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Ron Paul: "Some Big Events Are About To Occur"-- Like What?!!

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See entire speech of Ron Paul before Congress: http://www.infowars.net/articles/july2008/170708Paul.htm

Texas Congressman Ron Paul has warned the House that he is "convinced the time is now upon us that some Big Events are about to occur." that will cause liberty to go "into deep hibernation".

Paul told the House:

"These fast-approaching events will not go unnoticed. They will affect all of us. They will not be limited to just some areas of our country. The world economy and political system will share in the chaos about to be unleashed."

"There are reasons to believe this coming crisis is different and bigger than the world has ever experienced. Instead of using globalism in a positive fashion, it's been used to globalize all of the mistakes of the politicians, bureaucrats and central bankers." Paul continued.

In one of Paul's most memorable speeches to date, the Congressman spoke of rampant authoritarianism having replaced the principles of liberty that the United States was founded upon and warned that current empire building financed through inflation and debt signals a most frightening period in history.

"Our arrogance and aggressiveness have been used to promote a world empire backed by the most powerful army of history. This type of globalist intervention creates problems for all citizens of the world and fails to contribute to the well-being of the world's populations. Just think how our personal liberties have been trashed here at home in the last decade," Paul urged fellow representatives.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Do you believe what the Bible and the Spirit of prophecy teach concerning the end-time events?

That is what I am thinking of that could occur in the not too distant future. The events the Bible describes could happen if the United States and the world experienced some great natural catastrophes or even desperate energy crisis.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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Yes, I do, and I agree with you. We've been in situations many times before where things looked bad, but I don't remember a time when so many areas were so precarious, and worldwide. I am curious, though, to know exactly what Ron Paul is referring to. He wasn't very specific.

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I appreciate RP's statement here, and he appears to accurately describe the misappropriations of power in Washington.

"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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I'm not exactly sure. I'm going to try to find out. He may be referring to things that he is privy to but which he doesn't feel at liberty to broadcast to the general public. I have read that the US Congress had one of their very rare closed door meetings a few weeks or so ago.

I got the following off the Net and am not sure how of much it is true, but if any of it is true, it is very interesting to say the least:

Via Hal Turner:

This was only the fourth time in 176 years that Congress has closed its doors to the public. What was it that they were discussing that they do NOT want us to know about?

Word has begun leaking from last nights special, closed-door session of the United States House of Representatives.

Not only did members discuss new surveillance provisions as was the publicly stated reason for the closed door session, they were also bluntly warned about:

the imminent collapse of the U.S. economy to occur by September 2008,

the imminent collapse of US federal government finances by February 2009,

the possibility of Civil War inside the USA as a result of the collapse,

advance round-ups of “insurgent U.S. citizens” likely to move against the government,

The detention of those rounded-up at “REX 84″ camps constructed throughout the USA,

the possibility of retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses,

the location of “safe facilities” for members of Congress and their families to reside during expected massive civil unrest

the necessary and unavoidable merger of the United States with Canada (for its natural resources) and with Mexico (for its cheap labor pool),

the issuance of a new currency - THE AMERO - for all three nations as the proposed solution to the coming economic armageddon.

Members of Congress were FORBIDDEN to reveal what was discussed and ABC News via WCPO web site at the link below CONFIRMS congress members were FORBIDDEN to talk about it!

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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More likely, the cumulative effect of many small, localized, disparate, and desperate conflicts - having the effect of

Civil War - though there are some what sez that there will be a relatively organized resistance movement centered about the New Mexico highlands northward through the Rockies - and led by disaffected and/or disillusioned members of our military - together with a bit of matériel they're planning to 'liberate'.

As I've previously noted: significant population movements accompany severe food shortages. Of course, the question obtaining re we Americans would be - to what extent will the govt circumvent such potentially dangerous movements? Therein, lies the maxim,

"Be the first out of town, get lost and stay lost".

(there is presently stored in our Natl Emergency Food Supplies - 15 pounds of edibles per person - with between 10-11 pounds of it cosisting of grains) That is a far, far cry from the Congressionally mandated 3-year emergency food supply per each individual American.

Wha' happened!? was it intentional govt policy to place its citizens in such a precarious position? I'd say..., that the facts argue the matter.

Remember Mutually Assured Destruction? It is still with us -- only having since - morphed into a thing much more potentially disasterous for you and me.

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Originally Posted By: John317

the possibility of Civil War inside the USA as a result of the collapse,

I can see a revolution happening, but a civil war?

Not a civil as in one side against another, but I could see roaming gangs, etc., if the economy and order collapsed. I would feel sorry for any Adventists living in the major population centers. I live near downtown but in a town of only about 24,000 and huge mountains are only about 20 minutes away.

Will be in Denver in 48 hours, where demonstrators are already gathering. Most are Marxist and anarchists. Looking to cause trouble. Their main call is for a redistribution of wealth, the same thing Obama talks about, but only Obama is doing it too slowly and orderly to satisfy this crowd. One of the major groups wants to get money out of the Denver mint and give it to the poor-- so they say. They also will be calling on the government to let out all criminals from the prisons and jails. The wife of the late Eldridge Cleaver is scheduled to speak, as well as Ward Churchill, the ex-prof from Colorado U. They expect up to 10,000 and they mean to cause lots of noise and disturbance at every opportunity.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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"We have seen the first shoe drop with Georgia. It is the first of many: Ukraine. Poland. The Baltic Republics. The list goes on.

[...] The game is afoot... The bodies of the dead Georgian soldiers are being stripped for their boots. We have Turkey, a NATO member, sucking up to the Russians. This Georgian war has legs. These legs are going to walk all over us in the coming months. Like Nancy Sinatra sang, "These boots are made for walking."


The Bear is back. Georgia is the first of several moves Russia will now make. [...]"

--Doug McIntosh

Some of the above is, actually, quite evocative. It almost reads as literatue...

(ya think, mebbe, something more than apparent is afoot - what with Mikheil Saakashvili being former [?] KGB?)

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Adventist churches, radio programs, tv networks, books, sermons, are filled with prophecy. So, why all the concern over a speech by Ron Paul?

I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.

Frederick Douglass

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there have been all kinds of adventist fall for the world is going to collapse end of next month.... it will be another great disappointment.. they have even been told to rent moving trucks so they can move to the country to avoid the rioting etc etc

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