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Where's Redwood?


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Uh oh.... is the police dog going to sniff poppy residue??? Is the police dog going to alert that there are drugs in the area??? Is poppy residue one of those drugs that alerts police-type dogs??

For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

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Maybe it's puppy residue not poppies? teehe

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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Maybe it's puppy residue not poppies? teehe

biglaugh eeww...

For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

Please, support the JDRF and help find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. Please, support the March of Dimes.

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Originally Posted By: Amelia
Maybe it's puppy residue not poppies? teehe

biglaugh eeww...

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...................[Neil muses this over to see if there is anyway he can fit it into the next scenerio]

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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I really am enjoying this story, with the characters in there! I am just sitting behind the scenes enjoying this! :)

Be Kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another...

Monticello.gif Monticello Georgia


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Don't sit too comfortably.... Muhahhahahahahha!!!!!!!! [he says with an evil laugh...]

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Yes, he's OK, Truthseeker. He'll rejoin us in about about 10 days.

Pray for him as I am sure he's praying for you. Thank you!

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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(sigh) I miss him....... bigsigh

Neil, we need another installment to the story....

For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

Please, support the JDRF and help find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. Please, support the March of Dimes.

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[On Cue: "Curiousity Music from "Dragnet"]

This ...is the freeway- California Interstate 405

On Saturday, August 2, 2008, a clubAdventist member was pulled over for a broken tail light by a CHP k-9 unit. Upon investigation of the vehicle and it's occupant, the officer found a man, dressed in a moonie [or KKK] white gown with partial make up . The K-9 unit administer make-up removal [free of charge]. Subsequent investigation showed a couple of 'missing persons' reports filed by his wife and by the members of said clubAdventist and a report by the HomeLand Security as "a Person of interest".

My name is Sargent Friday. This is my partner, Wednesday.

[Major cue in music from "Dragnet", major theme- Dunt da daaa Dunt da da daaa..]

Friday: We were called in to investigate the charges of the 'impersonating a KKK or Moonie" when we interviewed The Perp.

Wednesday: Do you always dress this way, Mr. Redwood?

Redwood: Honest, guys..I just wanted to get rid of some flowers and uh, thought I could spread some uh, happiness. [last part said with a cringe in voice]

Friday: Why are you wanting to spread 'happiness', Mr. Redwood?

Redwood: Uh, uh,..um...there's a lot of UN-happiness in the world???

Wednesday : Seems a bit fishy to me.

Friday: Me too. What's the deal with your friends and family filing this "missing person's report" on you, Mr. Redwood?

Redwood: I'm a well liked and well loved individual, sirs. Um, Can I go now?

Friday and Wednesday together: NO!

Wednesday: You have to go thru Homeland Security interrogation maze.....Ha! You will be lucky to get out in 10 days at best!

[Cut to members of Club Adventist]: 10 DAYS!!!!!!!!!

Dennise: Why that's terrible! Redwood won't be able to play with any kittys...That's outright criminal behavior on our goverment's part.

Olger: Aaahh, it'll be ok....He'll survive...

John317: I don't know about that for sure. It might be that not being able to pet a kitty or an adult cat could be hazardous to one's health....especially for 10 full days!!!

That certainly ranks as torture, in MY HUMBLE opinion.

Shane: I don't see a conspiracy here...

Nan: I think that there is a study out in one of the medical journals that state that Cats, well kittens, are a comforting feature in daily life and that one need to pet one on a yearly basis.

Bravus: but if you rank it by medals per head of population, Australia is miles ahead! Uh, what a minute...I think this is the wrong thread. Oyi, Did I miss speak? My Bad....

Aldona: Well, I think I read that same article....

Olger: What about lizards? Or alligators...?

Nan and Aldona: No, no...lizards and/or alligators are not comforting...

Liz: [heavy sigh] 10 more days.....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Guest truthseeker007

Of course i ll pray for Redwood. I am so glad there are at least a few people i can share my faith with. Christ is everything to me, number one. I hate sin but i have learned something. An African cannot change his own skin colour. I cannot change my own fallen nature. For years i have listened to voices telling me i don t deserve it to be saved, i have sinned to much etc. Those voices are right, naturally i am a killer, rapist, liar, power-loving and selfish. But i am not ashamed for it anymore. It was never my choice to be born sinfully. So i ll admit, yes i am a rapist, murderer, money-loving selfish bastard. I hate that part inside of me, but i have found God. He will overshadow my sinfull nature in this life, he will help me with everything. Very, very soon i am going to get baptised. I know somebody who went through the same things like me, i want to do something for the Lord, but i cannot do this on my own. I want to rewrite human history from the days of Adam and Eve, till present and future. Using only the best scientific sources of Archeology, zoology, international political movements, factual info about secret societies etc. I want to lay bare the sins of Babylon as totally as possible. Please pray i will succeed. I cannot do this on my own, only God can work through me and achieve such a tremendous task. The glory is all for God. I want to go home. I am so sick of this life and this world. I want to sleep at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ, walk with him for ever and ever...



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I can relate to what you say, Truthseeker...there is just one problem.....and I dont want to tell you what it is.... reyes

The reason is that once I do tell you, you will be sorely offended...So, I will give you a hint as to the problem and let you take credit for finding it out.

The hint is in your own post. It is a word that is pretty much the subject of your post. It obscures the object of your post, which I am not sure if it is Redwood [who seems to vanish after the 3rd sentence] or Jesus [which you are pointedly saying that you want to do something for him. And I will emphazise most emphatically, unless you do something about the subjet of your post, you will NEVER achieve your goals....But, if you do find the problem, and deal with it, the rewards are truely out of this world, and even better than winning the Lottery for God.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Olger reminds Neil that we ain't got no CHiPs in Ohio. Then olger signs off.

So what do you eat with your SaLsA? bwink

Truth is important

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Ohio is such a lawless country anyways...it's no wonder the salsa is lonely....looking for a food item...

My question is why is lawlessness in Ohio have to do with Redwood being in California?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Guest truthseeker007

Neil please speak out. Is it about my addictions? Don t worry about hurting me, since i am already broken it won t effect me. All my life i have other people telling me i am a loser, got no friends, am stupid etc. Just tell me what it is, i won t get mad and i won t feel offended. You are suggesting i should change something? i know i have to change things but i cannot do this myself, only through the power of the holy spirit, i ll be able to overcome.

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I love the ignore feature.

Hey, Neil are we going to get any more story? You are such a good story teller; I keep checking back to see if what the next chapter is.

For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

Please, support the JDRF and help find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. Please, support the March of Dimes.

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Guest truthseeker007

"I love the ignore feature"

Wow we got a lot in common?did you know that?

I like that feature too. What else do you like?drinking a nice cup of tea in front of a campfire? You want me to come over bwink talking about smilies and ignore features? you are so so interesting to me, did you know that?

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Hey, Neil are we going to get any more story? You are such a good story teller; I keep checking back to see if what the next chapter is.

So, that's the reason why the ratio of posters to viewers is so high? You realise that you ARE causing this to be one of the most looked at threads with the fewest replies???

42 : 900

Ok, let's see what I can do in the creative writing department...First off, got to check the rumor mill....can't write a credible story without a good fact to exploit...

And Liz, [et al who are listening] a writer will always respond to his audience...so the more responses, the more a writer writes.........I think. At least, until he becomes unbearable in his writing.... reyes

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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As we return to our entrepid protangonist, we observe the following-

Redwood is stumbling out the door of a building marked "Homeland Security: Internet division" and down some steps onto the streets below....As he picks himself up, and dusts himself, he mutters....

"Stupid Cyber police....."

........and then sees several people of various rank and privilege starring at him....

"Well, what are you guys looking at??", he says...

Soon a rather pitiful individual in a torn overcoat and long ragged beard comes up to Redwood. "I told them, 'I am not a crook!' but it didn't do me any good either. They tossed me out on my ear and now look where I am...". Redwood looks at the man very carefully, and says, "You can't be alive. The country mourned your passing."

Oh, you think so.

Redwood: I know so.

Well, I am talking to you. and standing here before you...touch me and see...I am alive. And I am not a crook!

Redwood reaches out and touches the hem of the ragged coat.

Redwood: But...but...you're dead.

That is what they want you to think...but I am still alive....and I am still not a crook...

Redwood: Richard Nixon?!?!?!!?

Nixon: That's my name...don't wear it out...although, I dare say that it is now pretty much forgotten...

Redwood: And associated with various illegal activities..


Redwood: Yeah, yeah, you made that abundantly clear, both when you were alive and apparently now. How do you know about these guys?

Nixon: who do you think brought me to my current predictament? Oh, I was kept in prison for 6 years and then un-ceremoniously released, just as you were, into the street. When I tried to tell others who I was, they just laughed at me...I was 'dead'...And my family never really cared.

Redwood: Really? Well, if this is true, would you concider coming to my house? I think I can start a home for the political homeless...

Another man comes up with a southern Georgia accent: Would you concider letting us in too?

Redwood: Jimmy Carter???!!!!

Jimmy: I may not be as famous as this guy, but I am or was in politics....

Redwood: Uh, well, sure...we can start the "homeless politikcos ".

Others: And me? What about me? Can I come too?

Redwood: Ronnie? well, sure Gipper. Newt? and, holy Cow! It's Bill Clinton.

Bill: yeah, my wife finally tossed me out, and after an arguement one night. I was joking after she got a stain on her dress.

Redwood: Wow...all these famous politicals coming together to my house...to live out thier days....Wait a minute...You guys aint dead...

Ronnie: Well, they say that some of us aren't dead.

Redwood: Yeah, but but...but this is soo confusing...so confusing....so confusing [Redwood swoons and starts to come to]

Redwood:[weakly] This is so confusing....Huh, where am I? What happened?

Voice, faguely familiar says: don't worry Redwood, you won't feel a thing... Just go back to sleep.....

Who is this mysterious person? What connection do the dreams have with what is happening to Redwood...What does it all mean?

Join us next week as Stan, the Man, says,...................

well, forget what Stan, the Man says..Just join us next week.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Olger admits that he has a weakness for chips & salsa, then excuses himself to the kitchen...

He further notes that there is a distinction between cilantro and motorcycle cops.

"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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Ohio is such a lawless country anyways...it's no wonder the salsa is lonely....looking for a food item...

My question is why is lawlessness in Ohio have to do with Redwood being in California?

Did he go back there?

"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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ROFL Neil, I haven't been on here for a bit, and just read this today....I laughed so hard! That was so funny! :)

Dennise: Why that's terrible! Redwood won't be able to play with any kittys...That's outright criminal behavior on our goverment's part.

Olger: Aaahh, it'll be ok....He'll survive...

John317: I don't know about that for sure. It might be that not being able to pet a kitty or an adult cat could be hazardous to one's health....especially for 10 full days!!!

That certainly ranks as torture, in MY HUMBLE opinion.

Shane: I don't see a conspiracy here...

Nan: I think that there is a study out in one of the medical journals that state that Cats, well kittens, are a comforting feature in daily life and that one need to pet one on a yearly basis.

Bravus: but if you rank it by medals per head of population, Australia is miles ahead! Uh, what a minute...I think this is the wrong thread. Oyi, Did I miss speak? My Bad....

Aldona: Well, I think I read that same article....

Olger: What about lizards? Or alligators...?

Nan and Aldona: No, no...lizards and/or alligators are not comforting...

Liz: [heavy sigh] 10 more days.....

Be Kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another...

Monticello.gif Monticello Georgia


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ROFL Neil, I haven't been on here for a bit, and just read this today....I laughed so hard! That was so funny! :)

Muahahahahahahaha!....[bois Karloff voice mode- activated] I shall now go back into my writing lab-bo-ratory and see what else i can conger up.....Muahahahahahaaahha!

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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