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'Obama Believers', the theological aspects of the Obama campaign....

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'Obama Believers', the theological aspects of the Obama campaign....

Hillary has noticed it, the media has caught up into it, the young people are being overwhelmed by "Obama fever" or the Obama "phenomenon" , the last time I saw something like this it was the Beatles and the whole world was in a frenzy over them, and John Lennon was making comparisons. Well it seems to be a similiar occurance with the Illinois senator’s campaign, has he gone beyond the realm of a political campaign to almost a following of 'believers'....Here is what they are saying:

"....Obama's believers...

There’s a theological underpinning to what’s going on with the Illinois senator’s campaign.

Engaged, well-informed young Americans are being moved to act and follow in what feels like a religious awakening....

New York Times columnist David Brooks has likened them to Hare-Krishna people and to Moonies — "Soon they'll be selling flowers at airports and arranging mass weddings." Joe Klein of Time has dubbed their "mass messianism" to be "just a :<img src='http://clubadventist.com/forums/uploads/default_wee.gif' alt='wee'>: bit creepy." And William Lowther, Washington correspondent for the Telegraph (United Kingdom), reported something "unnervingly akin to the hysteria of a cult, or the fervour of a religious revival" at Obama events.

Picking up on the hysteria theme, syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker has dismissed their "New Age glossolalia" as spiritual hunger gone terribly wrong, seduced by Obama's rhetoric, which "drips with hints of resurrection, redemption, second comings." MSNBC's Chris Matthews, going Parker one better, was quoted in Australia's The Age as saying, "I've never seen anything like this. This is bigger than Kennedy. Obama comes along and he seems to have the answers. This is New Testament."

Actually, Parker and Matthews may, however unwittingly, be onto something here. It has to do with two concepts that are deeply embedded in the Protestant theology that derives from the New Testament. And these concepts go a long way toward accounting for what is going on at Obama rallies.

The first is kairos (in the biblical Greek), which refers to an "opening" in ordinary time, a historical moment when a collective sense of deeply meaningful change is in the air. The other is metanoia (another Greek term), which refers to a radical change of mind or consciousness.....


Obama calls on citizens around world to stand together

Obama speaks in Berlin, German Thursday.......

(CNN) — Sen. Barack Obama on Thursday challenged people to look to Berlin as an example of what can be accomplished when nations come together to tackle global challenges.

"This city, of all cities, knows the dream of freedom. And you know that the only reason we stand here tonight is because men and women from both of our nations came together to work, and struggle, and sacrifice for that better life," he said before a massive crowd at Berlin's Victory Column.

Watch: Obama says the world needs to unite as one


Here is a interesting tidbit....RRepublicans are attacking the "audacity" of recent comments Barack Obama reportedly made to Democratic congressional leaders Tuesday night in a closed-door meeting.

In comments first reported by the Washington Post and confirmed to CNN by a senior Democratic aide, while discussing his recent trip to Europe, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said, "This is the moment, as Nancy [Pelosi] noted, that the world has been waiting for.”

epublicans are attacking the "audacity" of recent comments Barack Obama reportedly made to Democratic congressional leaders Tuesday night in a closed-door meeting.

In comments first reported by the Washington Post and confirmed to CNN by a senior Democratic aide, while discussing his recent trip to Europe, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said, "This is the moment, as Nancy [Pelosi] noted, that the world has been waiting for.”


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It's true that this is the moment the world has been waiting for (I speak as a representative of the world outside America): we'll finally be rid of Bush, after 8 long years, but McCain looks enough like him that we'll be horrified if he's elected. Like it or not, the rest of the world will overwhelmingly feel safer and happier with Obama at the helm.

Truth is important

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As far as foreign policy is concerned I think there is little difference between Republicans and Democrats. There is a little difference but it is very little. Had Gore Jr. won he would have invaded Iraq perhaps quicker than Bush did. Bush has done a tremendous amount of good in Africa that Gore may not have done. Bush is an honorable man who has served well.

I think both Obama and McCain are honorable too. I don't think there is much more than a dime's worth of difference between the two regarding foreign policy. Neither will pull completely out of Iraq. Both will increase our force level in Afghanistan. Both will protect Israel. Both favor an international environmental treaty.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Bush's isolationism and contempt for the UN and all international collaborations was a massive break from Clinton and other leaders prior to that, including Bush senior. Obama is *much* more cosmopolitan, educated about the rest of the world and willing to engage with it. You would see dramatic changes on that front - maybe not so much on specific wars and so on, but just engagement with the world - were he elected.

McCain still hates gooks.

Truth is important

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Bush did engage the UN and went on to enforce its resolutions while Saddam was bribing its Security Council members.

Clinton refused to engage the UN when dealing with the war in Bosnia because he would not have received approval.

Bush insisted on multi-party talks with North Korea which, in the end, succeeded.

Clinton engaged in unilateral talks with North Korea which, in the end, failed.

I guess it depends which aspect one looks at it.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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I'm enjoying the consternation in some circles that Obama is so popular abroad.

To echo Bravus, this really is the moment the world has been waiting for. It has been waiting for a competent American President. The missteps of this president, IMHO, have been stunning. The world sees it and so does the American public. It cannot be denied that most Americans believe Bush is doing a terrible job.

People want to hear high and lofty aspirations. They want to be inspired and encouraged. One of the marks of effective leadership in the ability to inspire others with words. Obama has that gift.

Even Jesus used hyperbole!!

This is exciting.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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I totally agree, Laz.

My only fear is that the Repubs will pull some more of their infamous "Rove-ian" tricks (such as stuffing the ballot boxes, by way of bribing the computer company which runs the voting machines, etc.) and that we'll have a replay of 2004. Never in my life have I heard of our good old U.S.of A. being subjugated by such low-down criminals, as took place in the 2004 election.

I only pray that the will of the PEOPLE will prevail. We need to put our country back on the map, as a leader in the eyes of other governments. We need to show the world that we can vote our consciences -- without having those votes illegally "lost" or "not counted" for some shameful reason.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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[except... it's exciting not exiting....]

Sorry. I couldn't resist.

ahem......look again! thinking


Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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The present Prez and several others before him have been bending over backwards to kiss the Pope's hand and whatever else they can lay lips on, and yet along comes Obama and someone is talking about the theological underpinnings of his campaign. Amazing!

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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Indeed..........Just received a new newsletter from Bacchiochi


Samuele Bacchiocchi, Ph. D.,

Retired Professor of Theology and Church History,

Andrews University

Is President Bush considering converting to Catholicism? The answer of several American and European Newspapers is "YES." For example, on April 13, 2008, the Washington Post published an article by Daniel Burke, a national correspondent for Religion News Service entitled "A Catholic Wind in the White House, "

In his article Burke details the likelihood of Bush's possible conversion to Catholicism by quoting those close to the President. For example, "Rick Santorum, former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania and a devout Catholic, was the first to give Bush the 'Catholic president' label. He's certainly much more Catholic than Kennedy." Similarly, "John Di Iulio, Bush's first director of faith-based initiatives, has called the president a 'closet Catholic.' And he was only half-kidding."

The English newspaper The Telegraph reports that various Italian newspapers have been commenting on the possible conversion of President Bush to Catholicism after the end of his presidential terms (Catholic News Agency June 13, 2008).

Perhaps the most impressive example of President Bush sheer reverence for Pope Benedict XVI, is the affirmation he made on Friday, April 11, 2008, when he answered the last question posed him by Raymond Arroyo, anchor of the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN). Arroyo asked the President, "You said, famously, when you looked into Vladimir Putin's eyes you saw his soul." The President replied, "Yes." Arroyo followed with this final question: "When you look into Benedict XVI's eyes what do you see?" The President replied "God" (ZENIT.org News Agency, April 13, 2008).

This is a shocking affirmation that speaks volumes about Bush's misconception of God. For the President to see "God" in the eyes of Benedicts XVI, means to ignore the historical role that the papacy has played in promoting false worship and persecuting sincere Christians. The "god" represented by the Pope, is not the biblical God, but a Catholic-made god, who claims divine titles, like "God on Earth, Vicar of Christ, Holy Father," The Pope is a god fabricated by the Catholic Church to lead sincere people away from the true worship of God into the false worship of a church-made god. For a Methodist President to see "God" in the pope's eyes, means to have lost sight of the biblical commandment not to identify God with "anything that is in the heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath" (Ex 20:4). It means that he has been brainwashed by those Catholic theologians whom he has invited at his Texas residence and at the White House to teach him the fundamentals of the Catholic Faith.....


Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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Thanks for that post, Lazarus. It's fascinating. I do agree with Bacchiocchi's assessment of the President insofar as the latter's evident lack of understanding of the Bible and the history of the Church is concerned. I'm actually surprised about this because I thought Bush-- as a protestant and someone interested in history-- had a better grasp of those issues. I wonder what he would say if he were asked about these things in a personal, off-the-record conversation.

I really doubt that President Bush actually converts to Catholicism, although there certainly seems to be evidence that he's very pro-Catholic or pro-pope. In any case, if he does convert to it, it will likely be after the end of his term in office. But wouldn't that be interesting if he did convert before he leaves! The U.S. would then have its second Catholic president.

I do not know how true it is, but I have read that some Catholic leaders have said if you really want to understand Bush's domestic polices, all you have to do is study the Vatican's political goals and views. Be interesting to see if there is real truth to that.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Wow I can't believe that anyone in today's society would portray Obama as a monkey. I had heard of this t-shirt but I find it incomprehensible with the many races that make up North America that anyone would be so racist as to make this t-shirt. (And I am not trying to suggest that Olger is racist. I have no idea exactly why he posted it, but I am sure he doesn't hate African Americans.)

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The missteps of this president, IMHO, have been stunning. The world sees it and so does the American public. It cannot be denied that most Americans believe Bush is doing a terrible job.

Calling them "missteps" is entirely too generous.

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[except... it's exciting not exiting....]

Sorry. I couldn't resist.

ahem......look again! thinking



Thanks, Laz.

(I hurried and did the same thing, so I wouldn't look like a liar...!)

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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>>There’s a theological underpinning to what’s going on...<<

It's projected as such, isn't it?

Note: the coined Messi-uh, currently making the rounds...

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Re: Dubya and perceived “missteps”...

>>The missteps of this president, IMHO, have been stunning. The world sees it and so does the American public. It cannot be denied that most Americans believe Bush is doing a terrible job. It cannot be denied that most Americans believe Bush is doing a terrible job.<<

Do you really think our POTUS functions independently? Do you really think our Media is sincerely enamored and awed by ‘bama’s umm, ‘abilities’? [/kindly]

...just, sadly, goes to show the effectiveness of sound-bytes and perception management. The general American public is currently – staggeringly uninformed, injudicial, and past big-time barmy. In my

inestimable opinion bwink


Samuele Bacchiocchi, Ph. D.,

Retired Professor of Theology and Church History,

Andrews University

News Agency June 13, 2008).

jasd 12:12 ...gather unto thyself thine skirts and guard them; for is it not written, they will make merchandise of thee, even thee?

>>Arroyo followed with this final question: "When you look into Benedict XVI's eyes what do you see?" The President replied "God" (ZENIT.org News Agency, April 13, 2008).<<

Would that we perceive as well – the Body – Jesus Christ.

Col 1:27 ... which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

>>This is a shocking affirmation that speaks volumes about Bush's misconception of God.<<

Is Jesus Christ not Gd? Perhaps, the Pope (as well as ourselves) also has – “the hope of glory”.

>>For the President to see "God" in the eyes of Benedicts XVI, means to ignore the historical role that the papacy has played in promoting false worship and persecuting sincere Christians.<<

Did not the Pope, as proxy, apologize for the church’s excesses? The sort of bitter-clinger litany which translates as dogma and doctrine, that is, – the incapacity to ‘forgive’ (not that the RC .org has visited its “historical role” upon any of us)... renders its overall ‘teaching’ – suspect. :-o

>>The "god" represented by the Pope, is not the biblical God, but a Catholic-made god, who claims divine titles, like "God on Earth, Vicar of Christ, Holy Father," The Pope is a god fabricated by the Catholic Church to lead sincere people away from the true worship of God into the false worship of a church-made god.<<

Can one spell arrogance? ignorance? egregious? hows’bout misguided? blepotard? --Pogo

C’mon, calculating statements such as these redound unflatteringly.

>>...not to identify God with "anything that is in the heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath" (Ex 20:4).<<

It seems someone forgets the form and function of Jesus Christ.

>>It means that he has been brainwashed by those Catholic theologians whom he has invited at his Texas residence and at the White House to teach him the fundamentals of the Catholic Faith.<< [ed.jasd]

“Brainwashed”? Yikes! how does one spell pejorative? –Pogo

One then, certainly must – question our very own who ‘study’ such as Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Buddhists, etc, -- even Post-Modernists, yes?

(I perceive the recurring “we :<img src='http://clubadventist.com/forums/uploads/default_wee.gif' alt='wee'>: against Grendel and the night” syndrome)

Disclaimer: the next Pope may very well fulfill the indicia of the antichrist...

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>>Wow I can't believe that anyone in today's society would portray Obama as a monkey.<<

Why not? Dubya was portrayed as simianesque. He was called Hitler, idiot, etc...

I s’pose it’s the goose-gander thing.

Funny, I don’t recall any objections when either Dubya or the Office of the President was disparaged...

>>(And I am not trying to suggest that Olger is racist. I have no idea exactly why he posted it, but I am sure he doesn't hate African Americans.)<<

I doubt any of the list hates. Well, I actually dislike certain of our Political Parties. Other than that, I really doubt any others of the list – hates, per se – especially any of the races.

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Hate, like outrage is wayy overrated.

Seven year old boy..."Mommy, Obama looks like Curious George."

He certainly does.

That, supposedly is the origin of the t-shirts.

Hi Jasd.


"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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aw come on, surely this is the opening prayer.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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It cannot be denied that most Americans believe Bush is doing a terrible job.

What cannot be denied is that we have a President that governs by principles and not polls. Our President panders to no one. The liberals despise him because he got us into Iraq (even though it is highly likely that Gore Jr. would have done the same thing). The conservatives disapprove of him because he has done little to nothing to stop illegal immigration. So with both the liberals and conservatives unhappy with him it is surprising he has been able to maintain anything close to a 30% approval rating - which is significantly higher than the Democrat Congress' approval rating. So I guess we can say most Americans believe Congress is doing a terrible job too.

Bush's love for the pope I believe is tied into his belief that all roads lead to the same destination. Bush also holds religious leaders of other faiths in high esteem too. He strongly believes in salvation by grace alone. Reverend Billy Graham has had a profound influence on his spiritual life as have other evangelical leaders. It would be shocking if he were to convert to Catholicism.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Hate, like outrage is wayy overrated.

Seven year old boy..."Mommy, Obama looks like Curious George."

He certainly does.

That, supposedly is the origin of the t-shirts.

Hi Jasd.


I am sure you have friends of many races. This is not aimed at you. But I would venture to guess that Obama doesn't think that it isn't racists given the history that people have at times named called his race of people, something to do with monkeys which infers a lower intelligence etc. However, I also see him as capable of shrugging it off..as he has more important things to persue. Curious George is cute as a monkey but it doesn't become cute if someone is saying that a human looks like a monkey. (Yes I know evolutionists want us to believe we all came from monkeys but I find that derrogatory as well.) Of course racism can go any direction..it doesn't just have to be aimed at African Americans. I am not an African American but I personally find this t-shirt to be in bad taste.

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Obama is *much* more cosmopolitan, educated about the rest of the world and willing to engage with it. You would see dramatic changes on that front - maybe not so much on specific wars and so on, but just engagement with the world - were he elected.

I totally agree, Obama looks and acts like a real leader. AND he is better educated about the world around the US of A. Obama has already shown how he can engage with the rest of the world in his speech and appeal in Germany. I think the world would be a safer place with Obama in the White House.

Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening. -- Dorothy Sarnoff

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