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Where's Redwood?


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His last post was on Friday around noon. Did he go somewhere for the weekend? Is he alright? Does anyone know?

For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

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It's Monday, a day after the weekend in summer....

It's a good chance that he's on the road somewhere's vacationinig....or just not able to get to the 'puter...

Like me, he's probably not able to get to the computer this past weekend. I didn't have access to clubadventist.

Of course, if **I** was to make something up, I would say something to the effect that he is out tending to his poppys, his new illicit income...

....But **I** didn't say that.... biglaugh

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


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No posting for just the weekend? I was away for a week on vacation to Alaska and took a cruise from Anchorage to Vancover. Out of Computer range. No Cell phone except for ports. It was wonderful. I will post some great pics in the pic section over the next few days of the wonderful Glaciers and scenery we saw. So I would not worry about some member being out of reach for few days during the summer. Most of us take our vacation during that time and not everyone is in touch with a computer during that time.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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Still looking for word from Redwood.

Hope he's all right.

God bless you, Redwood.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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Still looking for word from Redwood.

Hope he's all right.

I'm probably gonna get into trouble saying this, and will look pretty foolish other wise, but...

the reason that Redwood is not responding here, jeannie is because of those poppy plants he's growing...turns out that they are the real thing and the cyber police were monitering Clubadventist for subversive activities. They raided Redwood's home and he's now raising money for bail.

Redwood, where ever you are, I am more than willing to send you money to get you home where you belong....I know that what you did was innocent.....We can convince the cyberpolice that it was all a mistake...Just let us know where you are at....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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The thing is if something happens to one of us, how would the rest know? I told my wife that if something happens to me to log in here and let the rest of you know.

I don't know Redwood's age, health or anything. He could have gotten in an accident and be in a hospital room somewhere. Or maybe he is on vacation...

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The thing is if something happens to one of us, how would the rest know? I told my wife that if something happens to me to log in here and let the rest of you know.

I don't know Redwood's age, health or anything. He could have gotten in an accident and be in a hospital room somewhere. Or maybe he is on vacation...

That is just it, on the one hand this is every bit a community, but then when *something* does happen and someone stops posting for a while then that feeling that we are so very far apart sinks in.

Even though I don't post every day, I come here every day--sometimes more than once a day. And once you get to know the pattern people tend to make, well when they stop abruptly then something's up.

For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

Please, support the JDRF and help find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. Please, support the March of Dimes.

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I believe Redwood got into a scuffle with a moderator and is on a short Sabbatical..

Well, that does sound like him. I hope it is a very short one, and he will be back soon.

For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

Please, support the JDRF and help find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. Please, support the March of Dimes.

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I believe Redwood got into a scuffle with a moderator and is on a short Sabbatical..

Not to contradict you, Stan, but I have heard that the man we all know as "Redwood" has been pursued by the internet cyber police and is wanted for growing resin containing poppys that can be made into hard drugs. [i know, I know...we all thought the 'internet cyber police' were a myth, but apparently they are out there, as part of homeland security.]

Last rumor heard, he was heading out of california and was trying to get out of the country. destination is unsure.... Not too many know. Relatives don't care. Fortunately, the church that he was attending doesn't know he is on the lamb...A cover story was made...something about a rushed vacation....and to middle eastern part of the US was where he was going...He had said that he wanted to meet with Obama..and discuss biness concerns and laud his policys as he understood these

th ings.

Of course, these are just rumors, but as most of us are aware, these rumors have some basis in fact...true or otherwise...I will keep the watch for the Redwood Rumor Reports and report to you, the ClubAdventist readers the lastest of these rancid rumors....

Reporting live from clubAdventist....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Originally Posted By: Stan Jensen
I believe Redwood got into a scuffle with a moderator and is on a short Sabbatical..

Well, that does sound like him. I hope it is a very short one, and he will be back soon.

Redwood...I know you can read this....so....

Tell you what...just do as I do....Instead of getting all hot and bothered (and I have done that a lot) just keep giving those "traditional SDA" law, law and more law. Make it hard on 'em...in fact make it impossible for them. In other words, do as God did...give 'em the old covenant and maybe they'll realize grace ain't so bad after all...


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The continuing saga of Redwood

As we left our protagonist, he was leaving his home to avoid the evil homeland security cyber police, who were coming after him for innocently growing poppy flowers from Afghanistan that were growing in his newly aquired home.

Said Redwood's wife, Blanch- We have to get rid of these poppy flowers. They will attract the manufacturer of drugys and that will ruin our reputations as good loyal republicans and seventh day adventists. Where are you going, Redwood?

[b]Redwood- I think I can go to San Franscisco and get rid of these evil flowers."

Blanch- Oh, I hope so. We don't need anyone around here poking around and asking for drugs. What will the church members say???

Redwood- Look, Blanch, we're gonna have to ...lie...If anyone asks, tell them I just went to talk to Obama about some business dealings.

Blanch - But Redwood, dear. I can't lie. I'm a pastor, a representative of the Adventist church. If I get caught lying, I'll never get another job.

Redwood-Looking sternly at Blanch- Blanch, I am going to see Obama about how he will deal with business. It's going to be a political question. Now you can tell everyone that is what I said.

Blanch- Oh, I can do that now. No problem.

How will Redwood sneak away from the cyber police? Well he be able to get away from those Tommy Lee Jones type police? What will be his reaction if he get's caught?

"I tell you, they were just growing in my yard!"

Join us next time when Blanch tells a church member-

"Oh, he said he was going to see that Obama man about some business concerning our poppy flowers.I think Redwood's gonna sell him some."

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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In our last saga, our fearful protagonist, Redwood was leaving home and heart and reportedly going to San Francisco. On the ruse of seeing Obama and asking political questions, Redwood has avoided the embarrassing questions that the evil virtual cyber police desire to ask.

In running away from said cyber police, Redwood is hitchhiking to San Francisco. On the way, he passes thru Marin County to stop at the Lucas Ranch.

Redwood to audiance- I always wanted to be in the movies, but figured I didn't have the good looks that I needed.

George Lucas [upon hearing Redwood talk to himself] well, we can alter some of those offending physical traits.

Redwood-Well, all I need now is a balding head. and a white gown

George Lucas- We can provide that in one of two ways. Either in CG,[aka Computer Graphics] or by make up artist.

Redwood-Well, let's do the makeup artist thingy.

As we leave our protagonist, we see him in a white gown, with a bald head, at the San Francisco International Airport handing out poppy flower to all willing to accept them...

Hippy male upon recieving a poppy flower - Coooool, dude.

Join us next time as we hear Blanch say-

Oh where oh where can my Redwood man be? Oh where oh where can he beeeeeeeeee?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Neil....what an imagination you have! :)

Be Kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another...

Monticello.gif Monticello Georgia


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Neil....what an imagination you have! :)

Oh, Denise.....We ain't done yet..... thinkingreyes

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I believe Redwood got into a scuffle with a moderator and is on a short Sabbatical..

Just how long IS a sabbatical, anyway?

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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I think there are just a few days left.. Redwood is loved by many...

Thank goodness....and yes, he is.

For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

Please, support the JDRF and help find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. Please, support the March of Dimes.

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[organ drama music]

As we come to our entrepid protagonist, we see him driving in his car, taking off his make-up to look like a bald moonie.

As he drives on I-405 toward his home, he glances in the mirror to see red/blue lights blinking...

Redwood- Oh veggie horse patties! What do they want NOW????

Officer- [coming up with mirror sunglasses] Sir, I noticed that you have a taillight out. I have to write you up for a broken tail light.

Redwood- Sure, Officer. I got that at the San Franscisco International Airport.

Officer- and how did that happen sir?

Redwood [quickly running thru several scenerios]- er, uh, I don't know officer.

Officer- Sir, I notice that you are dressed in a white gown. Are you affliated with the local Klu Klux Klan?

Redwood- Really?? Oh, didn't know that they were still alive and thriving.

Officer- What about the local moonies, sir? Are you affliated with the local moonies?

Redwood- Well, no...

Officer- Did you know that it was crimminally wrong to impersonate a moonie or a KKK member in full dress up gear?

Redwood- {sensing danger} Uh, nooo....

Officer- Sir, I am going to have to ask you to step out of your car. Yes,sir, that's right...please move to the back of your vehicle...where my camera is....

Redwood- Uh, what's this about, officer?

Officer- Uh, nothing sir. Just wanted everyone at home to see you, Mr. Redwood sir.

Redwood- "Everyone at home?" What are you talking about officer.

Officer- Your wife filed a missing persons report. And we are filming you and sending it to your home computer. Apparently some people from one of your church division...I think they are from some club, were worried about you. They also filed a missing person's report. We are now video taping you, in your "church clothes", to your friends and family that miss you to show that you are alive and well.

Redwood- oh,...

Olger {from PA system in the Officer's car] Nice get up Redwood. Where did you get the threads, man?

As we leave our protangonist, we hear him say-

Redwood- Why me????

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Originally Posted By: Stan Jensen
I think there are just a few days left.. Redwood is loved by many...

Thank goodness....and yes, he is.

Yeah...Redwood is only one here that's got my back (he says while pulling the daggers out).


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As we see our friendly protagonist getting the customary pat-down by the state patrol and experiencing a great big dose of humility, padamonium is breaking out over the Town Forum as news of Redwood's being lost and now found is spread about...

Jeannie: Hey, guys...let's throw an internet party for Redwood!

Olger: Oh, you mean like a virtual party???

Stan: That can be arranged. We can make a forum, like maybe a big hall, to hold the party...

Neil: You mean like a "Town Hall" Stan?

Stan: Yeah, that's it...

Amelia: We have one of those, Boss...

Stan: We do?

Amelia: yeah. It's called "Townhall"...

Stan: But we can create a forum within Townhall and call it "Redwood's return"...right? Only let's make it LIVE!

Jeannie: That sounds cool.

Bravus: Oyi..It sounds like this could be a multi-national event!

Amelia: Boss, we have one of those as well...

Stan: We do??? Where?

Amelia: It's called "The shout Box", Boss....

Stan: Oooh....But it will be Cuil, right?

Neil, Amelia, Jeannie: Right!!! That's it. Cool!

Shane: Hey, I want to be a part of this too....

As we leave the clubAdventist members to plot thier friend's party, we find that Redwood is getting the customary pat-down by the police dog....licking the make-up off Redwoods face...

Redwood: Oh, this is SSSOOOOO embarrassing.....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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