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Obama & Biden

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Well, we have a team of two senators just like we did with Kerry and Edwards. Of all the Democratic candidates to begin with, Joe Biden was my favorite. I have liked him since 1988 when he ran for President and had to drop out because of plagiarism, which I thought they made too big of a deal over. At age 65, if Obama is elected to two terms, Biden will be 73 years old and not likely to seek the top office himself. So Obama isn't trying to choose his successor.

Like me, Biden supported the Iraq War to begin with but became a critic of how it was executed.

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Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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>>...and had to drop out because of plagiarism, which I thought they made too big of a deal over.<<

Plagiarism, eh? well, you might think so..., ain that kinda like bootlegging? y’know, the kinda stuff our allies engage in – at the expense of our intellectual property rights – but it’s OK for our foment Senators, yes?

>>Like me, Biden supported the Iraq War to begin with but became a critic of how it was executed.<<

Armchair wonking and Monday-morning quarterbacking...? Yeah, one wonders why

we felt it necessary to bust our behinds getting to Baghdad (not good logistical warfare) – and why we left the Museum – ‘unprotected’...

What did our upper echelon know that we hoi polloi wonks and big-screen quarterbacks – didn’t and don’t? Some, what sez – an astounding archaeological find had been deposited in the bowels of the Baghdad museum... remnants and possible info re a ‘Stargate’. Rumour aside,

THAT would have been reason enough to have invaded a whole bunch of countries and hung in there – tah acquire bwink

Biden? yeah, mebbe he can deliver PA* – but, Clinton could have delivered more; that is, the disaffected women’s vote. One wonders about the emotional and judgemental imperatives of the Dem candidate.

However, what ‘bama bought is an ‘attack chimera’. So, what happened to ‘bama’s ‘new voice’ in politics? y’know, short-change, small-change, your-change – oh, mebbe, that should read ‘your-folding money’... Oh well, we all know that

lemons ripen in a hurry :-o

edit: *read DE, instead - senior moment...

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