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McCain and Obama Tied In Latest Poll

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Two new national polls show the presidential race between Arizona Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama tied.

A Gallup poll conducted between July 29 and July 31 gives McCain and Obama each 44 percent.

A Rasmussen Reports poll conducted the same dates shows Obama with 47 percent ; McCain 46 percent.

The tightness of the presidential race differs from more generic polls which show Democrats with an advantage over Republicans heading into November.

McCain also faulted Obama Friday in a new advertisement for not mentioning any Latin American countries or cities in his much celebrated speech in Berlin.

Obama talked about international cooperation and unity on key issues in the Berlin speech and listed off a number of global hot spots and key countries ranging from Iran and the Sudan to Europe and China -- but not Latin America

Voters of Mexican and other Hispanic descent are key to the presidential election making up sizable voting blocs in battlegrounds such as Florida, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico.

Polls show Obama leading McCain among Hispanics worried about hard-line immigration stances taken by conservative Republicans. But the Arizona senator has supported a guest worker program and hopes to appeal to Latinos on social issues and gas prices.

Obama's overseas trip included stops in Paris, Berlin, London and the Middle East and was much celebrated by the media.

McCain earlier this summer traveled to Colombia and Mexico with less media fanfare. The Arizona senator backs the North American Free Trade Agreement and supports a proposed free trade accord with Colombia. Obama does not support free trade policies.

Another new McCain ad released Friday satirizes Obama's persona and his anointed status by his backers. The McCain campaign ad derides some of the support for Obama as amounting to him being anointed or divine, comparing that support and Obama's rhetoric to Jesus and Moses.

It also alludes the Illinois senator's perceived arrogance.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Obama still as McCain beat bad in the electoral college. McCain pretty much needs to win all the states Bush did and he has a long way to go yet.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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