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Bring back Dan Quayle

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During a forty minute press conference 'bama held a few days ago - eight minutes, timed, of it - consisted of the most excellent utilization of uh, uh, uh, and, and, uh, umm, uh..., on his part; a fine demonstration of the place of monosyllabics in erudite speech.

One can only assume - absence of teleprompter

I have assumed that in those moments he is actually thinking before he speaks. Of course maybe he is daydreaming ... or taking a nap...? :) But I doubt that! We do need statesmen who put their mind in gear before flooring the accelerator.


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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>>Oh. But you assume wrong. Truth be known ...<<

That his Perception Management team was off somewhere scarfing falafel and tea? Too bad. So Sad.

"... I knew Jack Kennedy. Senator, you are no Jack Kennedy."

Too bad. So sad. Bensen's lack of graciousness read snarky) did not buy him the Vice Presidency. It was Quayle, always on the high road, who went on to serve the country in greater capacity - than did the one in one-hundred, forgotten. (potatahs, notwithstanding)

>>...he is actually thinking before he speaks.<<

One would hope, wouldn't one? However, it was more likely he was [desparately] 'reaching' bwink

Is this simply too funny? or is it crossing the line...?

Re: messi-uh

" "...they found him in the temple in the City of Chicago, arguing the finer points of community organisation with the Prophet Jeremiah and the Elders. And the Elders were astonished at what they heard and said among themselves: “Verily, who is this Child that he opens our hearts and minds to the audacity of hope?”

In the great Battles of Caucus and Primary he smote the conniving Hillary, wife of the deposed King Bill the Priapic and their barbarian hordes of Working Class Whites. [...]" "

Get the rest of the story at:


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Can you see with your minds' eyes (most people have two minds; one for each eye) hanging in the National Gallery, side by side, two huge Daliesque paintings: "The Assumption of JASD", and "The Assumption of DaB" with in which is depicted along with many nymphs and cherubs the filmy assumptions of the protagonists wraithing smokelike ever upward into the everlasting eternal hinterlands where there are many warehouses filled with such nothingnesses. Or perhaps the two would form an exciting dyptich, "The Taming of Infinity" !

snarky : co - in - ci - dent-al - ly : just today have I realized that this evil sounding word, (much breath forcing the nostrils) may be formed of the decapitation of two animals with a reformation accomplished by the sewing of the "snake" head onto the body of the "shark" and then addi ng a forked tail, "y". The inward parts are jammed together and shared.

sn(a)kesh(a)rk - y = sn(a)rk - y

Has everyone been aware of this all along and I'm just now figuring it out??? I'm getting paranoid!



O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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The Quayle sayings i posted are backed up by Snopes.com as being authentic.

I have no idea how authoritative snopes.com is. If it was a source such as Encyclopedia Britannica or such I would place more trust in it. The first goofy Dan Quayle quote started as an editing error by a newspaper. It went over so good that others started to get made-up. I really don't know who or how anyone could verify which he actually said and which he did not. Knowing the lies and abuse he had to deal with. I certainly wouldn't think that any truth-loving Christian would want to repeat those things about him.

We deserve to have leaders who can speak in such a manner as to represent America in a digified way.

Like Adolf Hitler? He was a real good speaker.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Obama has speech writers and they write good speeches. We have seen that he is able to deliver these speeches very well. However when he is "on his own feet" we see he doesn't so so well. He does drag his words a lot with the ah's and aa's and other such sounds that are less than impressive. McCain wanted to do 10 townhall meetings with him. One each week for ten weeks before the conventions and Obama turned him down.

I like Obama. I am concerned a bit about his lack of experience and think he might be in over his head if he gets elected. I think his choice of a vice-presidential candidate is important. I am not worried that Obama might get elected. If he gets elected and does a bad job we just elect someone else in four years. Congress will hold him in check. I may vote for him depending on how things play out.

McCain hasn't impressed me over the years. However I am impressed so far by how he is taking the high road in this campaign. His vise-presidential is very important because of McCain's age.

I think we have two good candidates. Both have advantages and disadvantages. It is little wonder the polls are tied at this point. This will be an interesting year.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Like Adolf Hitler? He was a real good speaker.

sorry! i don't share your admiration!! sorry. Actually I know u prob. don't approve of him. :)

Obama has his pauses. That is why I alway preferred to hear Hillary speak.

But when you read Obama, what he actually says, is more cogent and compelling than what comes from his competitors. It's to his credit that he doen't just blurt out any old nonsense, IMO.

McCain has seemed to me not on the high road at all - not like he was 3 months ago. He has become more and more snarky!

Why are we restricted to just 2 candidates?

Are there going to be any other names on the ballots?

If so why don't we hear anything about them?

-just a few dumb questions- /dAb


O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

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>>Can you see with your minds' eyes (most people have two minds; one for each eye)<<

Sheesh! Two!? You make me feel, like, so shortchanged. I’ve only a runty brain stem. sheesh.

>>...hanging in the National Gallery, side by side, two huge Daliesque paintings: "The Assumption of JASD",<<

Ahh, yes, no more diminutive jasd. JASD of the Assumption. If the mountain won’t come to jasd, JASD will go to the mountain.

>>...and "The Assumption of DaB" with in which is depicted along with many nymphs and cherubs<<

I’m glad the nymphs and cherubs aren’t in my Assumption; what with, all o’ that gimlet-eyed assumptions and stuff re little unclothed tykes :-o.

I see, with my runty brain stem, sundry hotties and Hooter-type babes in my Assumptive painting – with the only droopiness being – that blithy wilty clock.

>>...the filmy assumptions of the protagonists wraithing smokelike...<<

Umm, ...not ready tah be all wraithy and smokey-like, ...am still liking the decrepit and wasting flesh. [/gulp]

>>...ever upward into the everlasting eternal...<<

Ahh, upward..., the audacity of hope, yes?

>>...filled with such nothingnesses.<<

Bliss, nirvana..., oops, I forgot, nothingness, yes? not even, bliss, no?

>>Or perhaps the two would form an exciting dyptich, "The Taming of Infinity" !<<

Yikes! am feeling runtier, all over again.

(I appreciate your expansive and imaginative style) bwink

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