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Iraq Wants Time Table

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Not really... Think of crash as big correction and starting over. Right now they sell their goods for worthless paper, and if everything goes they will still have the goods, which worth something. US on other hand would have neither with no industrial ground to recover due to outsourcing it would have to start saving again to rebuild the industrial base as most of the trivia in the 75% of the GDP service sector would have to go...

Obviously, China would not go without initial casualties, but it could easily rebuild. That's why all of the big wigs are dumping dollar and moving East... They can see through the "China won't dare do it" stuff. China is strong enough to survive it and come up on top, and they know it, that's why they dump dollar and teaching their kids mandarin.

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all of the countries you've named were at war with US at some point of time and lost

The Philippians was never at war with the US and thus never lost. Panama was never at war with the US and thus never lost. The US war with Spain was over 100 years ago and it didn't lead to bases in Spain. Here are a few other countries where the US has troops or has had them which we were never at war with: Netherlands, Turkey, Portugal, Kyrgyzstan, United Kingdom (not at war since 1812), Djibouti, Belgium, El Salvador, Denmark, Ecuador, Oman, Marshall Islands, Norway, Honduras and Colombia.

Many countries would love to have US troops stationed in them because we provide them security while stimulating their economies. Germany was very concerned when we were discussing closing our bases there and completely withdrawing about 10 years ago.

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First of all it's Philippines, and yes, they were at war with US. Panama got manhandled by CIA... pretty well know story. Eastern Europe are post WWII bases that remained. And Kazakstan are doing it to make Russia jelous... well not anymore since they have recently told US to get out.

Now who would Germany be so afraid of that it needs US to protect it, hahahah. Same goes for any countries in Eastern Europe. It has more to do with quid pro quo politics than with anything else. Same goes for any of the countries that you have mentioned. I'm sure that any country would be thrilled to have foreign troops on their soil... oh wait ... only if they are American troops, because these are more special than others.

Why do you think there are no foreign troops on US soil if this is such a great idea?

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