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US Missles For Poland

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U.S. and Poland set missile deal

The United States and Poland reached a long-stalled deal on Thursday to place an American missile defense base on Polish territory, in the strongest reaction so far to Russia's military operation in Georgia...

But the deal reflected growing alarm in countries like Poland, once a conquered Soviet client state, about a newly rich and powerful Russia's intentions in its former cold war sphere of power. In fact, negotiations dragged on for 18 months — but were completed only as old memories and new fears surfaced in recent days.

Those fears were codified to some degree in what Polish and American officials characterized as unusual aspects of the final deal: that at least temporarily American soldiers would staff air defense sites in Poland oriented toward Russia, and that the United States would be obliged to defend Poland in case of an attack with greater speed than required under NATO, of which Poland is a member.

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Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Don't you see a good possibility of very severe problems in the near future that could lead to nuclear exchanges, what with the recent events transpiring in Iran, Georgia/Russia and Pakistan, etc.?

I lived through the whole "cold war" and now I actually prefer that period to the one we're entering. At least we knew who our "enemies" were and they were somewhat predictable and sane. Both sides were afraid to push the button. They didn't like the consequences. It used to be only two men with a chance to start something big: the US leader or the leader of the USSR. Now it seems we're in a period when we are having to face foes who may not be rational enough to care whether they might lead us into nuclear war. There are more fingers on the buttons and consequently more chances for things to spin out of control.

I wouldn't be surprised if this affects the way many people vote in the election. My guess is that it would work in McCain's favor because most Americans feel that McCain would be the best one in office during a military crisis.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Missile shield accord draws Russian fire

Moscow lashed out at Washington and Warsaw on Friday, saying the plan to site a US anti-missile defence shield in Poland would undermine the global balance of power and put Poland at risk of nuclear attack.

Washington and Warsaw reached a preliminary agreement on Thursday to build part of the missile defence shield in Poland, station US Patriot missiles there and bolster the two countries’ military co-operation...

Anatoly Nogovitsin, the deputy head of the Russian armed forces, warned Poland that by hosting the shield it could become the target of a nuclear attack in war time. “The US is concerned with its own anti-missile defence, not Poland’s. But Poland, by deploying [the shield], will be exposed to attack.”

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Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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In the meantime they're shipping the S-300 system to Iran, bombers to Venezuela, and have stated that they're seriously thinking about reintroducing missiles tah Cooba.

They've even let on that there may be substance to the 'stealth' buzz that the umbilical cord is being hooked-up to that 'rumoured' Doomsday weapon.

Okay, so what do they know that we don't - that would initiate their in-your-face attitude?


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