what Kate is going thru!

Thank you for your prayers!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good evening!

Again, not much to report. John did have his feet amputated but that wasn't enough it seems and he was supposed to have his legs amputated up towards his knees this past week. I'm not sure if the trach was performed or not but I think his heart has stablized somewhat as well. This family is still in great need of your prayers and I thank you for praying thus far. I hope next week brings some good news!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I attended John's funeral today. Seems his worn out body just could not bounce back from all the issues of his heart and the arterial disease and whatever else was going on. I would ask that you keep his wife Kate and his 2 grown children (David and Krystal) in your prayers.

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Wow- that was a LOT of sickness for one person to endure! Thank you, Puddles, for being there for this family!

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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