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Cindy McCain's half-sister

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And i thought Cindy McCain nearly walked on water.....seems there is a lot of dysfunctionallity in her family....

"It's terribly painful," Kathleen Hensely Portalski said. "It is as if she is the 'real' daughter. I am also a real daughter."

Portalski and McCain are both children of the late Jim Hensley, the Arizona businessman who founded one of the largest beer distributorships in the nation. Kathleen, 65, is the product of Hensley's first marriage in the 1930s to Mary Jeanne Parks. Hensley divorced Parks for Marguerite (Smitty) Johnson, whom he met at a West Virginia hospital in World War II and married in 1945. Cindy was born nine years later.

The half-sisters had little contact growing up and have not spoken since Hensley's funeral in 2000. In his will, he left just $10,000 to his older daughter; Cindy inherited her father's multimillion-dollar fortune.

Portalski said she stood quietly by for decades while her father lavished attention on his second family. But the past few months -- with Cindy McCain's repeated references to being her father's only child -- finally became too much. "I was his family, too," she said from Phoenix.

Cindy McCain has another half-sister, Dixie Burd, by a previous relationship. Burd could not be reached for comment.

The McCain campaign has been tight-lipped about the expanded family tree: "Mrs. McCain was raised as the only child of Jim and Marguerite Hensley, and there was no familiar relationship with any other sibling," it said.

Portalski said that all she wants is for the McCains to apologize and acknowledge her family. (Since you asked: Yes, they're Democrats.) "He was my father, too. I don't know why even now he cannot be a part of my life."

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Now this is an example of low-gutter politics. Going negative and attacking the candidates' records or personal characters is fair game. Attacking the character of their wife's father is in the gutter. Let Obama run with this and see where it gets him.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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It seems to be "gutter politics" whenever it doesn't agree with you.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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Well, it isn't about "me". But just for the record. Let's not forget, I defended Obama staying in Reverend Wright's church for 20 years. I took the position, and still do, that we shouldn't judge Obama based on Reverend Wright. So let's not make "me" the topic and stay focused on the title of the thread.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Well, it isn't about "me". But just for the record. Let's not forget, I defended Obama staying in Reverend Wright's church for 20 years. I took the position, and still do, that we shouldn't judge Obama based on Reverend Wright. So let's not make "me" the topic and stay focused on the title of the thread.

Wait a minute..No, let's make this about you.

..You call this "low politics" and yet YOU bring out a thread on Obama brother and how poor he is to live in a third world country, having no skills and it would be easy to send him a $100/month to go to technical school....

This article is about Cindy McCain's sister, who says that Cindy is NOT the only child of her father, as Cindy claims. And that there is another a total of 3 siblings, of which 2 are from a previous marriage. And that the first marriage, those children didn't get much from the wealthy father [only $10k] where as Cindy not only inherited the business, but also $millions in cash as well.

....and you are complianing that MY article is "low politics"????? Isn't this the case where of the kettle calling the pot 'black'.....?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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We need to give Shane some slack here... He is just showing how Republican he really is. Don't you know that Republican's are allowed to do this sort of thing, but Democrats must play nicely.

Like I said before...


"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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Well, it isn't about "me"... So let's not make "me" the topic and stay focused on the title of the thread.

Shane, don't tempt me to do it again...

You are SO Republican...


"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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You are SO Republican...

Now there is no need for nasty posts, Tom.




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Graeme, is being Republican considered nasty??

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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We need to give Shane some slack here... He is just showing how Republican he really is. Don't you know that Republican's are allowed to do this sort of thing, but Democrats must play nicely.

Like I said before...


It's OK to be of either the Republican or Democratic party or to be Independent. It's also perfectly fine for people to be supporters of the Green Party candidate or of the Libertarian Candidate.

So, what's "wrong" with being Republican anyway? For you and others you know, is being a Republican anything more than being "wrong"?

I don't think people are bad or evil for being Democrats. I used to be one myself. But Republicans are not bad either. Both are good people, let's remember. We're in trouble as a country when it becomes customary for one side to assume that the other must be evil or bad, or somehow less good or intelligent than we are, just because they don't think the same on these issues. I noticed that happening more and more lately. It damages us as nation and as a people.

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

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YOU bring out a thread on Obama brother and how poor he is to live in a third world country

No. My concern is about Barry's relationship with his brother. My concern is not about what kind of person his brother is. His brother is not running for President. Barry is. Barry tells us how much he cares for us but, if the story is true, it seems he cares very little about his own flesh and blood. I think that is a legitimate issue to consider.

McCain's wife is not running for President and certainly her father isn't running for President. Bringing him into the campaign is low-gutter politics.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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You are SO Republican...


The topic of this thread is not Shane. People that do not have enough substance when talking about the issues will start attacking those they disagree with.

McCain's wife is not running for President. McCain's wife's dad is not running for President. How is this not low-gutter politics?

As to whether I am a Republican or not is off topic and really a form of character assassination. It is a simple means to dismiss my objection to these low-gutter politics. I defended Obama's membership to Reverend Wright's church for 20 years and I did not believe Obama's wife's comments should be held against Obama. The only people that want to make me the issue are the ones that don't want to talk about the subject of the thread.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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YOU bring out a thread on Obama brother and how poor he is to live in a third world country

No. My concern is about Barry's relationship with his brother. My concern is not about what kind of person his brother is. His brother is not running for President. Barry is. Barry tells us how much he cares for us but, if the story is true, it seems he cares very little about his own flesh and blood. I think that is a legitimate issue to consider.

McCain's wife is not running for President and certainly her father isn't running for President. Bringing him into the campaign is low-gutter politics.

Well, my concern is that Cindy McCain has 2 half sister's who are not acknowledge to be a part of her father's family. And yet, SHE insists that she grew up as only ONE child of her father. Is this a McCain family trait? Are we to believe anything that the spouse/children of the canidate say when one thing about thier family and the press brings out the contrary skeletons?

When you bring out Obama's brother and the poor relationship that is there, you immediately put Obama in a bad light...yet you think nothing of it. This is nothing less than Rovian tactics to side line Obama. What's got into you? Why do you want to stoop to such low tactics?

Shane, once you posted that, YOU MADE THIS ABOUT YOU. So don't start whining that this is not about you when YOU STARTED THIS AND YOU GOT CAUGHT AT IT. Repentancee is good for the soul, Shane. I suggest you start saying your appologies now, or you will hear worse.....

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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my concern is that Cindy McCain has 2 half sister's who are not acknowledge to be a part of her father's family.

First, Cindy McCain is not running for President. Obama himself has told us not to go after his wife. So why should we go after McCain's wife?

Second, we don't know what Cindy McCain's father told Cindy McCain. We don't know what went on there. My wife's father had a first marriage. His wife divorced him and immigrated to New York (from El Salvador) and took his four daughters with him. When that happened, my father-in-law considered them nonexistent. When my son was born he told my wife that our son was his first and only grandchild - even though all four of his daughters in New York had already had children and remained in contact with him! Some people are goofy that way. I don't know the complexities of Cindy McCain's family and I don't care. Bill Clinton's family wasn't the model of functionality and he did a good job as President and Cindy isn't even running for President.

When you bring out Obama's brother and the poor relationship that is there, you immediately put Obama in a bad light.

From the time I posted about the story I expressed doubts about it being true. I also offered a possible explanation for Barak's conduct. If Barack doesn't help out his brother because his brother is a drug addict or alcoholic that is to Barack's credit. That would tell me a lot about the good judgment of Barack. So the story doesn't "immediately put Obama in a bad light" unless we make certain assumptions. There is a very real possibility that Obama is cold-hearted toward his brother and if that is true, it is a real concern.

I have 11 brothers and sisters. Well, 10 because one has died. Five are from my dad's first marriage and I didn't meet them until I was 19. Since that time I send them Christmas cards and we have gotten together for picnics. Of course we all attended my father's funeral. So I an in the same position as Obama. I have half brothers and sisters that I hardly knew growing up. Once I became an adult I changed that. I know them now.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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[quote name='Shane

First' date=' Cindy McCain is not running for President. Obama himself has told us not to go after his wife. So why should we go after McCain's wife?


Stop! Stop right there, Shane. It's aint about them...It's about YOU. You started this by bring up Obama's brother. You freaked when McCain's wife got bad publicity. It's about YOU. If you want this to stop, I will repeat some sage advice....Repentance is a good thing.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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This thread is about "Cindy McCain's half-sister" not about Shane. For those that would like to discuss Shane they are invited to participate in "It's Really True" that is a thread about Shane.

Obama set the ground rules. Obama said his wife is off limits. So does that mean McCain's wife is off limits?

Obama's relationship with his brother is another topic being dealt with in another thread. For those who would like to discuss Obama's relationship with his brother they are invited to go to that thread "Obama's 'Lost' Brother"

Shane did not start this thread. This thread was started by another member of this forum with the user name "Neil D". However Shane is more than willing to enter into the healthy exchange of ideas with anyone regarding the topic of this thread.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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This thread is about "Cindy McCain's half-sister" not about Shane. For those that would like to discuss Shane they are invited to participate in "It's Really True" that is a thread about Shane.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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ON DEADLINE: What's wrong with Michelle Obama? By DARLENE SUPERVILLE, Associated Press Writer

Thu Aug 21, 1:41 PM ET

WASHINGTON - What is wrong with Michelle Obama?


Not a thing.

Too often, the media depict black women like me as gyrating hoochie mamas, someone's baby mama or dirty crack addicts.

Michelle Obama strikes a pose not seen enough: an accomplished, confident, proud black woman. (And get a load of those arms!)

That seems to scare some people.

OK, she slipped by suggesting she'd never really been proud of her country until her husband's candidacy took off. But the reaction went way over the top. Republicans tried to smack her down. Her husband's campaign aides wanted to perform the equivalent of a personality transplant.

It is said that people are most afraid of what they are least familiar with. And most people don't really know Michelle Obama. Like most politicians — and politicians' spouses — we know only what we read about her or see on TV.

But to be frightened by her, by the idea of her as first lady? That's just downright silly.


She was a darling of the media and campaign crowds when her husband, who calls her "my rock," started running for president. Barack Obama's advisers viewed her as his "secret weapon." In Iowa, aides started calling her "The Closer" because of her ability to win people over. After one speech in Muscatine, half of the mostly undecided crowd signed supporter cards on the way out.

But stumbles were inevitable.

In February, critics pounced when she said, "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country." They suggested she was an angry, unpatriotic woman, ungrateful to the country that helped her out of the poverty of the South Side of Chicago.

She later said she had been trying to say how proud she was that so many people were engaging in the political process as a result of her husband's candidacy, and that she had always been proud of her country.

But what if, deep down inside somewhere, Michelle Obama really is angry.

What's wrong with a little anger?

Black women have a lot of reasons to feel that way, and she, especially, for some of the things that have been said about her and her husband.

Maybe this Princeton and Harvard-educated lawyer is angry about Fox News Channel calling her in an on-screen graphic, "Obama's baby mama."

She could be spitting mad about the rumor that there was a video of her railing against "whitey" from the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. No video has surfaced; the campaign says that's because she never spoke there.

At one point, Obama told her critics to "lay off my wife."

But his campaign has hired Michelle Obama a new chief of staff whose responsibilities include helping to reintroduce this wife and mother of two in ways that advisers think will be less threatening to the masses.

Who's to say she isn't rightfully outraged about that, too?

"People aren't used to strong women," Michelle Obama said when her image came up as she played guest co-host on "The View," the ABC daytime talk show. That appearance was part of the image makeover, too.

America likes a certain type of first lady — the adoring, smiling, know-your-place-and-stay-in-it kind who stands beside her man, doesn't upstage him and won't dare show bare arms in public. Career political wives, not career women.

Race aside, what's happening with Michelle Obama may not be all that different from the way Hillary Rodham Clinton was treated when her husband ran for president in 1992. At the time a Yale-educated partner in a top Arkansas law firm, she was not a career political wife and became an instant target.

When one of Bill Clinton's campaign rivals accused the Arkansas governor of funneling money to his wife's firm, she pushed back, saying: "I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas." That crack didn't sit well with millions of mothers and political wives across the country who did just that. Hillary Clinton apologized, then was made to show a softer side.

Is that what Obama's campaign has in store for Michelle, too?

Don't get me wrong; I like soft. Who doesn't? It helps make us women, but it's just one facet of who we are. And Michelle Obama has shown plenty of "soft" already; go watch the family's much-talked about interview with "Access Hollywood," or read her recent interview with Ebony magazine.

But let's cut through the spin and pose this question: In the grand scheme of things, what does Michelle Obama REALLY have to be angry about?

From where I sit, not much.

Which is why attempts to paint her as an angry, fire-breathing sister are so laughable.

By all accounts, she has a great husband — who has made history and could make more if he is elected on Nov. 4 — two charming daughters, a power career as a hospital administrator, a million-dollar home in Chicago's Hyde Park and ... those biceps to die for.

She embodies the hopes and dreams of millions of black women, like me, who quietly have longed for the day when we'd see one of our own where Michelle Obama is now — this close (fingers pinched!) to measuring the White House for draperies and picking out a new china pattern.

She's also a role model for little girls everywhere (and some big ones, too), especially those of color, who have been beaten down by poverty, broken homes, failing schools, low self-esteem and every other obstacle life can put in their way.

"There's not a parent on planet Earth who wouldn't want a daughter like this," said Edythe Friley, 61, a retired teacher from Detroit who participated in a recent Associated Press-Yahoo News survey about attitudes toward the potential first ladies.

Think of those girls and how it could help them to see someone like Michelle Obama — strong, self-assured, devoted to family, triumphant over some of those same issues in her own life and possibly headed to the White House — and think to themselves, "Yes, I can."


Darlene Superville, who is black, has been an editor on The Associated Press' national politics desk for the presidential campaigns of 2000, 2004 and 2008.

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


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I have not highjacked this thread. Quite to the contrary. I have tried to keep it on topic. The title is "Cindy McCain's half-sister." I think we do need to clarify this story did not come from the Obama campaign itself. Although I am not aware that he has condemned it. The story is a low-gutter story attacking McCain's wife and her father. It is not about the issues or about McCain's character. It is just a distraction. This story will not result in any hungry children being fed or making the world a safer place.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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And you HAVE to comment on EVERY political piece, Shane....IT's about YOU....What YOU think. What YOU want to happen. YOU have to have the last word.

You didn't have enough common sense to let the article slide. YOU had to comment on it.

I have said this before, I will say it agian. It's NOT about the article, nor the people of the article. It's about the poster who posts. In your case, it's the kettle calling the pot black. YOU posted a not too flattering post about Obama's family, and now, by your own standards, you lamblast another "low gutter" story regarding McCain's family. YOU were the person who reacted. It's about YOU, Shane....Your pants are down, and you are embarrassed.

You have been caught, Shane, whether you like it or not.

I am done...

You can have the last word, since that is what you like to do...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Here, speak into the microphone, tell us what you really think! LOL

Humph! MICROphone??? never! I want a MEGAPHONE!

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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